- MongoDB官方文档中文版
- MongoDB用户手册
- MongoDB简介
- 安装 MongoDB
- 安装MongoDB社区版
- 安装MongoDB企业版
- 将社区版MongoDB升级到企业版MongoDB
- 验证MongoDB软件包的完整性
- Mongo Shell
- 增删改查操作
- 聚合
- 数据模式
- 数据建模介绍
- 模式验证
- Data Modeling Concepts
- Data Model Examples and Patterns
- Model Relationships Between Documents
- Model One-to-One Relationships with Embedded Documents
- Model One-to-Many Relationships with Embedded Documents
- Model One-to-Many Relationships with Document References
- Model Tree Structures
- Model Tree Structures with Parent References
- Model Tree Structures with Child References
- Model Tree Structures with an Array of Ancestors
- Model Tree Structures with Materialized Paths
- Model Tree Structures with Nested Sets
- Model Specific Application Contexts
- Model Data for Atomic Operations
- Model Data to Support Keyword Search
- Model Data for Schema Versioning
- Model Monetary Data
- Model Time Data
- Model Computed Data
- Data Model Reference
- 事务
- 索引
- Single Field Indexes
- Compound Indexes
- Multikey Indexes
- Text Indexes
- Wildcard Indexes
- 2dsphere Indexes
- 2d Indexes
- geoHaystack Indexes
- Hashed Indexes
- 索引特性
- Index Builds on Populated Collections
- 索引交集
- Manage Indexes
- 衡量索引使用
- Indexing Strategies
- Indexing Reference
- 2d索引
- 2dsphere索引
- 复合索引
- geoHaystack索引
- Hashed 索引
- 在填充的集合上建立索引
- 索引参考
- 索引策略
- 管理索引
- 多键索引
- 单字段索引
- 文本索引
- 通配符索引
- 安全
- 安全检查列表
- Enable Access Control
- 身份验证
- Users
- Add Users
- Authentication Mechanisms
- x.509
- Enterprise Authentication Mechanisms
- Kerberos Authentication
- LDAP Proxy Authentication
- LDAP Authorization
- Internal/Membership Authentication
- Deploy Replica Set With Keyfile Authentication
- Update Replica Set to Keyfile Authentication
- Update Replica Set to Keyfile Authentication (No Downtime)
- Rotate Keys for Replica Sets
- Deploy Sharded Cluster with Keyfile Authentication
- Update Sharded Cluster to Keyfile Authentication
- Update Sharded Cluster to Keyfile Authentication (No Downtime)
- Rotate Keys for Sharded Clusters
- Use x.509 Certificate for Membership Authentication
- Upgrade from Keyfile Authentication to x.509 Authentication
- Rolling Update of x.509 Cluster Certificates that Contain New DN
- Role-Based Access Control
- TLS/SSL (Transport Encryption)
- Encryption at Rest
- Client-Side Field Level Encryption
- 审计
- Network and Configuration Hardening
- Implement Field Level Redaction
- Security Reference
- Create a Vulnerability Report
- Appendix
- 附录
- 启用访问控制
- 网络和配置强化
- 安全参考
- 改变流
- 复制集
- 复制集成员
- 副本集日志
- Replica Set Data Synchronization
- 副本集部署架构
- Replica Set High Availability
- Replica Set Read and Write Semantics
- Replica Set Deployment Tutorials
- Member Configuration Tutorials
- Replica Set Maintenance Tutorials
- Change the Size of the Oplog
- Perform Maintenance on Replica Set Members
- Force a Member to Become Primary
- Resync a Member of a Replica Set
- Configure Replica Set Tag Sets
- Reconfigure a Replica Set with Unavailable Members
- Manage Chained Replication
- Change Hostnames in a Replica Set
- Configure a Secondary’s Sync Target
- Replication Reference
- 副本集数据同步
- 分片
- 分片集群组成]
- 片键
- 哈希分片
- 范围分片
- 部署分片集群
- 区域
- Data Partitioning with Chunks
- Balancer
- Administration
- Config Server Administration
- Replace a Config Server
- View Cluster Configuration
- Restart a Sharded Cluster
- Migrate a Sharded Cluster to Different Hardware
- Add Shards to a Cluster
- Remove Shards from an Existing Sharded Cluster
- Clear jumbo Flag
- Back Up Cluster Metadata
- Convert Sharded Cluster to Replica Set
- Convert a Replica Set to a Sharded Cluster
- Convert a Shard Standalone to a Shard Replica Set
- Sharding Reference
- 分片键
- Zone
- 管理权限
- 产品说明
- Operations Checklist
- Development Checklist
- Performance
- 配置和维护
- Data Center Awareness
- MongoDB Backup Methods
- Back Up and Restore with Filesystem Snapshots
- Back Up and Restore with MongoDB Tools
- Restore a Replica Set from MongoDB Backups
- Backup and Restore Sharded Clusters
- Back Up a Sharded Cluster with File System Snapshots
- Back Up a Sharded Cluster with Database Dumps
- Schedule Backup Window for Sharded Clusters
- Restore a Sharded Cluster
- Recover a Standalone after an Unexpected Shutdown
- Monitoring for MongoDB
- 开发检查表
- MogoDB 备份方法
- 操作检查表
- MongoDB性能
- 存储
- 常见问题
- 参考
- Operators
- Query and Projection Operators
- Comparison Query Operators
- Logical Query Operators
- Element Query Operators
- Evaluation Query Operators
- Geospatial Query Operators
- Array Query Operators
- Bitwise Query Operators
- $comment
- 查询与映射运算符
- 更新运算符
- Field Update Operators
- Array Update Operators
- Bitwise Update Operator
- Aggregation Pipeline Stages
- $addFields (aggregation)
- $bucket (aggregation)
- $bucketAuto (aggregation)
- $collStats (aggregation)
- $count (aggregation)
- $currentOp (aggregation)
- $facet (aggregation)
- $geoNear (aggregation)
- $graphLookup (aggregation)
- $group (aggregation)
- $indexStats (aggregation)
- $limit (aggregation)
- $listLocalSessions
- $listSessions
- $lookup (aggregation)
- $match (aggregation)
- $merge (aggregation)
- $out (aggregation)
- $planCacheStats
- $project (aggregation)
- $redact (aggregation)
- $replaceRoot (aggregation)
- $replaceWith (aggregation)
- $sample (aggregation)
- $set (aggregation)
- $skip (aggregation)
- $sort (aggregation)
- $sortByCount (aggregation)
- $unionWith (aggregation)
- $unset (aggregation)
- $unwind (aggregation)
- Aggregation Pipeline Operators
- $sin (aggregation)
- $abs (aggregation)
- $slice (aggregation)
- $accumulator (aggregation)
- $split (aggregation)
- $acos (aggregation)
- $sqrt (aggregation)
- $acosh (aggregation)
- $add (aggregation)
- $addToSet (aggregation)
- $allElementsTrue (aggregation)
- $and (aggregation)
- $anyElementTrue (aggregation)
- $arrayElemAt (aggregation)
- $arrayToObject (aggregation)
- $asin (aggregation)
- $asinh (aggregation)
- $sum (aggregation)
- $atan (aggregation)
- $atan2 (aggregation)
- $tan (aggregation)
- $atanh (aggregation)
- $avg (aggregation)
- $binarySize (aggregation)
- $bsonSize (aggregation)
- $ceil (aggregation)
- $toInt (aggregation)
- $cmp (aggregation)
- $concat (aggregation)
- $concatArrays (aggregation)
- $cond (aggregation)
- $convert (aggregation)
- $cos (aggregation)
- $dateFromParts (aggregation)
- $dateToParts (aggregation)
- $type (aggregation)
- $dateFromString (aggregation)
- $week (aggregation)
- $dateToString (aggregation)
- $year (aggregation)
- $dayOfMonth (aggregation)
- $zip (aggregation)
- $dayOfWeek (aggregation)
- $dayOfYear (aggregation)
- $degreesToRadians (aggregation)
- $divide (aggregation)
- $eq (aggregation)
- $exp (aggregation)
- $filter (aggregation)
- $first (aggregation accumulator)
- $first (aggregation)
- $floor (aggregation)
- $function (aggregation)
- $gt (aggregation)
- $gte (aggregation)
- $hour (aggregation)
- $ifNull (aggregation)
- $in (aggregation)
- $indexOfArray (aggregation)
- $indexOfBytes (aggregation)
- $indexOfCP (aggregation)
- $isArray (aggregation)
- $isNumber (aggregation)
- $isoDayOfWeek (aggregation)
- $isoWeek (aggregation)
- $isoWeekYear (aggregation)
- $last (aggregation accumulator)
- $last (aggregation)
- $let (aggregation)
- $literal (aggregation)
- $ln (aggregation)
- $log (aggregation)
- $log10 (aggregation)
- $lt (aggregation)
- $lte (aggregation)
- $trim (aggregation)
- $map (aggregation)
- $max (aggregation)
- $mergeObjects (aggregation)
- $meta
- $min (aggregation)
- $millisecond (aggregation)
- $minute (aggregation)
- $mod (aggregation)
- $month (aggregation)
- $multiply (aggregation)
- $ne (aggregation)
- $not (aggregation)
- $objectToArray (aggregation)
- $or (aggregation)
- $pow (aggregation)
- $push (aggregation)
- $radiansToDegrees (aggregation)
- $range (aggregation)
- $reduce (aggregation)
- $regexFind (aggregation)
- $regexFindAll (aggregation)
- $regexMatch (aggregation)
- $replaceOne (aggregation)
- $replaceAll (aggregation)
- $reverseArray (aggregation)
- $round (aggregation)
- $rtrim (aggregation)
- $second (aggregation)
- $setDifference (aggregation)
- $setEquals (aggregation)
- $setIntersection (aggregation)
- $setIsSubset (aggregation)
- $setUnion (aggregation)
- $size (aggregation)
- $slice (aggregation)
- $split (aggregation)
- $sqrt (aggregation)
- $stdDevPop (aggregation)
- $stdDevSamp (aggregation)
- $strcasecmp (aggregation)
- $strLenBytes (aggregation)
- $strLenCP (aggregation)
- $substr (aggregation)
- $substrBytes (aggregation)
- $substrCP (aggregation)
- $subtract (aggregation)
- $sum (aggregation)
- $switch (aggregation)
- $tan (aggregation)
- $toBool (aggregation)
- $toDate (aggregation)
- $toDecimal (aggregation)
- $toDouble(aggregation)
- $toInt (aggregation)
- $toLong (aggregation)
- $toObjectId (aggregation)
- $toString (aggregation)
- $toLower (aggregation)
- $toUpper (aggregation)
- $trim (aggregation)
- $trunc (aggregation)
- $type (aggregation)
- $week (aggregation)
- $year (aggregation)
- $zip (aggregation)
- 查询修饰符
- $comment
- $explain
- $hint
- $max
- $maxTimeMS
- $min
- $orderby
- $query
- $returnKey
- $showDiskLoc
- $natural
- 聚合管道操作符
- $abs (aggregation)
- $acos (aggregation)
- $acosh (aggregation)
- $add (aggregation)
- $addToSet (aggregation)
- $and (aggregation)
- $anyElementTrue (aggregation)
- $arrayElemAt (aggregation)
- $arrayToObject (aggregation)
- $asin (aggregation)
- $asinh (aggregation)
- $atan (aggregation)
- $atan2 (aggregation)
- $atanh (aggregation)
- $avg (aggregation)
- $ceil (aggregation)
- $cmp (aggregation)
- $concat (aggregation)
- $concatArrays (aggregation)
- $cond (aggregation)
- $convert (aggregation)
- $cos (aggregation)
- $dateFromParts (aggregation)
- $dateFromString (aggregation)
- $dateToParts (aggregation)
- $dateToString (aggregation)
- $literal (aggregation)
- 聚合管道阶段
- 数据库命令
- Aggregation Commands
- aggregate
- count
- distinct
- mapReduce
- Geospatial Commands
- geoSearch
- Query and Write Operation Commands
- delete
- find
- findAndModify
- getLastError
- getMore
- insert
- resetError
- update
- 查询计划缓存命令
- planCacheClear
- planCacheClearFilters
- planCacheListFilters
- planCacheSetFilter
- 认证命令
- authenticate
- getnonce
- logout
- User Management Commands
- createUser
- dropAllUsersFromDatabase
- dropUser
- grantRolesToUser
- revokeRolesFromUser
- updateUser
- usersInfo
- Role Management Commands
- createRole
- dropRole
- dropAllRolesFromDatabase
- grantPrivilegesToRole
- grantRolesToRole
- invalidateUserCache
- revokePrivilegesFromRole
- revokeRolesFromRole
- rolesInfo
- updateRole
- Replication Commands
- applyOps
- isMaster
- replSetAbortPrimaryCatchUp
- replSetFreeze
- replSetGetConfig
- replSetGetStatus
- replSetInitiate
- replSetMaintenance
- replSetReconfig
- replSetResizeOplog
- replSetStepDown
- replSetSyncFrom
- Sharding Commands
- addShard
- addShardToZone
- balancerCollectionStatus
- balancerStart
- balancerStatus
- balancerStop
- checkShardingIndex
- clearJumboFlag
- cleanupOrphaned
- enableSharding
- flushRouterConfig
- getShardMap
- getShardVersion
- isdbgrid
- listShards
- medianKey
- moveChunk
- movePrimary
- mergeChunks
- refineCollectionShardKey
- removeShard
- removeShardFromZone
- setShardVersion
- shardCollection
- shardingState
- split
- splitChunk
- splitVector
- unsetSharding
- updateZoneKeyRange
- Sessions Commands
- abortTransaction
- commitTransaction
- endSessions
- killAllSessions
- killAllSessionsByPattern
- killSessions
- refreshSessions
- startSession
- Administration Commands
- cloneCollectionAsCapped
- collMod
- compact
- connPoolSync
- convertToCapped
- create
- createIndexes
- currentOp
- drop
- dropDatabase
- dropConnections
- dropIndexes
- filemd5
- fsync
- fsyncUnlock
- getDefaultRWConcern
- getParameter
- killCursors
- killOp
- listCollections
- listDatabases
- listIndexes
- logRotate
- reIndex
- renameCollection
- setFeatureCompatibilityVersion
- setIndexCommitQuorum
- setParameter
- setDefaultRWConcern
- shutdown
- Diagnostic Commands
- availableQueryOptions
- buildInfo
- collStats
- connPoolStats
- connectionStatus
- cursorInfo
- dataSize
- dbHash
- dbStats
- diagLogging
- driverOIDTest
- explain
- features
- getCmdLineOpts
- getLog
- hostInfo
- isSelf
- listCommands
- lockInfo
- netstat
- ping
- profile
- serverStatus
- shardConnPoolStats
- top
- validate
- whatsmyuri
- 免费监控命令
- getFreeMonitoringStatus
- setFreeMonitoring
- 数据库命令
- logApplicationMessage
- 管理命令
- 聚合命令
- 诊断命令
- 地理空间命令
- 查询和写操作命令
- 复制命令
- 角色管理命令
- 会话命令
- 分片命令
- 用户管理命令
- mongo Shell 方法
- Collection Methods
- db.collection.aggregate()
- db.collection.bulkWrite()
- db.collection.copyTo()
- db.collection.count()
- db.collection.countDocuments()
- db.collection.estimatedDocumentCount()
- db.collection.createIndex()
- db.collection.createIndexes()
- db.collection.dataSize()
- db.collection.deleteOne()
- db.collection.deleteMany()
- db.collection.distinct()
- db.collection.drop()
- db.collection.dropIndex()
- db.collection.dropIndexes()
- db.collection.ensureIndex()
- db.collection.explain()
- db.collection.find()
- db.collection.findAndModify()
- db.collection.findOne()
- db.collection.findOneAndDelete()
- db.collection.findOneAndReplace()
- db.collection.findOneAndUpdate()
- db.collection.getIndexes()
- db.collection.getShardDistribution()
- db.collection.getShardVersion()
- db.collection.hideIndex()
- db.collection.insert()
- db.collection.insertOne()
- db.collection.insertMany()
- db.collection.isCapped()
- db.collection.latencyStats()
- db.collection.mapReduce()
- db.collection.reIndex()
- db.collection.remove()
- db.collection.renameCollection()
- db.collection.replaceOne()
- db.collection.save()
- db.collection.stats()
- db.collection.storageSize()
- db.collection.totalIndexSize()
- db.collection.totalSize()
- db.collection.unhideIndex()
- db.collection.update()
- db.collection.updateOne()
- db.collection.updateMany()
- db.collection.watch()
- db.collection.validate()
- Cursor Methods
- cursor.addOption()
- cursor.allowDiskUse()
- cursor.allowPartialResults()
- cursor.batchSize()
- cursor.close()
- cursor.isClosed()
- cursor.collation()
- cursor.comment()
- cursor.count()
- cursor.explain()
- cursor.forEach()
- cursor.hasNext()
- cursor.hint()
- cursor.isExhausted()
- cursor.itcount()
- cursor.limit()
- cursor.map()
- cursor.max()
- cursor.maxTimeMS()
- cursor.min()
- cursor.next()
- cursor.noCursorTimeout()
- cursor.objsLeftInBatch()
- cursor.pretty()
- cursor.readConcern()
- cursor.readPref()
- cursor.returnKey()
- cursor.showRecordId()
- cursor.size()
- cursor.skip()
- cursor.sort()
- cursor.tailable()
- cursor.toArray()
- Database Methods
- db.adminCommand()
- db.aggregate()
- db.cloneDatabase()
- db.commandHelp()
- db.copyDatabase()
- db.createCollection()
- db.createView()
- db.currentOp()
- db.dropDatabase()
- db.eval()
- db.fsyncLock()
- db.fsyncUnlock()
- db.getCollection()
- db.getCollectionInfos()
- db.getCollectionNames()
- db.getLastError()
- db.getLastErrorObj()
- db.getLogComponents()
- db.getMongo()
- db.getName()
- db.getProfilingLevel()
- db.getProfilingStatus()
- db.getReplicationInfo()
- db.getSiblingDB()
- db.help()
- db.hostInfo()
- db.isMaster()
- db.killOp()
- db.listCommands()
- db.logout()
- db.printCollectionStats()
- db.printReplicationInfo()
- db.printShardingStatus()
- db.printSlaveReplicationInfo()
- db.resetError()
- db.runCommand()
- db.serverBuildInfo()
- db.serverCmdLineOpts()
- db.serverStatus()
- db.setLogLevel()
- db.setProfilingLevel()
- db.shutdownServer()
- db.stats()
- db.version()
- db.watch()
- Query Plan Cache Methods
- db.collection.getPlanCache()
- PlanCache.clear()
- PlanCache.clearPlansByQuery()
- PlanCache.help()
- PlanCache.list()
- Bulk Operation Methods
- db.collection.initializeOrderedBulkOp()
- db.collection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp()
- Bulk()
- Bulk.execute()
- Bulk.find()
- Bulk.find.arrayFilters()
- Bulk.find.collation()
- Bulk.find.hint()
- Bulk.find.remove()
- Bulk.find.removeOne()
- Bulk.find.replaceOne()
- Bulk.find.updateOne()
- Bulk.find.update()
- Bulk.find.upsert()
- Bulk.getOperations()
- Bulk.insert()
- Bulk.tojson()
- Bulk.toString()
- User Management Methods
- db.auth()
- db.changeUserPassword()
- db.createUser()
- db.dropUser()
- db.dropAllUsers()
- db.getUser()
- db.getUsers()
- db.grantRolesToUser()
- db.removeUser()
- db.revokeRolesFromUser()
- db.updateUser()
- passwordPrompt()
- Role Management Methods
- db.createRole()
- db.dropRole()
- db.dropAllRoles()
- db.getRole()
- db.getRoles()
- db.grantPrivilegesToRole()
- db.revokePrivilegesFromRole()
- db.grantRolesToRole()
- db.revokeRolesFromRole()
- db.updateRole()
- Replication Methods
- rs.add()
- rs.addArb()
- rs.conf()
- rs.freeze()
- rs.help()
- rs.initiate()
- rs.printReplicationInfo()
- rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo()
- rs.reconfig()
- rs.remove()
- rs.status()
- rs.stepDown()
- rs.syncFrom()
- Sharding Methods
- sh.addShard()
- sh.addShardTag()
- sh.addShardToZone()
- sh.addTagRange()
- sh.balancerCollectionStatus()
- sh.disableBalancing()
- sh.enableBalancing()
- sh.disableAutoSplit
- sh.enableAutoSplit
- sh.enableSharding()
- sh.getBalancerHost()
- sh.getBalancerState()
- sh.removeTagRange()
- sh.removeRangeFromZone()
- sh.help()
- sh.isBalancerRunning()
- sh.moveChunk()
- sh.removeShardTag()
- sh.removeShardFromZone()
- sh.setBalancerState()
- sh.shardCollection()
- sh.splitAt()
- sh.splitFind()
- sh.startBalancer()
- sh.status()
- sh.stopBalancer()
- sh.waitForBalancer()
- sh.waitForBalancerOff()
- sh.waitForPingChange()
- sh.updateZoneKeyRange()
- convertShardKeyToHashed
- Free Monitoring Methods
- db.disableFreeMonitoring()
- db.enableFreeMonitoring()
- db.getFreeMonitoringStatus
- Object Constructors and Methods
- BulkWriteResult()
- Date()
- ObjectId
- ObjectId.getTimestamp()
- ObjectId.toString()
- ObjectId.valueOf()
- UUID()
- WriteResult()
- WriteResult.hasWriteError()
- WriteResult.hasWriteConcernError()
- Connection Methods
- connect()
- Mongo()
- Mongo.getDB()
- Mongo.getReadPrefMode()
- Mongo.getReadPrefTagSet()
- Mongo.isCausalConsistency()
- Mongo.setCausalConsistency()
- Mongo.setReadPref()
- Mongo.startSession()
- Mongo.watch()
- Session
- SessionOptions
- Native Methods
- cat()
- cd()
- copyDbpath()
- getHostName()
- getMemInfo()
- hostname()
- isInteractive()
- listFiles()
- load()
- ls()
- md5sumFile()
- mkdir()
- pwd()
- quit()
- removeFile()
- resetDbpath()
- sleep()
- setVerboseShell()
- version()
- _isWindows()
- _rand()
- Client-Side Field Level Encryption Methods
- getKeyVault()
- KeyVault.createKey()
- KeyVault.deleteKey()
- KeyVault.getKey()
- KeyVault.getKeys()
- KeyVault.addKeyAlternateName()
- KeyVault.removeKeyAlternateName()
- KeyVault.getKeyByAltName()
- getClientEncryption()
- ClientEncryption.encrypt()
- ClientEncryption.decrypt()
- mongo Shell 方法
- MongoDB Package Components
- Configuration File Options
- MongoDB Server Parameters
- MongoDB Limits and Thresholds
- Explain Results
- System Collections
- 连接字符串URI格式
- 排序
- MongoDB的Wire协议
- 日志消息
- Exit Codes and Statuses
- 词汇表
- 默认的MongoDB端口
- Default MongoDB Read Concerns/Write Concerns
- 服务器会话
- Configuration File Options
- 默认的MongoDB读/写关注
- 退出代码和状态
- MongoDB Limits and Thresholds
- Operators
- 更新说明
- Release Notes for MongoDB 4.4
- Release Notes for MongoDB 4.2
- Release Notes for MongoDB 4.0
- Release Notes for MongoDB 3.6
- Release Notes for MongoDB 3.4
- Release Notes for MongoDB 3.2
- Release Notes for MongoDB 3.0
- Release Notes for MongoDB 2.6
- Release Notes for MongoDB 2.4
- Release Notes for MongoDB 2.2
- Release Notes for MongoDB 2.0
- Release Notes for MongoDB 1.8
- Release Notes for MongoDB 1.6
- Release Notes for MongoDB 1.4
- Release Notes for MongoDB 1.2.x
- MongoDB Versioning
- 技术支持
- 开始使用MongoDB开发
- 联系我们
- 更多资料
- 本书使用 GitBook 发布
MongoDB Extended JSON
MongoDB Extended JSON
On this page
JSONcan only represent a subset of the types supported byBSON. To preserve type information, MongoDB adds the following extensions to the JSON format:
- Strict mode . Strict mode representations of BSON types conform to the JSON RFC . Any JSON parser can parse these strict mode representations as key/value pairs; however, only the MongoDB internal JSON parser recognizes the type information conveyed by the format.
Shell mode . The MongoDB internal JSON parser and themongo
shell can parse this mode.
The representation used for the various data types depends on the context in which the JSON is parsed.
Parsers and Supported Format
Input in Strict Mode
The following can parse representations in strict mode_with_recognition of the type information.
- REST Interfaces
option of various MongoDB tools- MongoDB Compass
Other JSON parsers, includingmongo
shell anddb.eval()
, can parse strict mode representations as key/value pairs, but_without_recognition of the type information.
Input inmongo
Shell Mode
The following can parse representations inmongo
shell mode_with_recognition of the type information.
- REST Interfaces
option of various MongoDB toolsmongo
Output in Strict mode
andREST and HTTP Interfacesoutput data inStrict mode.
Output inmongo
Shell Mode
outputs inmongo
Shell mode.
BSON Data Types and Associated Representations
The following presents the BSON data types and the associated representations inStrict mode_andmongo
_Shell mode.
Strict Mode | mongo | Shell Mode |
{ "$binary": "<bindata>", "$type": "<t>" } | BinData ( <t>, <bindata> ) |
is the base64 representation of a binary string.
is a representation of a single byte indicating the data type. In Strict mode it is a hexadecimal string, and in Shell mode it is an integer. See the extended bson documentation. http://bsonspec.org/spec.html
Strict Mode | mongo | Shell Mode |
{ "$date": "<date>" } | new Date ( <date> ) |
InStrict mode,
is an ISO-8601 date format with a mandatory time zone field following the templateYYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.mmm<+/-Offset>
The MongoDB JSON parser currently does not support loading ISO-8601 strings representing dates prior to theUnix epoch. When formatting pre-epoch dates and dates past what your system’stime_t
type can hold, the following format is used:
{ "$date" : { "$numberLong" : "
" } }
InShell mode,
is the JSON representation of a 64-bit signed integer giving the number of milliseconds since epoch UTC.
Strict Mode | mongo | Shell Mode |
{ "$timestamp": { "t": <t>, "i": <i> } } | Timestamp( <t>, <i> ) |
is the JSON representation of a 32-bit unsigned integer for seconds since epoch.<
is a 32-bit unsigned integer for the increment.
Regular Expression
Strict Mode | mongo | Shell Mode |
{ "$regex": "<sRegex>", "$options": "<sOptions>" } | /<jRegex>/<jOptions> |
is a string of valid JSON characters.<
is a string that may contain valid JSON characters and unescaped double quote ("
) characters, but may not contain unescaped forward slash (/
) characters.<
is a string containing the regex options represented by the letters of the alphabet.<
is a string that may contain only the characters ‘g’, ‘i’, ‘m’ and ‘s’ (added in v1.9). Because theJavaScript
representations support a limited range of options, any nonconforming options will be dropped when converting to this representation.
Strict Mode | mongo | Shell Mode |
{ "$oid": "<id>" } | ObjectId( "<id>" ) |
is a 24-character hexadecimal string.
DB Reference
Strict Mode | mongo | Shell Mode |
{ "$ref": "<name>", "$id": "<id>" } | DBRef("<name>", "<id>") |
is a string of valid JSON characters.<
is any valid extended JSON type.
Undefined Type
Strict Mode | mongo | Shell Mode |
{ "$undefined": true } | undefined |
The representation for the JavaScript/BSON undefined type.
in query documents. Consider the following document inserted into thepeople
db.people.insert( { name : "Sally", age : undefined } )
The following queries return an error:
db.people.find( { age : undefined } )
db.people.find( { age : { $gte : undefined } } )
However, you can query for undefined values using$type
, as in:
db.people.find( { age : { $type : 6 } } )
This query returns all documents for which theage
field has valueundefined
Strict Mode | mongo | Shell Mode |
{ "$minKey": 1 } | MinKey |
The representation of the MinKey BSON data type that compares lower than all other types. SeeComparison/Sort Orderfor more information on comparison order for BSON types.
Strict Mode | mongo | Shell Mode |
{ "$maxKey": 1 } | MaxKey |
The representation of the MaxKey BSON data type that compares higher than all other types. SeeComparison/Sort Orderfor more information on comparison order for BSON types.
New in version 2.6.
Strict Mode | mongo | Shell Mode |
{ "$numberLong": "<number>" } | NumberLong( "<number>" ) |
is a 64 bit signed integer. You must include quotation marks or it will be interpreted as a floating point number, resulting in a loss of accuracy.
For example, the following commands insert9223372036854775807
as aNumberLong
with and without quotation marks around the integer value:
db.json.insert( { longQuoted : NumberLong("9223372036854775807") } )
db.json.insert( { longUnQuoted : NumberLong(9223372036854775807) } )
When you retrieve the documents, the value oflongUnQuoted
has changed, whilelongQuoted
retains its accuracy:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("54ee1f2d33335326d70987df"), "longQuoted" : NumberLong("9223372036854775807") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("54ee1f7433335326d70987e0"), "longUnQuoted" : NumberLong("-9223372036854775808") }
New in version 3.4.
Strict Mode | mongo | Shell Mode |
{ "$numberDecimal": "<number>" } | NumberDecimal( "<number>" ) |
is ahigh-precision decimal. You must include quotation marks, or the input number will be treated as a double, resulting in data loss.
For example, the following commands insert123.40
as aNumberDecimal
with and without quotation marks around the value:
db.json.insert( { decimalQuoted : NumberDecimal("123.40") } )
db.json.insert( { decimalUnQuoted : NumberDecimal(123.40) } )
When you retrieve the documents, the value ofdecimalUnQuoted
has changed, whiledecimalQuoted
retains its specified precision:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("596f88b7b613bb04f80a1ea9"), "decimalQuoted" : NumberDecimal("123.40") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("596f88c9b613bb04f80a1eaa"), "decimalUnQuoted" : NumberDecimal("123.400000000000") }
原文 - MongoDB Extended JSON (v2)
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