原文: https://beginnersbook.com/2014/08/hashmap-get-value-from-key-example/




  1. import java.util.HashMap;
  2. class HashMapDemo{
  3. public static void main(String[] args) {
  4. // Create a HashMap
  5. HashMap<Integer, String> hmap = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
  6. //add elements to HashMap
  7. hmap.put(1, "AA");
  8. hmap.put(2, "BB");
  9. hmap.put(3, "CC");
  10. hmap.put(4, "DD");
  11. // Getting values from HashMap
  12. String val=hmap.get(4);
  13. System.out.println("The Value mapped to Key 4 is:"+ val);
  14. /* Here Key "5" is not mapped to any value so this
  15. * operation returns null.
  16. */
  17. String val2=hmap.get(5);
  18. System.out.println("The Value mapped to Key 5 is:"+ val2);
  19. }
  20. }


  1. The Value mapped to Key 4 is:DD
  2. The Value mapped to Key 5 is:null

注意:在上面的程序中,键 5 没有映射到任何值,因此get()方法返回null,但是您不能使用此方法来检查HashMap中是否存在某个键,因为返回值null不一定表示映射不包含键;映射也可能将键明确映射为null。您必须使用containsKey()方法来检查HashMap中键是否存在