原文: https://beginnersbook.com/2019/03/kotlin-visibility-modifiers/

可见性修饰符将类,接口,函数,属性,构造函数等的访问限制到某个级别。在 kotlin 中,我们有四个可见性修饰符 - 公共,私有,受保护和内部。在本指南中,我们将借助示例了解这些可见性修饰符。

Kotlin 可见性修饰符

  • public:在任何地方都可见,这是 Kotlin 中的默认可见性修饰符,这意味着如果你没有指定修饰符,它默认是公共的。
  • private:包含声明的文件内可见。如果数据成员或成员函数在类中声明为private,则它们仅在类中可见。
  • protected:内部类和子类可见。
  • internal:在同一模块内可见。


  1. // file name: Example.kt
  2. package beginnersbook.com
  3. // public so visible everywhere
  4. var str = "BeginnersBook"
  5. // By default public so visible everywhere
  6. fun demo() {}
  7. // private so visible inside Example.kt only
  8. private fun demo2() {}
  9. // visible inside the same module
  10. internal fun demo3() {}
  11. // private so visible inside Example.kt
  12. private class MyClass {}

Kotlin 可见性修饰符示例


  1. // file name: Example.kt
  2. package beginnersbook.com
  3. open class Parent() {
  4. // by default public
  5. var num = 100
  6. // visible to this this class only
  7. private var str = "BeginnersBook"
  8. // visible to this class and the child class
  9. protected open val ch = 'A'
  10. // visible inside the same module
  11. internal val number = 99
  12. // visible to this class and child class
  13. open protected fun demo() { }
  14. }
  15. class Child: Parent() {
  16. /* num, ch, number and function demo() are
  17. * visible in this class but str is not visible.
  18. */
  19. override val ch = 'Z'
  20. override fun demo(){
  21. println("demo function of child class")
  22. }
  23. }
  24. fun main(args: Array<String>) {
  25. /* obj.num and obj.number are visible
  26. * obj.ch, obj.demo() and obj.str not visible
  27. */
  28. val obj = Parent()
  29. /* obj2.ch and obj2.demo() are not visible because if
  30. * you override protected members in child class without
  31. * specifying modifier then they are by default protected
  32. */
  33. val obj2 = Child()
  34. }