本文转载自Blender大神Andrew Price网站https://www.blenderguru.com/podcasts/episode-4

How to Learn 3D Effectively - Youtube

Art is expansive. Meaning the more you know, the more you realize there is to know. And thus, it’s overwhelming.

But if you’re familiar with the Pareto’s principle, you’ll know that the results are rarely distributed evenly. Usually 80% of your results, will come from just 20% of your training.
Therefore, if you want to succeed, you should put blinders on. Look only at what you need to know, to get results fast.

Most education is done the opposite way. It’s by teachers who know the subject well, and believe you need to know everything they do, in order to succeed at it. Which isn’t true.
I think one of the issues with 3D education is that the question of “learning 3D” is far too broad.
现实中,大多数教育使用了相反的方法。这些学科通常由非常了解这门学科的老师来教学,并且他们相信你需要学会他们教导的所有知识,你才能在这一专业方面取得成功。这是不正确的。我认为3D教育的困难之一就是是 “学习3D” 的的知识非常的广泛。

3D can be used for everything from gaming, archviz, data visualization, vfx. And then within each industry there’s characters, creatures, hard surface, procedural, photoscanning, and that’s just the tippety tip of the 3D iceberg.
3D 可用于游戏、archviz、数据可视化、vfx等所有领域,同时在每个行业里都有角色、生物、坚硬的表面、程序、照片扫描,并且这些只是3D世界的冰山一角。

But the good news is you don’t need to know everything to achieve results.

So a better question is to be more specific about what in “3D” you want to learn.
And for 8 out of 10 beginners it’s simply: to createpretty images that are widely appreciated. So basically any image that get likes on Instagram or ArtStation. (While chasing likes isn’t a good goal for your life, it’s a useful metric in art to tell you when it’s appreciated by many)
这里有一个非常好的问题:请更具体地说明你想在 “3D” 中学习什么?

In the case of getting likes, characters always perform best… but characters are insanely difficult for a beginner to achieve.
在获得喜欢的情况下,角色总是表现最好…… 但是对于初学者来说,角色很难实现。

Second to this is environments, with a character present. So that will be our focus for this study.
The next problem is that education usually contains too much fluff. When a school has 3 years to teach a class, they’re going to fill it with some things that aren’t that useful.
“A good teacher must know the rules, a good pupil, the exceptions.”
- Martin H Fischer.

So instead, I’ll be structuring this curriculum around an idea from the 4 Hour Chef:
”If I were to train you for four weeks for an art competition, and had a million dollars on the line, what would the training look like?”
So let’s go…

Week 1: 第一周:建模入门

- Homework: Create something similar by yourself (eg. Cookie or a cupcake).

  • 家庭作业: 自己创造类似的东西 (例如饼干或纸杯蛋糕)。

Week 2: 第二周:灯光与材质

Lighting 灯光
- Watch: Beginners Guide to Lighting

  • 观看:灯光初学者指南


  • 附件一个我找到的远古版本

- Practical: Create 5 lighting variations for your donut render

  • 实用: 为你的甜甜圈渲染创造5种照明变化

Photorealism 写实主义
- Watch: How to make Photorealistic Materials in Blender

  • 观看:如何在Blender中制作逼真的材料

Texturing 纹理
- Complete: The anvil tutorial

  • 完成:铁砧教程

- Homework: Make something related: an axe, a weapon etc. Replicate the photo 1:1.

  • 家庭作业: 做一些类似的东西: 斧头、武器等。复制照片1:1。

Composition 作品
- Watch: Understanding Composition

  • 观看:理解构图

- Practical: Use your lighting and composition knowledge to create 5 variations of your anvil.

  • 实用: 利用你的照明和构图知识来创造你的铁砧的5种变化。

Week 3: 第三周:渲染与后期

Solo Project 个人项目
- Create something entirely new of your own choosing that’s achievable within 2 days.

  • 创建您自己选择的可在 2 天内实现的全新内容。

Environment Creation 环境创建
- Watch: Render Optimizations


  • 中文简化版

- Watch: How to Tile a Texture Properly

- Watch: Introduction to Microdisplacements

  • 观看:微多边形置换

- Watch: Importing FBX models into Blender

Solo Project 个人项目
- Create an environment of your own choosing (desert is easiest)

  • 创造一个你自己选择的环境 (沙漠是最容易的)

Week 4: 第四周:技巧与审美进阶

Research 研究
- Visit Artstation and explore the highest performing environment entries.

  • 访问Artstation并探索性能最高的环境条目。

Technical 技术的
- Watch: How to import Mixamo Characters to Blender

  • 观看:如何将Mixamo角色导入搅拌机。为找到原视频,一下为类似中文教程。

- Homework: Add the character to your environment

  • 家庭作业:将角色添加到您的环境中

Aesthetics 美学
- Watch: Understanding Color

- Practical: Try to improve color in your environment image

- Homework: Add glare, barrel distortion, a vignette and sharpening to your environment.

  • 家庭作业:为您的环境添加眩光、桶形失真、晕影和锐化。

Final project 最终项目
- Using everything you’ve learned, create an environment with a character.

  • 使用你所学的一切,创造一个有角色的环境。


  • 10个技巧使你的3D渲染更有电影效果
