- MongoDB官方文档中文版
- MongoDB中文手册说明
- MongoDB简介
- 安装 MongoDB
- The mongo Shell
- MongoDB CRUD 操作
- 聚合
- 数据模型
- 事务
- 索引
- 安全
- 安全检查列表
- 启用访问控制
- 身份验证
- 基于角色的访问控制
- TLS / SSL(传输加密)
- 静态加密
- 客户端字段级加密
- 审计
- 网络和配置强化
- 实现字段级别修订
- 安全参考
- 附录
- 变更流
- 复制
- 分片
- 分片键
- 哈希分片
- 范围分片
- 区
- 管理分片区
- 按位置细分数据
- 用于更改SLA或SLO的分层硬件
- 按应用或客户细分数据
- 仅插入工作负载的分布式本地写入
- 管理分片区
- 使用块进行数据分区
- 在分片集群中拆分数据块
- 管理
- 存储
- 存储引擎
- 日志记录
- 管理日志记录
- GridFS
- FAQ:MongoDB 存储
- 存储引擎
- 参考
- 运算符
- 查询与映射运算符
- 更新运算符
- 聚合管道阶段
- 聚合管道操作符
- $abs (aggregation)
- $acos (aggregation)
- $acosh (aggregation)
- $add (aggregation)
- $addToSet (aggregation)
- $allElementsTrue (aggregation)
- $and (aggregation)
- $anyElementTrue (aggregation)
- $arrayElemAt (aggregation)
- $arrayToObject (aggregation)
- $asin (aggregation)
- $asinh (aggregation)
- $atan (aggregation)
- $atan2 (aggregation)
- $atanh (aggregation)
- $avg (aggregation)
- $ceil (aggregation)
- $cmp (aggregation)
- $concat (aggregation)
- $concatArrays (aggregation)
- $cond (aggregation)
- $convert (aggregation)
- $cos (aggregation)
- $dateFromParts (aggregation)
- $dateToParts (aggregation)
- $dateFromString (aggregation)
- $literal (aggregation)
- 查询修饰符
- 数据库命令
- 聚合命令
- 地理空间命令
- 查询和写操作命令
- 查询计划缓存命令
- 认证命令
- 用户管理命令
- 角色管理命令
- 复制命令
- 分片命令
- 会话命令
- 管理命令
- 诊断命令
- 免费监控命令
- 系统事件审计命令
- mongo Shell 方法
- 集合方法
- db.collection.aggregate()
- db.collection.bulkWrite()
- db.collection.copyTo()
- db.collection.count()
- db.collection.countDocuments()
- db.collection.estimatedDocumentCount()
- db.collection.createIndex()
- db.collection.createIndexes()
- db.collection.dataSize()
- db.collection.deleteOne()
- db.collection.deleteMany()
- db.collection.distinct()
- db.collection.drop()
- db.collection.dropIndex()
- db.collection.dropIndexes()
- db.collection.ensureIndex()
- db.collection.explain()
- db.collection.find()
- db.collection.findAndModify()
- db.collection.findOne()
- db.collection.findOneAndDelete()
- db.collection.findOneAndReplace()
- db.collection.findOneAndUpdate()
- db.collection.getIndexes()
- db.collection.getShardDistribution()
- db.collection.getShardVersion()
- db.collection.insert()
- db.collection.insertOne()
- db.collection.insertMany()
- db.collection.isCapped()
- db.collection.latencyStats()
- db.collection.mapReduce()
- db.collection.reIndex()
- db.collection.remove()
- db.collection.renameCollection()
- db.collection.replaceOne()
- db.collection.save()
- db.collection.stats()
- db.collection.storageSize()
- db.collection.totalIndexSize()
- db.collection.totalSize()
- db.collection.update()
- db.collection.updateOne()
- db.collection.updateMany()
- db.collection.watch()
- db.collection.validate()
- 词汇表
- 默认的MongoDB端口
- 默认的MongoDB读/写关注
- 服务器会话
- MongoDB驱动
- 联系我们
- 更多资料
- [快学Mongo]
- [Mongo问题讨论区]
- [Mongo 驱动使用手册]
- 本书使用 GitBook 发布
Storage The storage engine is the primary component of MongoDB responsible for managing data. MongoDB provides a variety of storage engines, allowing you to choose one most suited to your application.
The journal is a log that helps the database recover in the event of a hard shutdown. There are several configurable options that allows the journal to strike a balance between performance and reliability that works for your particular use case.
GridFS is a versatile storage system that is suited to handling large files, such as those exceeding the 16 MB document size limit.
Copyright © 上海锦木信息技术有限公司 all right reserved,由 MongoDB汉化小组 提供技术支持文件修订时间: 2020-10-11 20:53:05