Lanten Festival (Original)
I spent the Lanten Festival with mon and dad. I ate some rice donplin in breakfest. The rice donplin is round and sweet. We went to see lantens at a park. The lantens are blue, pink,
yellow, red…. I made two little red lantens. I buy a beautiful lanten. It looks like a flower. This is my faverite holiday.
Lantern Festival (Revised)
I spent the Lantern Festival with my
mom and dad. I ate some rice dumplings for breakfast. The rice dumplings
are round and sweet. We went to see the lanterns in the park. The lanterns were blue, pink, yellow, red,
and purple. I made two little red lanterns
out of cut paper.
My lanterns were shaped like a ball. I bought a beautiful flower
shaped lantern. It’s made from a fine cloth. This
is my favorite holiday, because
the lanterns are so beautiful, and the rice dumplings are very yummy.
(delicious) I also like this holiday because we don’t have to go to school.
Plural- means “more than one
Cindy, she can express her ideas, but needs a bit more work on adding more in depth details. She also needs to practice her spelling, but being 8 years old this will improve as she becomes older and continues her writing skills. She also needs to work more on adding conjunctions and her tenses esp. her past tenses. ~ By Charles
KooSchool点评: Cindy的作文是写的中国的元宵节,对一个小学生来说,初稿已经写的很不错了。但是通过外教老师辅导修改后, 要更加通顺,丰满和完美啦,而且也修正了一些语法错误,小朋友以后需要多注意单复数的使用。