


  1. Consider the following matrix:
  2. [
  3. [1, 4, 7, 11, 15],
  4. [2, 5, 8, 12, 19],
  5. [3, 6, 9, 16, 22],
  6. [10, 13, 14, 17, 24],
  7. [18, 21, 23, 26, 30]
  8. ]
  9. Given target = 5, return true.
  10. Given target = 20, return false.Copy to clipboardErrorCopied


该二维数组中的一个数,小于它的数一定在其左边,大于它的数一定在其下边。因此,从右上角开始查找,就可以根据 target 和当前元素的大小关系来缩小查找区间,当前元素的查找区间为左下角的所有元素。

  • 右上查找

    1. public class Solution {
    2. public boolean Find(int target, int [][] array) {
    3. if(array == null || array.length == 0 || array[0].length == 0) {
    4. return false;
    5. }
    6. int rows = array.length;
    7. int cols = array[0].length;
    8. // 右上
    9. int r = 0;
    10. int c = cols-1;
    11. while(r < rows && c >= 0){
    12. if(array[r][c] < target){
    13. r++;
    14. }else if(array[r][c] > target){
    15. c--;
    16. }else{
    17. return true;
    18. }
    19. }
    20. return false;
    21. }
    22. }
  • 左下查找

    1. public class Solution {
    2. public boolean Find(int target, int [][] array) {
    3. if(array == null || array.length == 0 || array[0].length == 0) {
    4. return false;
    5. }
    6. int row = array.length,cols = array[0].length;
    7. int r = row - 1, c = 0;
    8. while(r >= 0 && c < cols){
    9. if(target == array[r][c]){
    10. return true;
    11. }else if(target > array[r][c]) {
    12. c++;
    13. }else {
    14. r--;
    15. }
    16. }
    17. return false;
    18. }
    19. }