MetaMask (Desktop)

Automatically add and switch to Optimism mainnet

  1. Enter on the browser to enter WePiggy official website, click on App and to connect the wallet
    2. After connecting, click on the wallet in the upper right corner to enter the “My Account” page
    3. Click the “Add and switch to Harmony” button to successfully switch to the Optimism mainnet

Manually add Optimism network to MetaMask

  1. Open MetaMask in the browser, click on the Networks option at the top then select “Custom RPC”
    2. Enter the network information to be added in the page
    Network name: Harmony
    Chain ID:1666600000
    Symbol: ONE

After clicking the “Save” button, click the Networks setting at the top again to select the main network you added

How to add Harmony tokens

  1. Click [Add Token]
    2. Copy and paste the contract corresponding to the token, and then click Next to add tokens
Assets Contract Address
BUSD 0xe176ebe47d621b984a73036b9da5d834411ef734
USDT 0x3c2b8be99c50593081eaa2a724f0b8285f5aba8f
USDC 0x985458e523db3d53125813ed68c274899e9dfab4
DAI 0xef977d2f931c1978db5f6747666fa1eacb0d0339
ETH 0x6983d1e6def3690c4d616b13597a09e6193ea013
WBTC 0x3095c7557bcb296ccc6e363de01b760ba031f2d9
WPC 0x6F620EC89B8479e97A6985792d0c64F237566746
P_ONE 0xd1121aDe04EE215524aeFbF7f8D45029214d668D
P_BUSD 0x8e1e582879Cb8baC6283368e8ede458B63F499a5
P_USDT 0x33A32f0ad4AA704e28C93eD8Ffa61d50d51622a7
P_USDC 0x75DCd2536a5f414B8F90Bb7F2F3c015a26dc8c79
P_DAI 0x849C37A029B38D3826562697Ccc40c34477C6293
P_ETH 0x311aEA58Ca127B955890647413846E351df32554
P_WBTC 0x12D803497D1e58dD4D4A4F455D754f1d0F937C8b

Click [Import Tokens] to add token


Add Harmony mainnet

Click on the top right corner of the homepage
Click [Add custom network]
How to switch to Harmony Mainnet - 图7图片.png图片.png
Network name: Harmony
Chain ID:1666600000
Symbol: ONE

After filling in the parameters, click Save to add the Harmony mainnet

Import or creat a Harmony mainnet chain wallet

Click on the top right corner of the homepage, select Harmony mainnet
Copy the private key of your wallet of other chains and click “Import” to the Harmony mainnet wallet
Or click “Create” to create a new Harmony mainnet wallet

How to switch to Harmony Mainnet - 图10图片.png