
signature 生存分析复现

Xu G, Zhang M, Zhu H, et al. A 15-gene signature for prediction of colon cancer recurrence and prognosis based on SVM[J]. Gene, 2017, 604: 33-40.

identify signature

  1. library(GEOquery)
  2. library(AnnotationDbi)
  3. library(org.Hs.eg.db)


  • GSE17537(以这个数据集为基础找差异表达基因)

    data in GSE17537 were analyzed using the Linear Models for Microarray data (LIMMA) method to identify the differentially expressed genes (DEGs). Preprocessed data were normalized by Z-score transformation… The threshold for identification of DEGs was set as p < 0.05 and |logFC(fold change)| > 0.7.

  1. f <- 'GSE17537.Rdata'
  2. if(!file.exists(f)){
  3. gset <- getGEO('GSE17537',destdir = '.',
  4. AnnotGPL = F,
  5. getGPL = F)
  6. save(gset,file=f)
  7. }
  8. load('GSE17537.Rdata')
  9. degexpr <- exprs(gset[[1]])
  10. degpdat <- pData(gset[[1]])
  11. degexpr[1:4,1:4]
  12. # GSM437270 GSM437271 GSM437272 GSM437273
  13. # 1007_s_at 10.636083 11.042240 11.015748 10.734469
  14. # 1053_at 7.974253 8.542731 7.190542 8.731533
  15. # 117_at 8.242136 7.271520 7.368352 7.027436
  16. # 121_at 9.315796 9.277670 9.325623 9.398863
  17. ## z-score
  18. degexpr <- t(scale(t(degexpr)))
  19. degexpr[1:4,1:4]
  20. # GSM437270 GSM437271 GSM437272 GSM437273
  21. # 1007_s_at -0.6468308 0.4474904 0.3761127 -0.3817476
  22. # 1053_at -0.6561249 0.3432638 -2.0338972 0.6751799
  23. # 117_at 1.8993885 0.1023676 0.2816449 -0.3495356
  24. # 121_at -1.0241496 -1.2322858 -0.9705000 -0.5706729
  25. degsymb <- select(hgu133plus2.db,row.names(degexpr),"SYMBOL","PROBEID")
  26. degtrim <- degsymb[match(unique(degsymb$SYMBOL),degsymb$SYMBOL),]
  27. degtrim <- na.omit(degtrim)
  28. degexpr <- degexpr[degtrim$PROBEID,]
  29. row.names(degexpr) <- degtrim$SYMBOL
  30. dim(degexpr)
  31. # [1] 1399 55
  32. save(degexpr, file = "GEO-degexpr.Rdata")
  33. save(degpdat,file = "GEO-degpdat.Rdata")

  • DEG筛选

    1. rm(list = ls())
    2. load("GEO-degexpr.Rdata")
    3. load("GEO-degpdat.Rdata")
    4. library(limma)
    5. table(degpdat$`dfs_event (disease free survival; cancer recurrence):ch1`)
    6. #
    7. # no recurrence recurrence
    8. # 36 19
    9. group_list <- degpdat$`dfs_event (disease free survival; cancer recurrence):ch1`
    10. design <- model.matrix(~0+factor(group_list))
    11. colnames(design) <- c("no", "re")
    12. rownames(design) <- colnames(degexpr)
    13. contrast.matrix <- makeContrasts('no-re',levels = design)
    14. fit <- lmFit(degexpr, design)
    15. fit1 <- contrasts.fit(fit, contrast.matrix)
    16. fit2 <- eBayes(fit1)
    17. DEGstb <- topTable(fit2, coef=1, n=Inf)
    18. DEGmtx <- na.omit(DEGstb)
    19. DEGmtx <- DEGmtx[absDEGmtx$logFC]
    20. DEGmtx$result <- ifelse(DEGmtx$P.Value < 0.05 &
    21. abs(DEGmtx$logFC) > 0.7,
    22. ifelse(DEGmtx$logFC > 0.7,
    23. "UP", "DOWN"), "NOT")
    24. table(DEGmtx$result)
    25. #
    26. # DOWN NOT UP
    27. # 14 1314 71
    28. head(DEGmtx)
    29. # logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B result
    30. # DDX31 1.1059228 2.267284e-15 3.931463 8.450714e-05 0.1182255 0.8853818 UP
    31. # C11orf42 0.9940823 -5.083371e-16 3.533879 4.097569e-04 0.1661362 -0.3317710 UP
    32. # ACACB 0.9625943 3.113513e-15 3.421942 6.220910e-04 0.1661362 -0.6510647 UP
    33. # PGLS 0.9068060 -8.080973e-16 3.223619 1.266363e-03 0.1661362 -1.1915345 UP
    34. # STARD6 0.9032174 -1.506371e-16 3.210862 1.323938e-03 0.1661362 -1.2251955 UP
    35. # IRAK2 0.8952166 4.313153e-16 3.182420 1.461101e-03 0.1661362 -1.2997641 UP

  • 文献中的DEG筛选结果:

    A total of 1207 genes were identified as DEGs between recurrence and no-recurrence samples, including 726 downregulated and 481 upregulated genes.

  • 我的筛选结果:

    1. table(DEGmtx$result)
    2. #
    3. # DOWN NOT UP
    4. # 14 1314 71
    5. save(DEGmtx, file = "DEGs.Rdata")


To obtain the optimal feature genes for diagnosing recurrence, SVM-RFE algorithm was performed using genes as features and their expression levels as feature values. As a result, 85% prediction accuracy was found to be achieved using a 15-gene combination. 基因 signature 生存分析复现 - 图1



  1. paper_signature <- DEGmtx[c("HES5","ZNF417","GLRA2","OR8D2","HOXA7","FABP6",
  2. "MUSK","HTR6","GRIP2","KLRK1","VEGFA","AKAP12","RHEB",
  3. "NCRNA00152","PMEPA1"),]

基因 signature 生存分析复现 - 图2

但只有3个基因在筛选的DEG/下载的表达矩阵中,只有 ZNF417 为差异表达基因。

鉴于并不知道怎么得到signature….依然只能直接进行文章中的 Validation analysis



  • GSE38832
  1. if(!file.exists(f)){
  2. gset <- getGEO('GSE38832',destdir = '.',
  3. AnnotGPL = F,
  4. getGPL = F)
  5. save(gset,file=f)
  6. }
  7. load('GSE38832.Rdata')
  8. expr1 <- exprs(gset[[1]])
  9. pdat1 <- pData(gset[[1]])
  10. expr1[1:4,1:4]
  11. # GSM950411 GSM950412 GSM950413 GSM950414
  12. # 1007_s_at 12.015001 12.319230 12.268841 12.309278
  13. # 1053_at 9.600642 9.991989 9.349406 8.934902
  14. # 117_at 8.125449 7.661441 11.611829 8.575235
  15. # 121_at 10.868107 11.191637 10.794642 11.157243
  16. expr1 <- log2(expr1+1)
  17. symb1 <- select(hgu133plus2.db,row.names(expr1),"SYMBOL","PROBEID")
  18. trim1 <- symb1[match(unique(symb1$SYMBOL),symb1$SYMBOL),]
  19. trim1 <- na.omit(trim1)
  20. expr1 <- expr1[trim1$PROBEID,]
  21. row.names(expr1) <- trim1$SYMBOL
  22. save(expr1, file = "GEO-expr1.Rdata")
  • GSE17538



基因 signature 生存分析复现 - 图3

  1. f <- 'GSE17538.Rdata'
  2. if(!file.exists(f)){
  3. gset <- getGEO('GSE17538',destdir = '.',
  4. AnnotGPL = F,
  5. getGPL = F)
  6. save(gset,file=f)
  7. }
  8. load('GSE17538.Rdata')
  9. expr2 <- exprs(gset[[1]])
  10. pdat2 <- pData(gset[[1]])
  11. expr2[1:4,1:4]
  12. # GSM472198 GSM472199 GSM472200 GSM472201
  13. # 1415670_at 9.284539 9.239952 9.311207 9.501534
  14. # 1415671_at 10.668639 10.677101 10.637565 10.872466
  15. # 1415672_at 10.624298 10.563723 10.540626 10.685249
  16. # 1415673_at 10.323815 10.267230 10.453991 9.791176
  17. expr2 <- log2(expr2+1)
  18. BiocManager::install("mouse4302.db")
  19. library(mouse4302.db)
  20. symb2 <- select(mouse4302.db,row.names(expr2),"SYMBOL","PROBEID")
  21. trim2 <- symb2[match(unique(symb2$SYMBOL),symb2$SYMBOL),]
  22. trim2 <- na.omit(trim2)
  23. expr2 <- expr2[trim2$PROBEID,]
  24. row.names(expr2) <- trim2$SYMBOL
  25. save(expr2, file = "GEO-expr2.Rdata")
  • GSE28814

基因 signature 生存分析复现 - 图4

没有找到对应的注释R包,从 GPL10379 Rosetta/Merck Human RSTA Custom Affymetrix 2.0 microarray [HuRSTA-2a520709] Data table 手动导出txt。


  1. f <- 'GSE28814.Rdata'
  2. if(!file.exists(f)){
  3. gset <- getGEO('GSE28814',destdir = '.',
  4. AnnotGPL = F,
  5. getGPL = F)
  6. save(gset,file=f)
  7. }
  8. load('GSE28814.Rdata')
  9. expr3 <- exprs(gset[[1]])
  10. pdat3 <- pData(gset[[1]])
  11. expr3[1:4,1:4]
  12. # GSM707237 GSM707238 GSM707239 GSM707240
  13. # 100121619_TGI_at 2.4105105 1.9840042 2.9346733 2.4020889
  14. # 100121620_TGI_at 2.3519606 2.1129721 2.0588146 1.6712892
  15. # 100121621_TGI_at 1.2706607 0.7851753 1.4145823 1.5996047
  16. # 100121622_TGI_at 0.8892922 1.0277808 0.6097267 0.7636354
  17. anno <- read.table('./HuRSTA-2a520709.txt',sep = "\t",header = T,
  18. na.strings = NA, stringsAsFactors = F)
  19. anno[1:4,1:4]
  20. # ID EntrezGeneID GeneSymbol GB_ACC
  21. # 1 100138926_TGI_at 6566 SLC16A1 BC026317
  22. # 2 100131045_TGI_at NA BX098869
  23. # 3 100134882_TGI_at 3458 IFNG NM_000619
  24. # 4 100149534_TGI_at 51552 RAB14 AK090889


  1. expr4 <- read.table('./TCGA-COAD.htseq_counts.tsv/TCGA-COAD.htseq_counts.tsv',header = T,sep='\t')
  2. tail(expr4[,1])
  3. # [1] ENSGR0000281849.1 __no_feature __ambiguous
  4. # [4] __too_low_aQual __not_aligned __alignment_not_unique
  5. # 60488 Levels: __alignment_not_unique __ambiguous __no_feature __not_aligned ... ENSGR0000281849.1
  6. class(expr4[,1])
  7. # [1] "factor"
  8. expr4[,1] <- as.character(expr4[,1])
  9. for (i in 1:nrow(expr4)) {
  10. expr4[i,1] <- strsplit(expr4[i,1],"\\.")[[1]][1]
  11. }
  12. row.names(expr4) <- expr4[,1]
  13. expr4 <- expr4[,-1]
  14. symb4 <- select(org.Hs.eg.db,expr4[,1],"SYMBOL","ENSEMBL")
  15. trim4 <- symb4[match(unique(symb4$SYMBOL),symb4$SYMBOL),]
  16. trim4 <- na.omit(trim4)
  17. expr4 <- expr4[trim4$ENSEMBL,]
  18. row.names(expr4) <- trim4$SYMBOL
  19. expr4[1:4,1:4]
  20. # TCGA.DM.A288.01A TCGA.QL.A97D.01A TCGA.CM.6164.01A TCGA.G4.6299.01A
  21. # TSPAN6 10.985842 12.391512 13.857787 9.807355
  22. # TNMD 3.700440 7.531381 6.714246 1.000000
  23. # DPM1 11.163650 11.798472 12.496354 11.004220
  24. # SCYL3 9.262095 9.581201 9.419960 9.903882
  25. expr4 <- log2(expr4+1)
  26. save(expr4, file = "TCGA-expr.Rdata")

Validation analysis

  • GSE38832
  1. vali1 <- expr1[c("HES5","ZNF417","GLRA2","OR8D2","HOXA7","FABP6",
  2. "MUSK","HTR6","GRIP2","KLRK1","VEGFA","AKAP12","RHEB",
  3. "NCRNA00152","PMEPA1"),]

基因 signature 生存分析复现 - 图5

  • GSE28814
  1. vali3 <- expr3[c("HES5","ZNF417","GLRA2","OR8D2","HOXA7","FABP6",
  2. "MUSK","HTR6","GRIP2","KLRK1","VEGFA","AKAP12","RHEB",
  3. "NCRNA00152","PMEPA1"),]

基因 signature 生存分析复现 - 图6


  • TCGA
  1. vali4 <- expr4[c("HES5","ZNF417","GLRA2","OR8D2","HOXA7","FABP6",
  2. "MUSK","HTR6","GRIP2","KLRK1","VEGFA","AKAP12","RHEB",
  3. "NCRNA00152","PMEPA1"),]
  4. row.names(vali4)
  5. # [1] "HES5" "ZNF417" "GLRA2" "OR8D2" "HOXA7" "FABP6" "MUSK" "HTR6" "GRIP2"
  6. # [10] "KLRK1" "VEGFA" "AKAP12" "RHEB" "NA" "PMEPA1"

缺少 NCRNA00152

KM plot (TCGA data)

  1. vali4 <- expr4[c("HES5","ZNF417","GLRA2","OR8D2","HOXA7","FABP6",
  2. "MUSK","HTR6","GRIP2","KLRK1","VEGFA","AKAP12","RHEB",
  3. "NCRNA00152","PMEPA1"),]
  4. row.names(vali4)
  5. vali4 <- na.omit(vali4)
  6. clin$submitter_id.samples = gsub('-','.',clin$submitter_id.samples)
  7. row.names(clin) <- clin[,1]
  8. #### 筛选复发病人,并无有用信息
  9. table(clin$progression_or_recurrence.diagnoses)
  10. #
  11. # not reported
  12. # 2 268
  13. surv$sample <- gsub('-','.',surv$sample)
  14. row.names(surv) <- surv[,1]
  15. surv <- surv[surv$sample %in% row.names(clin),]
  16. clin <- clin[row.names(clin) %in% surv$sample,]
  17. phe <- cbind(clin,surv[,c("OS.time","OS")])
  18. vali4 <- vali4[,colnames(vali4) %in% row.names(phe)]
  19. phe <- phe[row.names(phe) %in% colnames(vali4),]
  20. dim(phe)
  21. vali4 <- as.matrix(vali4)
  22. #### 将14个基因视为一个对象
  23. for(i in 1:ncol(vali4)){
  24. sig[i] <- sum(vali4[,i])
  25. }
  26. group <- ifelse(sig > median(sig),'high','low')
  27. phe$group <- group
  28. phe <- phe[,c("OS.time","OS","group")]
  29. ggsurvplot(survfit(Surv(OS.time, OS)~group, data=phe), pval=TRUE)

基因 signature 生存分析复现 - 图7


The results indicated that patients with different recurrent risks could exhibit a significantly different

prognosis in two datasets: GSE38832, p = 0.04, Fig. 5A; GSE28814, p = 0.0578, Fig. 5B; and TCGA, p = 0.0162, Fig. 5C.

基因 signature 生存分析复现 - 图8