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  27. <th>Salary</th>
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  32. <th>bob</th>
  33. <th>123</th>
  34. <th>123</th>
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  36. <th>123</th>
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  40. <th>JIM</th>
  41. <th>123</th>
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  56. <th>qiao</th>
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  61. <th>123</th>
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  68. <th>Office</th>
  69. <th>Extn.</th>
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  71. <th>Salary</th>
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  1. {
  2. "data": [
  3. [
  4. "Tiger Nixon",
  5. "System Architect",
  6. "Edinburgh",
  7. "5421",
  8. "2011\/04\/25",
  9. "$320,800"
  10. ],
  11. [
  12. "Garrett Winters",
  13. "Accountant",
  14. "Tokyo",
  15. "8422",
  16. "2011\/07\/25",
  17. "$170,750"
  18. ],
  19. [
  20. "Ashton Cox",
  21. "Junior Technical Author",
  22. "San Francisco",
  23. "1562",
  24. "2009\/01\/12",
  25. "$86,000"
  26. ],
  27. [
  28. "Cedric Kelly",
  29. "Senior Javascript Developer",
  30. "Edinburgh",
  31. "6224",
  32. "2012\/03\/29",
  33. "$433,060"
  34. ],
  35. [
  36. "Airi Satou",
  37. "Accountant",
  38. "Tokyo",
  39. "5407",
  40. "2008\/11\/28",
  41. "$162,700"
  42. ],
  43. [
  44. "Brielle Williamson",
  45. "Integration Specialist",
  46. "New York",
  47. "4804",
  48. "2012\/12\/02",
  49. "$372,000"
  50. ],
  51. [
  52. "Herrod Chandler",
  53. "Sales Assistant",
  54. "San Francisco",
  55. "9608",
  56. "2012\/08\/06",
  57. "$137,500"
  58. ],
  59. [
  60. "Rhona Davidson",
  61. "Integration Specialist",
  62. "Tokyo",
  63. "6200",
  64. "2010\/10\/14",
  65. "$327,900"
  66. ],
  67. [
  68. "Colleen Hurst",
  69. "Javascript Developer",
  70. "San Francisco",
  71. "2360",
  72. "2009\/09\/15",
  73. "$205,500"
  74. ],
  75. [
  76. "Sonya Frost",
  77. "Software Engineer",
  78. "Edinburgh",
  79. "1667",
  80. "2008\/12\/13",
  81. "$103,600"
  82. ],
  83. [
  84. "Jena Gaines",
  85. "Office Manager",
  86. "London",
  87. "3814",
  88. "2008\/12\/19",
  89. "$90,560"
  90. ],
  91. [
  92. "Quinn Flynn",
  93. "Support Lead",
  94. "Edinburgh",
  95. "9497",
  96. "2013\/03\/03",
  97. "$342,000"
  98. ],
  99. [
  100. "Charde Marshall",
  101. "Regional Director",
  102. "San Francisco",
  103. "6741",
  104. "2008\/10\/16",
  105. "$470,600"
  106. ],
  107. [
  108. "Haley Kennedy",
  109. "Senior Marketing Designer",
  110. "London",
  111. "3597",
  112. "2012\/12\/18",
  113. "$313,500"
  114. ],
  115. [
  116. "Tatyana Fitzpatrick",
  117. "Regional Director",
  118. "London",
  119. "1965",
  120. "2010\/03\/17",
  121. "$385,750"
  122. ],
  123. [
  124. "Michael Silva",
  125. "Marketing Designer",
  126. "London",
  127. "1581",
  128. "2012\/11\/27",
  129. "$198,500"
  130. ],
  131. [
  132. "Paul Byrd",
  133. "Chief Financial Officer (CFO)",
  134. "New York",
  135. "3059",
  136. "2010\/06\/09",
  137. "$725,000"
  138. ],
  139. [
  140. "Gloria Little",
  141. "Systems Administrator",
  142. "New York",
  143. "1721",
  144. "2009\/04\/10",
  145. "$237,500"
  146. ],
  147. [
  148. "Bradley Greer",
  149. "Software Engineer",
  150. "London",
  151. "2558",
  152. "2012\/10\/13",
  153. "$132,000"
  154. ],
  155. [
  156. "Dai Rios",
  157. "Personnel Lead",
  158. "Edinburgh",
  159. "2290",
  160. "2012\/09\/26",
  161. "$217,500"
  162. ],
  163. [
  164. "Jenette Caldwell",
  165. "Development Lead",
  166. "New York",
  167. "1937",
  168. "2011\/09\/03",
  169. "$345,000"
  170. ],
  171. [
  172. "Yuri Berry",
  173. "Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)",
  174. "New York",
  175. "6154",
  176. "2009\/06\/25",
  177. "$675,000"
  178. ],
  179. [
  180. "Caesar Vance",
  181. "Pre-Sales Support",
  182. "New York",
  183. "8330",
  184. "2011\/12\/12",
  185. "$106,450"
  186. ],
  187. [
  188. "Doris Wilder",
  189. "Sales Assistant",
  190. "Sidney",
  191. "3023",
  192. "2010\/09\/20",
  193. "$85,600"
  194. ],
  195. [
  196. "Angelica Ramos",
  197. "Chief Executive Officer (CEO)",
  198. "London",
  199. "5797",
  200. "2009\/10\/09",
  201. "$1,200,000"
  202. ],
  203. [
  204. "Gavin Joyce",
  205. "Developer",
  206. "Edinburgh",
  207. "8822",
  208. "2010\/12\/22",
  209. "$92,575"
  210. ],
  211. [
  212. "Jennifer Chang",
  213. "Regional Director",
  214. "Singapore",
  215. "9239",
  216. "2010\/11\/14",
  217. "$357,650"
  218. ],
  219. [
  220. "Brenden Wagner",
  221. "Software Engineer",
  222. "San Francisco",
  223. "1314",
  224. "2011\/06\/07",
  225. "$206,850"
  226. ],
  227. [
  228. "Fiona Green",
  229. "Chief Operating Officer (COO)",
  230. "San Francisco",
  231. "2947",
  232. "2010\/03\/11",
  233. "$850,000"
  234. ],
  235. [
  236. "Shou Itou",
  237. "Regional Marketing",
  238. "Tokyo",
  239. "8899",
  240. "2011\/08\/14",
  241. "$163,000"
  242. ],
  243. [
  244. "Michelle House",
  245. "Integration Specialist",
  246. "Sidney",
  247. "2769",
  248. "2011\/06\/02",
  249. "$95,400"
  250. ],
  251. [
  252. "Suki Burks",
  253. "Developer",
  254. "London",
  255. "6832",
  256. "2009\/10\/22",
  257. "$114,500"
  258. ],
  259. [
  260. "Prescott Bartlett",
  261. "Technical Author",
  262. "London",
  263. "3606",
  264. "2011\/05\/07",
  265. "$145,000"
  266. ],
  267. [
  268. "Gavin Cortez",
  269. "Team Leader",
  270. "San Francisco",
  271. "2860",
  272. "2008\/10\/26",
  273. "$235,500"
  274. ],
  275. [
  276. "Martena Mccray",
  277. "Post-Sales support",
  278. "Edinburgh",
  279. "8240",
  280. "2011\/03\/09",
  281. "$324,050"
  282. ],
  283. [
  284. "Unity Butler",
  285. "Marketing Designer",
  286. "San Francisco",
  287. "5384",
  288. "2009\/12\/09",
  289. "$85,675"
  290. ],
  291. [
  292. "Howard Hatfield",
  293. "Office Manager",
  294. "San Francisco",
  295. "7031",
  296. "2008\/12\/16",
  297. "$164,500"
  298. ],
  299. [
  300. "Hope Fuentes",
  301. "Secretary",
  302. "San Francisco",
  303. "6318",
  304. "2010\/02\/12",
  305. "$109,850"
  306. ],
  307. [
  308. "Vivian Harrell",
  309. "Financial Controller",
  310. "San Francisco",
  311. "9422",
  312. "2009\/02\/14",
  313. "$452,500"
  314. ],
  315. [
  316. "Timothy Mooney",
  317. "Office Manager",
  318. "London",
  319. "7580",
  320. "2008\/12\/11",
  321. "$136,200"
  322. ],
  323. [
  324. "Jackson Bradshaw",
  325. "Director",
  326. "New York",
  327. "1042",
  328. "2008\/09\/26",
  329. "$645,750"
  330. ],
  331. [
  332. "Olivia Liang",
  333. "Support Engineer",
  334. "Singapore",
  335. "2120",
  336. "2011\/02\/03",
  337. "$234,500"
  338. ],
  339. [
  340. "Bruno Nash",
  341. "Software Engineer",
  342. "London",
  343. "6222",
  344. "2011\/05\/03",
  345. "$163,500"
  346. ],
  347. [
  348. "Sakura Yamamoto",
  349. "Support Engineer",
  350. "Tokyo",
  351. "9383",
  352. "2009\/08\/19",
  353. "$139,575"
  354. ],
  355. [
  356. "Thor Walton",
  357. "Developer",
  358. "New York",
  359. "8327",
  360. "2013\/08\/11",
  361. "$98,540"
  362. ],
  363. [
  364. "Finn Camacho",
  365. "Support Engineer",
  366. "San Francisco",
  367. "2927",
  368. "2009\/07\/07",
  369. "$87,500"
  370. ],
  371. [
  372. "Serge Baldwin",
  373. "Data Coordinator",
  374. "Singapore",
  375. "8352",
  376. "2012\/04\/09",
  377. "$138,575"
  378. ],
  379. [
  380. "Zenaida Frank",
  381. "Software Engineer",
  382. "New York",
  383. "7439",
  384. "2010\/01\/04",
  385. "$125,250"
  386. ],
  387. [
  388. "Zorita Serrano",
  389. "Software Engineer",
  390. "San Francisco",
  391. "4389",
  392. "2012\/06\/01",
  393. "$115,000"
  394. ],
  395. [
  396. "Jennifer Acosta",
  397. "Junior Javascript Developer",
  398. "Edinburgh",
  399. "3431",
  400. "2013\/02\/01",
  401. "$75,650"
  402. ],
  403. [
  404. "Cara Stevens",
  405. "Sales Assistant",
  406. "New York",
  407. "3990",
  408. "2011\/12\/06",
  409. "$145,600"
  410. ],
  411. [
  412. "Hermione Butler",
  413. "Regional Director",
  414. "London",
  415. "1016",
  416. "2011\/03\/21",
  417. "$356,250"
  418. ],
  419. [
  420. "Lael Greer",
  421. "Systems Administrator",
  422. "London",
  423. "6733",
  424. "2009\/02\/27",
  425. "$103,500"
  426. ],
  427. [
  428. "Jonas Alexander",
  429. "Developer",
  430. "San Francisco",
  431. "8196",
  432. "2010\/07\/14",
  433. "$86,500"
  434. ],
  435. [
  436. "Shad Decker",
  437. "Regional Director",
  438. "Edinburgh",
  439. "6373",
  440. "2008\/11\/13",
  441. "$183,000"
  442. ],
  443. [
  444. "Michael Bruce",
  445. "Javascript Developer",
  446. "Singapore",
  447. "5384",
  448. "2011\/06\/27",
  449. "$183,000"
  450. ],
  451. [
  452. "Donna Snider",
  453. "Customer Support",
  454. "New York",
  455. "4226",
  456. "2011\/01\/25",
  457. "$112,000"
  458. ]
  459. ]
  460. }


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  26. <th>Office</th>
  27. <th>Extn.</th>
  28. <th>Start date</th>
  29. <th>Salary</th>
  30. </tr>
  31. </thead>
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  34. <th>Name</th>
  35. <th>Position</th>
  36. <th>Office</th>
  37. <th>Extn.</th>
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  39. <th>Salary</th>
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通过使用 columns.dataDT 选项用于告诉Datatables找到每一列的数据源对象中对应的属性。

  1. {
  2. "data": [
  3. {
  4. "name": "Tiger Nixon",
  5. "position": "System Architect",
  6. "salary": "$320,800",
  7. "start_date": "2011\/04\/25",
  8. "office": "Edinburgh",
  9. "extn": "5421"
  10. },
  11. {
  12. "name": "Garrett Winters",
  13. "position": "Accountant",
  14. "salary": "$170,750",
  15. "start_date": "2011\/07\/25",
  16. "office": "Tokyo",
  17. "extn": "8422"
  18. },
  19. {
  20. "name": "Ashton Cox",
  21. "position": "Junior Technical Author",
  22. "salary": "$86,000",
  23. "start_date": "2009\/01\/12",
  24. "office": "San Francisco",
  25. "extn": "1562"
  26. },
  27. {
  28. "name": "Cedric Kelly",
  29. "position": "Senior Javascript Developer",
  30. "salary": "$433,060",
  31. "start_date": "2012\/03\/29",
  32. "office": "Edinburgh",
  33. "extn": "6224"
  34. },
  35. {
  36. "name": "Airi Satou",
  37. "position": "Accountant",
  38. "salary": "$162,700",
  39. "start_date": "2008\/11\/28",
  40. "office": "Tokyo",
  41. "extn": "5407"
  42. },
  43. {
  44. "name": "Brielle Williamson",
  45. "position": "Integration Specialist",
  46. "salary": "$372,000",
  47. "start_date": "2012\/12\/02",
  48. "office": "New York",
  49. "extn": "4804"
  50. },
  51. {
  52. "name": "Herrod Chandler",
  53. "position": "Sales Assistant",
  54. "salary": "$137,500",
  55. "start_date": "2012\/08\/06",
  56. "office": "San Francisco",
  57. "extn": "9608"
  58. },
  59. {
  60. "name": "Rhona Davidson",
  61. "position": "Integration Specialist",
  62. "salary": "$327,900",
  63. "start_date": "2010\/10\/14",
  64. "office": "Tokyo",
  65. "extn": "6200"
  66. },
  67. {
  68. "name": "Colleen Hurst",
  69. "position": "Javascript Developer",
  70. "salary": "$205,500",
  71. "start_date": "2009\/09\/15",
  72. "office": "San Francisco",
  73. "extn": "2360"
  74. },
  75. {
  76. "name": "Sonya Frost",
  77. "position": "Software Engineer",
  78. "salary": "$103,600",
  79. "start_date": "2008\/12\/13",
  80. "office": "Edinburgh",
  81. "extn": "1667"
  82. },
  83. {
  84. "name": "Jena Gaines",
  85. "position": "Office Manager",
  86. "salary": "$90,560",
  87. "start_date": "2008\/12\/19",
  88. "office": "London",
  89. "extn": "3814"
  90. },
  91. {
  92. "name": "Quinn Flynn",
  93. "position": "Support Lead",
  94. "salary": "$342,000",
  95. "start_date": "2013\/03\/03",
  96. "office": "Edinburgh",
  97. "extn": "9497"
  98. },
  99. {
  100. "name": "Charde Marshall",
  101. "position": "Regional Director",
  102. "salary": "$470,600",
  103. "start_date": "2008\/10\/16",
  104. "office": "San Francisco",
  105. "extn": "6741"
  106. },
  107. {
  108. "name": "Haley Kennedy",
  109. "position": "Senior Marketing Designer",
  110. "salary": "$313,500",
  111. "start_date": "2012\/12\/18",
  112. "office": "London",
  113. "extn": "3597"
  114. },
  115. {
  116. "name": "Tatyana Fitzpatrick",
  117. "position": "Regional Director",
  118. "salary": "$385,750",
  119. "start_date": "2010\/03\/17",
  120. "office": "London",
  121. "extn": "1965"
  122. },
  123. {
  124. "name": "Michael Silva",
  125. "position": "Marketing Designer",
  126. "salary": "$198,500",
  127. "start_date": "2012\/11\/27",
  128. "office": "London",
  129. "extn": "1581"
  130. },
  131. {
  132. "name": "Paul Byrd",
  133. "position": "Chief Financial Officer (CFO)",
  134. "salary": "$725,000",
  135. "start_date": "2010\/06\/09",
  136. "office": "New York",
  137. "extn": "3059"
  138. },
  139. {
  140. "name": "Gloria Little",
  141. "position": "Systems Administrator",
  142. "salary": "$237,500",
  143. "start_date": "2009\/04\/10",
  144. "office": "New York",
  145. "extn": "1721"
  146. },
  147. {
  148. "name": "Bradley Greer",
  149. "position": "Software Engineer",
  150. "salary": "$132,000",
  151. "start_date": "2012\/10\/13",
  152. "office": "London",
  153. "extn": "2558"
  154. },
  155. {
  156. "name": "Dai Rios",
  157. "position": "Personnel Lead",
  158. "salary": "$217,500",
  159. "start_date": "2012\/09\/26",
  160. "office": "Edinburgh",
  161. "extn": "2290"
  162. },
  163. {
  164. "name": "Jenette Caldwell",
  165. "position": "Development Lead",
  166. "salary": "$345,000",
  167. "start_date": "2011\/09\/03",
  168. "office": "New York",
  169. "extn": "1937"
  170. },
  171. {
  172. "name": "Yuri Berry",
  173. "position": "Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)",
  174. "salary": "$675,000",
  175. "start_date": "2009\/06\/25",
  176. "office": "New York",
  177. "extn": "6154"
  178. },
  179. {
  180. "name": "Caesar Vance",
  181. "position": "Pre-Sales Support",
  182. "salary": "$106,450",
  183. "start_date": "2011\/12\/12",
  184. "office": "New York",
  185. "extn": "8330"
  186. },
  187. {
  188. "name": "Doris Wilder",
  189. "position": "Sales Assistant",
  190. "salary": "$85,600",
  191. "start_date": "2010\/09\/20",
  192. "office": "Sidney",
  193. "extn": "3023"
  194. },
  195. {
  196. "name": "Angelica Ramos",
  197. "position": "Chief Executive Officer (CEO)",
  198. "salary": "$1,200,000",
  199. "start_date": "2009\/10\/09",
  200. "office": "London",
  201. "extn": "5797"
  202. },
  203. {
  204. "name": "Gavin Joyce",
  205. "position": "Developer",
  206. "salary": "$92,575",
  207. "start_date": "2010\/12\/22",
  208. "office": "Edinburgh",
  209. "extn": "8822"
  210. },
  211. {
  212. "name": "Jennifer Chang",
  213. "position": "Regional Director",
  214. "salary": "$357,650",
  215. "start_date": "2010\/11\/14",
  216. "office": "Singapore",
  217. "extn": "9239"
  218. },
  219. {
  220. "name": "Brenden Wagner",
  221. "position": "Software Engineer",
  222. "salary": "$206,850",
  223. "start_date": "2011\/06\/07",
  224. "office": "San Francisco",
  225. "extn": "1314"
  226. },
  227. {
  228. "name": "Fiona Green",
  229. "position": "Chief Operating Officer (COO)",
  230. "salary": "$850,000",
  231. "start_date": "2010\/03\/11",
  232. "office": "San Francisco",
  233. "extn": "2947"
  234. },
  235. {
  236. "name": "Shou Itou",
  237. "position": "Regional Marketing",
  238. "salary": "$163,000",
  239. "start_date": "2011\/08\/14",
  240. "office": "Tokyo",
  241. "extn": "8899"
  242. },
  243. {
  244. "name": "Michelle House",
  245. "position": "Integration Specialist",
  246. "salary": "$95,400",
  247. "start_date": "2011\/06\/02",
  248. "office": "Sidney",
  249. "extn": "2769"
  250. },
  251. {
  252. "name": "Suki Burks",
  253. "position": "Developer",
  254. "salary": "$114,500",
  255. "start_date": "2009\/10\/22",
  256. "office": "London",
  257. "extn": "6832"
  258. },
  259. {
  260. "name": "Prescott Bartlett",
  261. "position": "Technical Author",
  262. "salary": "$145,000",
  263. "start_date": "2011\/05\/07",
  264. "office": "London",
  265. "extn": "3606"
  266. },
  267. {
  268. "name": "Gavin Cortez",
  269. "position": "Team Leader",
  270. "salary": "$235,500",
  271. "start_date": "2008\/10\/26",
  272. "office": "San Francisco",
  273. "extn": "2860"
  274. },
  275. {
  276. "name": "Martena Mccray",
  277. "position": "Post-Sales support",
  278. "salary": "$324,050",
  279. "start_date": "2011\/03\/09",
  280. "office": "Edinburgh",
  281. "extn": "8240"
  282. },
  283. {
  284. "name": "Unity Butler",
  285. "position": "Marketing Designer",
  286. "salary": "$85,675",
  287. "start_date": "2009\/12\/09",
  288. "office": "San Francisco",
  289. "extn": "5384"
  290. },
  291. {
  292. "name": "Howard Hatfield",
  293. "position": "Office Manager",
  294. "salary": "$164,500",
  295. "start_date": "2008\/12\/16",
  296. "office": "San Francisco",
  297. "extn": "7031"
  298. },
  299. {
  300. "name": "Hope Fuentes",
  301. "position": "Secretary",
  302. "salary": "$109,850",
  303. "start_date": "2010\/02\/12",
  304. "office": "San Francisco",
  305. "extn": "6318"
  306. },
  307. {
  308. "name": "Vivian Harrell",
  309. "position": "Financial Controller",
  310. "salary": "$452,500",
  311. "start_date": "2009\/02\/14",
  312. "office": "San Francisco",
  313. "extn": "9422"
  314. },
  315. {
  316. "name": "Timothy Mooney",
  317. "position": "Office Manager",
  318. "salary": "$136,200",
  319. "start_date": "2008\/12\/11",
  320. "office": "London",
  321. "extn": "7580"
  322. },
  323. {
  324. "name": "Jackson Bradshaw",
  325. "position": "Director",
  326. "salary": "$645,750",
  327. "start_date": "2008\/09\/26",
  328. "office": "New York",
  329. "extn": "1042"
  330. },
  331. {
  332. "name": "Olivia Liang",
  333. "position": "Support Engineer",
  334. "salary": "$234,500",
  335. "start_date": "2011\/02\/03",
  336. "office": "Singapore",
  337. "extn": "2120"
  338. },
  339. {
  340. "name": "Bruno Nash",
  341. "position": "Software Engineer",
  342. "salary": "$163,500",
  343. "start_date": "2011\/05\/03",
  344. "office": "London",
  345. "extn": "6222"
  346. },
  347. {
  348. "name": "Sakura Yamamoto",
  349. "position": "Support Engineer",
  350. "salary": "$139,575",
  351. "start_date": "2009\/08\/19",
  352. "office": "Tokyo",
  353. "extn": "9383"
  354. },
  355. {
  356. "name": "Thor Walton",
  357. "position": "Developer",
  358. "salary": "$98,540",
  359. "start_date": "2013\/08\/11",
  360. "office": "New York",
  361. "extn": "8327"
  362. },
  363. {
  364. "name": "Finn Camacho",
  365. "position": "Support Engineer",
  366. "salary": "$87,500",
  367. "start_date": "2009\/07\/07",
  368. "office": "San Francisco",
  369. "extn": "2927"
  370. },
  371. {
  372. "name": "Serge Baldwin",
  373. "position": "Data Coordinator",
  374. "salary": "$138,575",
  375. "start_date": "2012\/04\/09",
  376. "office": "Singapore",
  377. "extn": "8352"
  378. },
  379. {
  380. "name": "Zenaida Frank",
  381. "position": "Software Engineer",
  382. "salary": "$125,250",
  383. "start_date": "2010\/01\/04",
  384. "office": "New York",
  385. "extn": "7439"
  386. },
  387. {
  388. "name": "Zorita Serrano",
  389. "position": "Software Engineer",
  390. "salary": "$115,000",
  391. "start_date": "2012\/06\/01",
  392. "office": "San Francisco",
  393. "extn": "4389"
  394. },
  395. {
  396. "name": "Jennifer Acosta",
  397. "position": "Junior Javascript Developer",
  398. "salary": "$75,650",
  399. "start_date": "2013\/02\/01",
  400. "office": "Edinburgh",
  401. "extn": "3431"
  402. },
  403. {
  404. "name": "Cara Stevens",
  405. "position": "Sales Assistant",
  406. "salary": "$145,600",
  407. "start_date": "2011\/12\/06",
  408. "office": "New York",
  409. "extn": "3990"
  410. },
  411. {
  412. "name": "Hermione Butler",
  413. "position": "Regional Director",
  414. "salary": "$356,250",
  415. "start_date": "2011\/03\/21",
  416. "office": "London",
  417. "extn": "1016"
  418. },
  419. {
  420. "name": "Lael Greer",
  421. "position": "Systems Administrator",
  422. "salary": "$103,500",
  423. "start_date": "2009\/02\/27",
  424. "office": "London",
  425. "extn": "6733"
  426. },
  427. {
  428. "name": "Jonas Alexander",
  429. "position": "Developer",
  430. "salary": "$86,500",
  431. "start_date": "2010\/07\/14",
  432. "office": "San Francisco",
  433. "extn": "8196"
  434. },
  435. {
  436. "name": "Shad Decker",
  437. "position": "Regional Director",
  438. "salary": "$183,000",
  439. "start_date": "2008\/11\/13",
  440. "office": "Edinburgh",
  441. "extn": "6373"
  442. },
  443. {
  444. "name": "Michael Bruce",
  445. "position": "Javascript Developer",
  446. "salary": "$183,000",
  447. "start_date": "2011\/06\/27",
  448. "office": "Singapore",
  449. "extn": "5384"
  450. },
  451. {
  452. "name": "Donna Snider",
  453. "position": "Customer Support",
  454. "salary": "$112,000",
  455. "start_date": "2011\/01\/25",
  456. "office": "New York",
  457. "extn": "4226"
  458. }
  459. ]
  460. }


  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html>
  3. <head>
  4. <meta charset="utf-8" />
  5. <title>DataTables简单用例</title>
  6. <!--样式-->
  7. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DataTables-1.10.13/media/css/jquery.dataTables.css">
  8. <!-- jQuery -->
  9. <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="DataTables-1.10.13/media/js/jquery.js"></script>
  10. <!-- DataTables -->
  11. <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="DataTables-1.10.13/media/js/jquery.dataTables.js"></script>
  12. <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" class="init">
  13. $(document).ready(function() {
  14. $('#example').DataTable({
  15. "ajax": "data/objects.txt",
  16. //data:name指的是引用data中name的属性。columns中每一个data顺序就是表格内容的真正顺序
  17. "columns": [{
  18. "data": "name"
  19. }, {
  20. "data": "position"
  21. }, {
  22. "data": "office"
  23. }, {
  24. "data": "extn"
  25. }, {
  26. "data": "start_date"
  27. }, {
  28. "data": "salary"
  29. }]
  30. });
  31. });
  32. </script>
  33. </head>
  34. <body>
  35. <table id="example" class="display" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
  36. <thead>
  37. <tr>
  38. <th>Name</th>
  39. <th>Position</th>
  40. <th>Office</th>
  41. <th>Extn.</th>
  42. <th>Start date</th>
  43. <th>Salary</th>
  44. </tr>
  45. </thead>
  46. <tfoot>
  47. <tr>
  48. <th>Name</th>
  49. <th>Position</th>
  50. <th>Office</th>
  51. <th>Extn.</th>
  52. <th>Start date</th>
  53. <th>Salary</th>
  54. </tr>
  55. </tfoot>
  56. </table>
  57. </body>
  58. </html>



当从 Ajax 源加载数据,在默认情况下,数据表将寻找要使用返回的对象的数据参数中的数据。

  • 作为一个字符串,如 dataSrc: ‘myData’
  • 为空字符串,如 dataSrc:””,下面的例子展示的是这个用法
  • 作为一个方法,如 dataSrc: function(json) {} (您可以从 XML 转换到一个 Javascript 对象)
    1. $(document).ready(function() {
    2. $('#example').dataTable( {
    3. "ajax": {
    4. "url": "data/objects_root_array.txt",
    5. //默认为data,这里定义为空,则只需要传不带属性的数据
    6. "dataSrc": ""
    7. },
    8. "columns": [
    9. { "data": "name" },
    10. { "data": "position" },
    11. { "data": "office" },
    12. { "data": "extn" },
    13. { "data": "start_date" },
    14. { "data": "salary" }
    15. ]
    16. } );
    17. } );


    这个例子演示了 column().visible()方法来隐藏显示列,通过点击列按钮动态切换。
    (2)index_03.css文件 ```html /表格字体/ body { font: 90%/1.45em “Helvetica Neue”, HelveticaNeue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; padding: 0; color: #333; background-color: #fff; }

/column的字体颜色和小手/ a { cursor: pointer; color: #3174c7; text-decoration: none; }

  1. 3objects.txt文件内容参考上的例子内容<br />(4index_03.html文件
  2. ```html
  3. <!DOCTYPE html>
  4. <html>
  5. <head>
  6. <meta charset="utf-8" />
  7. <title>DataTables简单用例</title>
  8. <!--自己样式-->
  9. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/index_03.css"/>
  10. <!--样式-->
  11. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DataTables-1.10.13/media/css/jquery.dataTables.css">
  12. <!-- jQuery -->
  13. <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="DataTables-1.10.13/media/js/jquery.js"></script>
  14. <!-- DataTables -->
  15. <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="DataTables-1.10.13/media/js/jquery.dataTables.js"></script>
  16. <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" class="init">
  17. $(document).ready(function() {
  18. var table = $("#example").DataTable({
  19. "ajax": "data/objects.txt",
  20. "columns": [{
  21. "data": "name"
  22. }, {
  23. "data": "position"
  24. }, {
  25. "data": "office"
  26. }, {
  27. "data": "extn"
  28. }, {
  29. "data": "start_date"
  30. }, {
  31. "data": "salary"
  32. }],
  33. //展示高度
  34. "scrollY": "300px",
  35. //显示多少行去掉
  36. "paging": false
  37. });
  38. //显示和隐藏
  39. $('a.toggle-vis').on('click', function(e) {
  40. e.preventDefault();
  41. // Get the column API object
  42. var column = table.column($(this).attr('data-column'));
  43. // Toggle the visibility
  44. column.visible(!column.visible());
  45. });
  46. });
  47. </script>
  48. </head>
  49. <body>
  50. <!--索引-->
  51. <div class="demo-html">
  52. <div>
  53. Toggle column:
  54. <a class="toggle-vis" data-column="0">Name</a> -
  55. <a class="toggle-vis" data-column="1">Position</a> -
  56. <a class="toggle-vis" data-column="2">Office</a> -
  57. <a class="toggle-vis" data-column="3">Age</a> -
  58. <a class="toggle-vis" data-column="4">Start date</a> -
  59. <a class="toggle-vis" data-column="5">Salary</a>
  60. </div>
  61. </div>
  62. <!--正式table-->
  63. <table id="example" class="display" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
  64. <thead>
  65. <tr>
  66. <th>Name</th>
  67. <th>Position</th>
  68. <th>Office</th>
  69. <th>Extn.</th>
  70. <th>Start date</th>
  71. <th>Salary</th>
  72. </tr>
  73. </thead>
  74. <tfoot>
  75. <tr>
  76. <th>Name</th>
  77. <th>Position</th>
  78. <th>Office</th>
  79. <th>Extn.</th>
  80. <th>Start date</th>
  81. <th>Salary</th>
  82. </tr>
  83. </tfoot>
  84. </table>
  85. </body>
  86. </html>



有时候希望给表格绑定的数据行绑定一些事件,这个时候你需要用到 initCompleteDT 、rowCallback 这些回调方法,下面的例子演示了,当表格加载完后给表格的td绑定点击事件,取到值后进行搜索

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html>
  3. <head>
  4. <meta charset="utf-8" />
  5. <title>DataTables简单用例</title>
  6. <!--自己样式-->
  7. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/index_03.css"/>
  8. <!--样式-->
  9. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DataTables-1.10.13/media/css/jquery.dataTables.css">
  10. <!-- jQuery -->
  11. <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="DataTables-1.10.13/media/js/jquery.js"></script>
  12. <!-- DataTables -->
  13. <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="DataTables-1.10.13/media/js/jquery.dataTables.js"></script>
  14. <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" class="init">
  15. $(document).ready(function() {
  16. var table = $("#example").DataTable({
  17. "ajax": "data/objects.txt",
  18. "columns": [{
  19. "data": "name"
  20. }, {
  21. "data": "position"
  22. }, {
  23. "data": "office"
  24. }, {
  25. "data": "extn"
  26. }, {
  27. "data": "start_date"
  28. }, {
  29. "data": "salary"
  30. }],
  31. //展示高度
  32. // "scrollY": "300px",
  33. //显示多少行去掉
  34. // "paging": false
  35. //右下角的分页
  36. "initComplete":function(){
  37. var api=this.api();
  38. api.$("td").click(function(){
  40. })
  41. }
  42. });
  43. //显示和隐藏哪一列
  44. $('a.toggle-vis').on('click', function(e) {
  45. e.preventDefault();
  46. // Get the column API object
  47. var column = table.column($(this).attr('data-column'));
  48. // Toggle the visibility
  49. column.visible(!column.visible());
  50. });
  51. });
  52. </script>
  53. </head>
  54. <body>
  55. <!--索引-->
  56. <div class="demo-html">
  57. <div>
  58. Toggle column:
  59. <a class="toggle-vis" data-column="0">Name</a> -
  60. <a class="toggle-vis" data-column="1">Position</a> -
  61. <a class="toggle-vis" data-column="2">Office</a> -
  62. <a class="toggle-vis" data-column="3">Age</a> -
  63. <a class="toggle-vis" data-column="4">Start date</a> -
  64. <a class="toggle-vis" data-column="5">Salary</a>
  65. </div>
  66. </div>
  67. <!--正式table-->
  68. <table id="example" class="display" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
  69. <thead>
  70. <tr>
  71. <th>Name</th>
  72. <th>Position</th>
  73. <th>Office</th>
  74. <th>Extn.</th>
  75. <th>Start date</th>
  76. <th>Salary</th>
  77. </tr>
  78. </thead>
  79. <tfoot>
  80. <tr>
  81. <th>Name</th>
  82. <th>Position</th>
  83. <th>Office</th>
  84. <th>Extn.</th>
  85. <th>Start date</th>
  86. <th>Salary</th>
  87. </tr>
  88. </tfoot>
  89. </table>
  90. </body>
  91. </html>





  1. /*表格字体*/
  2. body {
  3. font: 90%/1.45em "Helvetica Neue", HelveticaNeue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  4. margin: 0;
  5. padding: 0;
  6. color: #333;
  7. background-color: #fff;
  8. }
  9. /*column的字体颜色和小手*/
  10. a {
  11. cursor: pointer;
  12. color: #3174c7;
  13. text-decoration: none;
  14. }
  15. /*显示显示和影藏按钮*/
  16. td.details-control {
  17. background: url(../img/details_open.png) no-repeat center center;
  18. cursor: pointer;
  19. }
  20. tr.shown td.details-control {
  21. background: url(../img/details_close.png) no-repeat center center;
  22. }


  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html>
  3. <head>
  4. <meta charset="utf-8" />
  5. <title>DataTables简单用例</title>
  6. <!--自己样式-->
  7. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/index_03.css" />
  8. <!--样式-->
  9. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DataTables-1.10.13/media/css/jquery.dataTables.css">
  10. <!-- jQuery -->
  11. <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="DataTables-1.10.13/media/js/jquery.js"></script>
  12. <!-- DataTables -->
  13. <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="DataTables-1.10.13/media/js/jquery.dataTables.js"></script>
  14. <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" class="init">
  15. //格式函数
  16. function format(d) {
  17. // `d` is the original data object for the row
  18. return '<table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="padding-left:50px;">' +
  19. '<tr>' +
  20. '<td>Full name:</td>' +
  21. '<td>' + + '</td>' +
  22. '</tr>' +
  23. '<tr>' +
  24. '<td>Extension number:</td>' +
  25. '<td>' + d.extn + '</td>' +
  26. '</tr>' +
  27. '<tr>' +
  28. '<td>Extra info:</td>' +
  29. '<td>And any further details here (images etc)...</td>' +
  30. '</tr>' +
  31. '</table>';
  32. }
  33. //ready
  34. $(document).ready(function() {
  35. var table = $("#example").DataTable({
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  47. "data": "office"
  48. }, {
  49. "data": "salary"
  50. }],
  51. //默认显示是升序
  52. "order": [
  53. [1, 'asc']
  54. ],
  55. //展示高度
  56. // "scrollY": "300px",
  57. //显示多少行去掉
  58. // "paging": false
  59. //右下角的分页
  60. "initComplete": function() {
  61. var api = this.api();
  62. api.$("td").click(function() {
  64. })
  65. }
  66. });
  67. //显示和隐藏哪一列
  68. $('a.toggle-vis').on('click', function(e) {
  69. e.preventDefault();
  70. // Get the column API object
  71. var column = table.column($(this).attr('data-column'));
  72. // Toggle the visibility
  73. column.visible(!column.visible());
  74. });
  75. //按钮显示和隐藏 Add event listener for opening and closing details
  76. $('#example tbody').on('click', 'td.details-control', function() {
  77. var tr = $(this).closest('tr');
  78. var row = table.row(tr);
  79. if(row.child.isShown()) {
  80. // This row is already open - close it
  81. row.child.hide();
  82. tr.removeClass('shown');
  83. } else {
  84. // Open this row
  85. row.child(format(;
  86. tr.addClass('shown');
  87. }
  88. });
  89. });
  90. </script>
  91. </head>
  92. <body>
  93. <!--索引-->
  94. <div class="demo-html">
  95. <div>
  96. Toggle column:
  97. <a class="toggle-vis" data-column="1">Name</a> -
  98. <a class="toggle-vis" data-column="2">Position</a> -
  99. <a class="toggle-vis" data-column="3">Office</a> -
  100. <a class="toggle-vis" data-column="4">Salary</a>
  101. </div>
  102. </div>
  103. <!--正式table-->
  104. <table id="example" class="display" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
  105. <thead>
  106. <tr>
  107. <th></th>
  108. <th>Name</th>
  109. <th>Position</th>
  110. <th>Office</th>
  111. <th>Salary</th>
  112. </tr>
  113. </thead>
  114. <tfoot>
  115. <tr>
  116. <th></th>
  117. <th>Name</th>
  118. <th>Position</th>
  119. <th>Office</th>
  120. <th>Salary</th>
  121. </tr>
  122. </tfoot>
  123. </table>
  124. </body>
  125. </html>

