- MongoDB官方文档中文版
- MongoDB中文手册说明
- MongoDB简介
- 安装 MongoDB
- The mongo Shell
- MongoDB CRUD 操作
- 聚合
- 数据模型
- 事务
- 索引
- 安全
- 安全检查列表
- 启用访问控制
- 身份验证
- 基于角色的访问控制
- TLS / SSL(传输加密)
- 静态加密
- 客户端字段级加密
- 审计
- 网络和配置强化
- 实现字段级别修订
- 安全参考
- 附录
- 变更流
- 复制
- 分片
- 分片键
- 哈希分片
- 范围分片
- 区
- 管理分片区
- 按位置细分数据
- 用于更改SLA或SLO的分层硬件
- 按应用或客户细分数据
- 仅插入工作负载的分布式本地写入
- 管理分片区
- 使用块进行数据分区
- 在分片集群中拆分数据块
- 管理
- 存储
- 存储引擎
- 日志记录
- 管理日志记录
- GridFS
- FAQ:MongoDB 存储
- 存储引擎
- 参考
- 运算符
- 查询与映射运算符
- 更新运算符
- 聚合管道阶段
- 聚合管道操作符
- $abs (aggregation)
- $acos (aggregation)
- $acosh (aggregation)
- $add (aggregation)
- $addToSet (aggregation)
- $allElementsTrue (aggregation)
- $and (aggregation)
- $anyElementTrue (aggregation)
- $arrayElemAt (aggregation)
- $arrayToObject (aggregation)
- $asin (aggregation)
- $asinh (aggregation)
- $atan (aggregation)
- $atan2 (aggregation)
- $atanh (aggregation)
- $avg (aggregation)
- $ceil (aggregation)
- $cmp (aggregation)
- $concat (aggregation)
- $concatArrays (aggregation)
- $cond (aggregation)
- $convert (aggregation)
- $cos (aggregation)
- $dateFromParts (aggregation)
- $dateToParts (aggregation)
- $dateFromString (aggregation)
- $literal (aggregation)
- 查询修饰符
- 数据库命令
- 聚合命令
- 地理空间命令
- 查询和写操作命令
- 查询计划缓存命令
- 认证命令
- 用户管理命令
- 角色管理命令
- 复制命令
- 分片命令
- 会话命令
- 管理命令
- 诊断命令
- 免费监控命令
- 系统事件审计命令
- mongo Shell 方法
- 集合方法
- db.collection.aggregate()
- db.collection.bulkWrite()
- db.collection.copyTo()
- db.collection.count()
- db.collection.countDocuments()
- db.collection.estimatedDocumentCount()
- db.collection.createIndex()
- db.collection.createIndexes()
- db.collection.dataSize()
- db.collection.deleteOne()
- db.collection.deleteMany()
- db.collection.distinct()
- db.collection.drop()
- db.collection.dropIndex()
- db.collection.dropIndexes()
- db.collection.ensureIndex()
- db.collection.explain()
- db.collection.find()
- db.collection.findAndModify()
- db.collection.findOne()
- db.collection.findOneAndDelete()
- db.collection.findOneAndReplace()
- db.collection.findOneAndUpdate()
- db.collection.getIndexes()
- db.collection.getShardDistribution()
- db.collection.getShardVersion()
- db.collection.insert()
- db.collection.insertOne()
- db.collection.insertMany()
- db.collection.isCapped()
- db.collection.latencyStats()
- db.collection.mapReduce()
- db.collection.reIndex()
- db.collection.remove()
- db.collection.renameCollection()
- db.collection.replaceOne()
- db.collection.save()
- db.collection.stats()
- db.collection.storageSize()
- db.collection.totalIndexSize()
- db.collection.totalSize()
- db.collection.update()
- db.collection.updateOne()
- db.collection.updateMany()
- db.collection.watch()
- db.collection.validate()
- 词汇表
- 默认的MongoDB端口
- 默认的MongoDB读/写关注
- 服务器会话
- MongoDB驱动
- 联系我们
- 更多资料
- [快学Mongo]
- [Mongo问题讨论区]
- [Mongo 驱动使用手册]
- 本书使用 GitBook 发布
Storage Engines The storage engine is the component of the database that is responsible for managing how data is stored, both in memory and on disk. MongoDB supports multiple storage engines, as different engines perform better for specific workloads. Choosing the appropriate storage engine for your use case can significantly impact the performance of your applications.
Starting in version 4.2, MongoDB removes the deprecated MMAPv1 storage engine.
➤ WiredTiger Storage Engine (Default) WiredTiger is the default storage engine starting in MongoDB 3.2. It is well-suited for most workloads and is recommended for new deployments. WiredTiger provides a document-level concurrency model, checkpointing, and compression, among other features.
In MongoDB Enterprise, WiredTiger also supports Encryption at Rest. See Encrypted Storage Engine.
➤ In-Memory Storage Engine In-Memory Storage Engine is available in MongoDB Enterprise. Rather than storing documents on-disk, it retains them in-memory for more predictable data latencies.
Copyright © 上海锦木信息技术有限公司 all right reserved,由 MongoDB汉化小组 提供技术支持文件修订时间: 2020-10-11 20:53:05