WePiggy - Harmony enables users to deposit and borrow digital currencies through the pooling of funds. The user deposits the underlying currency, receives the pToken issued by the protocol according to the current exchange rate (for example, 1:50), and when withdrawing it, obtains the principal and interest according to the new exchange rate. Each loan is secured by a collateral acting as a risk mitigation tool against default. As the means of exchange, currencies are central in WePiggy - Harmony non-custodial lending operations.

    Given the specificities of WePiggy’s model, the selection of currencies has been performed with the following constraints:

    1. Each additional currency will slightly increase the gas cost of the borrow, redeem and other actions permanently.

    2. Each currency added to WePiggy - Harmony protocol as collateral increases the protocol risk of insolvency. From a financial (balance sheet) perspective, the assets of WePiggy - Harmony protocol are the collaterals, while the liabilities are the loaned amounts. The underlying currencies of assets and liabilities often differ, with loans mostly taken in stablecoins and backed by volatile tokens. This means the protocol is heavily exposed to the failure of supported token systems as well as market fluctuations.

    3. A centralised currency accepted as collateral exposes the protocol to its centralisation risk. The single point of failure risks of underlying currencies flow into WePiggy - Harmony protocol.

    4. Currencies only enabled for depositing and borrowing (not usable as collaterals) present lower risk for the protocol. Collaterals are the assets of the protocol. To remain solvent, these assets must remain greater than the liabilities, the loans. Currencies which can only be used for borrowing should always be excessively backed by other currencies as the collaterals.

    5. Having volume from different currencies in our lending pools reduces risks via diversification benefits.

    When adding a currency to the protocol, significant controls are required to ensure the currency will add more value than risk.

    In most cases, only currencies with a worthy product and significant community are considered.

    The following currencies have been considered:

    No. Name Harmony Contract Address Related pToken Contract
    1 BUSD 0xe176ebe47d621b984a73036b9da5d834411ef734 0x8e1e582879Cb8baC6283368e8ede458B63F499a5
    2 USDC 0x985458e523db3d53125813ed68c274899e9dfab4 0x75DCd2536a5f414B8F90Bb7F2F3c015a26dc8c79
    3 USDT 0x3c2b8be99c50593081eaa2a724f0b8285f5aba8f 0x33A32f0ad4AA704e28C93eD8Ffa61d50d51622a7
    4 DAI 0xef977d2f931c1978db5f6747666fa1eacb0d0339 0x849C37A029B38D3826562697Ccc40c34477C6293
    5 ETH 0x6983d1e6def3690c4d616b13597a09e6193ea013 0x311aEA58Ca127B955890647413846E351df32554
    6 WBTC 0x3095c7557bcb296ccc6e363de01b760ba031f2d9 0x12D803497D1e58dD4D4A4F455D754f1d0F937C8b
    7 ONE 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE 0xd1121aDe04EE215524aeFbF7f8D45029214d668D