
  • numpy是Python科学计算的基本包。
  • matplotlib是在Python中常用的绘制图形的库。
  • dnn_utils 为此笔记本提供了一些必要的函数。
  • testCases 提供了一些测试用例来评估函数的正确性
  • np.random.seed(1)使所有随机函数调用保持一致。 这将有助于我们评估你的作业,请不要改变seed。 ```python import numpy as np import h5py import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from testCases_v2 import * from dnn_utils_v2 import sigmoid, sigmoid_backward, relu, relu_backward

%matplotlib inline plt.rcParams[‘figure.figsize’] = (5.0, 4.0) # set default size of plots plt.rcParams[‘image.interpolation’] = ‘nearest’ plt.rcParams[‘image.cmap’] = ‘gray’

%load_ext autoreload %autoreload 2


  1. <a name="fGC5j"></a>
  2. # 逐步构建深度神经网络
  3. <a name="GGJpo"></a>
  4. ## 0 作业大纲
  5. 1. 初始化神经网络的参数。
  6. 2. 实现正向传播模块(在下图中以紫色显示)。
  7. - 完成模型正向传播步骤的LINEAR部分()。
  8. - 提供使用的ACTIVATION函数(relu / Sigmoid)。
  9. - 将前两个步骤合并为新的[LINEAR-> ACTIVATION]前向函数。
  10. - 堆叠[LINEAR-> RELU]正向函数L-1次(第1到L-1层),并在末尾添加[LINEAR-> SIGMOID](最后的层)。这合成了一个新的L_model_forward函数。
  11. 3. 计算损失。
  12. 4. 实现反向传播模块(在下图中以红色表示)。
  13. - 完成模型反向传播步骤的LINEAR部分。
  14. - 提供的ACTIVATE函数的梯度(relu_backward / sigmoid_backward)
  15. - 将前两个步骤组合成新的[LINEAR-> ACTIVATION]反向函数。
  16. - 将[LINEAR-> RELU]向后堆叠L-1次,并在新的L_model_backward函数中后向添加[LINEAR-> SIGMOID]
  17. 5. 最后更新参数。
  18. <a name="VqT22"></a>
  19. ## 1. L层初始化
  20. - 模型的结构为 _[LINEAR -> RELU] * (L-1) -> LINEAR -> SIGMOID_。也就是说,前![](https://g.yuque.com/gr/latex?L-1#card=math&code=L-1&id=eHfpf)层使用ReLU作为激活函数,最后一层采用sigmoid激活函数输出。
  21. - 随机初始化权重矩阵。使用`np.random.rand(shape)* 0.01`。
  22. - 零初始化偏差。使用`np.zeros(shape)`。
  23. - 我们将在不同的layer_dims变量中存储![](https://g.yuque.com/gr/latex?n%5E%7B%5Bl%5D%7D#card=math&code=n%5E%7B%5Bl%5D%7D&id=dkYlp),即不同层中的神经元数。例如,上周“二维数据分类模型”的`layer_dims`为[2,4,1]:即有两个输入,一个隐藏层包含4个隐藏单元,一个输出层包含1个输出单元。因此,`W1`的维度为(4,2),`b1`的维度为(4,1),`W2`的维度为(1,4),而`b2`的维度为(1,1)。现在你将把它应用到![](https://g.yuque.com/gr/latex?L#card=math&code=L&id=r28X2)层!
  24. ```python
  25. def initialize_parameters_deep(layer_dims):
  26. np.random.seed(3)
  27. parameters = {}
  28. L = len(layer_dims) # number of layers in the network
  29. for l in range(1, L):
  30. parameters['W' + str(l)] = np.random.randn(layer_dims[l], layer_dims[l-1]) * 0.01
  31. parameters['b' + str(l)] = np.zeros((layer_dims[l], 1))
  32. assert(parameters['W' + str(l)].shape == (layer_dims[l], layer_dims[l-1]))
  33. assert(parameters['b' + str(l)].shape == (layer_dims[l], 1))
  34. return parameters
  35. parameters = initialize_parameters_deep([5,4,3])
  1. {'W1': array([[ 0.01788628, 0.0043651 , 0.00096497, -0.01863493, -0.00277388],
  2. [-0.00354759, -0.00082741, -0.00627001, -0.00043818, -0.00477218],
  3. [-0.01313865, 0.00884622, 0.00881318, 0.01709573, 0.00050034],
  4. [-0.00404677, -0.0054536 , -0.01546477, 0.00982367, -0.01101068]]),
  5. 'b1': array([[0.],
  6. [0.],
  7. [0.],
  8. [0.]]),
  9. 'W2': array([[-0.01185047, -0.0020565 , 0.01486148, 0.00236716],
  10. [-0.01023785, -0.00712993, 0.00625245, -0.00160513],
  11. [-0.00768836, -0.00230031, 0.00745056, 0.01976111]]),
  12. 'b2': array([[0.],
  13. [0.],
  14. [0.]])}

2. 正向传播

2.1 线性正向

现在,你已经初始化了参数,接下来将执行正向传播模块。 首先实现一些基本函数,用于稍后的模型实现。按以下顺序完成三个函数:

  • LINEAR -> ACTIVATION,其中激活函数采用ReLU或Sigmoid。
  • [LINEAR -> RELU] 【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图1 (L-1) -> LINEAR -> SIGMOID(整个模型)

【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图2
其中 【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图3.

该单元的数学表示为 【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图4,你可能会发现np.dot()有用。 如果维度不匹配,则可以printW.shape查看修改。

  • [LINEAR -> RELU] 【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图5 (L-1) -> LINEAR -> SIGMOID(整个模型)
  1. # GRADED FUNCTION: linear_forward
  2. def linear_forward(A, W, b):
  3. Z = np.dot(W, A) + b
  4. assert(Z.shape == (W.shape[0], A.shape[1]))
  5. cache = (A, W, b)
  6. return Z, cache
  7. A, W, b = linear_forward_test_case()
  8. Z, linear_cache = linear_forward(A, W, b)

就是进行一个线性计算Z = np.dot(W, A) + b

2.2 正向线性激活


  • Sigmoid【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图6%20%3D%20%5Csigma(W%20A%20%2B%20b)%20%3D%20%5Cfrac%7B1%7D%7B%201%20%2B%20e%5E%7B-(W%20A%20%2B%20b)%7D%7D#card=math&code=%5Csigma%28Z%29%20%3D%20%5Csigma%28W%20A%20%2B%20b%29%20%3D%20%5Cfrac%7B1%7D%7B%201%20%2B%20e%5E%7B-%28W%20A%20%2B%20b%29%7D%7D&id=KfiqS)。 我们为你提供了“ Sigmoid”函数。 该函数返回两项值:激活值”a“和包含”Z“的”cache“(这是我们将馈入到相应的反向函数的内容)。
  • ReLU:ReLu的数学公式为【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图7%20%3D%20max(0%2C%20Z)#card=math&code=A%20%3D%20RELU%28Z%29%20%3D%20max%280%2C%20Z%29&id=lnFll)。我们为你提供了relu函数。 该函数返回两项值:激活值“A”和包含“Z”的“cache”(这是我们将馈入到相应的反向函数的内容)。 ```python def sigmoid(Z): A = 1/(1+np.exp(-Z)) cache = Z

    return A, cache

def relu(Z): A = np.maximum(0,Z)

  1. assert(A.shape == Z.shape)
  2. cache = Z
  3. return A, cache
  1. ```python
  2. # GRADED FUNCTION: linear_activation_forward
  3. def linear_activation_forward(A_prev, W, b, activation):
  4. if activation == "sigmoid":
  5. # Inputs: "A_prev, W, b". Outputs: "A, activation_cache".
  6. Z, linear_cache = linear_forward(A_prev,W,b)
  7. A, activation_cache = sigmoid(Z)
  8. elif activation == "relu":
  9. # Inputs: "A_prev, W, b". Outputs: "A, activation_cache".
  10. Z, linear_cache = linear_forward(A_prev,W,b)
  11. A, activation_cache = relu(Z)
  12. assert (A.shape == (W.shape[0], A_prev.shape[1]))
  13. cache = (linear_cache, activation_cache)
  14. return A, cache

就是对线性计算套了一层非线性计算,可选relu或者 sigmoid

4.3 L层模型

为了方便实现【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图8层神经网络,你将需要一个函数来复制前一个函数(使用RELU的linear_activation_forward【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图9次,以及复制带有SIGMOID的linear_activation_forward

说明:在下面的代码中,变量AL表示【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图10%20%3D%20%5Csigma(W%5E%7B%5BL%5D%7D%20A%5E%7B%5BL-1%5D%7D%20%2B%20b%5E%7B%5BL%5D%7D)#card=math&code=A%5E%7B%5BL%5D%7D%20%3D%20%5Csigma%28Z%5E%7B%5BL%5D%7D%29%20%3D%20%5Csigma%28W%5E%7B%5BL%5D%7D%20A%5E%7B%5BL-1%5D%7D%20%2B%20b%5E%7B%5BL%5D%7D%29&id=U9sl8)(有时也称为Yhat,即【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图11。)

  • 使用你先前编写的函数
  • 使用for循环复制[LINEAR-> RELU](L-1)次
  • 不要忘记在“cache”列表中更新缓存。 要将新值 c添加到list中,可以使用list.append(c)。 ```python

    GRADED FUNCTION: L_model_forward

def L_model_forward(X, parameters): “”” X — data, numpy array of shape (input size, number of examples) parameters — output of initialize_parameters_deep() AL — last post-activation value caches — list of caches containing: every cache of linear_relu_forward() (there are L-1 of them, indexed from 0 to L-2) the cache of linear_sigmoid_forward() (there is one, indexed L-1) “””

  1. caches = []
  2. A = X
  3. L = len(parameters) // 2 # number of layers in the neural network
  4. # Implement [LINEAR -> RELU]*(L-1). Add "cache" to the "caches" list.
  5. for l in range(1, L):
  6. A_prev = A
  7. A, linear_activation_cache = linear_activation_forward(A_prev, parameters['W' + str(l)], parameters['b' + str(l)], activation = "relu")
  8. caches.append(linear_activation_cache)
  9. # Implement LINEAR -> SIGMOID. Add "cache" to the "caches" list.
  10. AL, linear_activation_cache = linear_activation_forward(A, parameters['W' + str(L)], parameters['b' + str(L)], activation = "sigmoid")
  11. caches.append(linear_activation_cache)
  12. assert(AL.shape == (1,X.shape[1]))
  13. return AL, caches

X, parameters = L_model_forward_test_case() AL, caches = L_model_forward(X, parameters) print(X,’\n’, parameters,’\nAL = ‘, AL,’\n caches = \n’, caches)

[[ 1.62434536 -0.61175641] [-0.52817175 -1.07296862] [ 0.86540763 -2.3015387 ] [ 1.74481176 -0.7612069 ]] {‘W1’: array([[ 0.3190391 , -0.24937038, 1.46210794, -2.06014071], [-0.3224172 , -0.38405435, 1.13376944, -1.09989127], [-0.17242821, -0.87785842, 0.04221375, 0.58281521]]), ‘b1’: array([[-1.10061918], [ 1.14472371], [ 0.90159072]]), ‘W2’: array([[ 0.50249434, 0.90085595, -0.68372786]]), ‘b2’: array([[-0.12289023]])} AL = [[0.17007265 0.2524272 ]] caches = [((array([[ 1.62434536, -0.61175641], [-0.52817175, -1.07296862], [ 0.86540763, -2.3015387 ]]), array([[ 1.74481176, -0.7612069 , 0.3190391 ]]), array([[-0.24937038]])), array([[-2.77991749, -2.82513147], [-0.11407702, -0.01812665], [ 2.13860272, 1.40818979]])), ((array([[ 1.62434536, -0.61175641], [-0.52817175, -1.07296862], [ 0.86540763, -2.3015387 ]]), array([[ 1.74481176, -0.7612069 , 0.3190391 ]]), array([[-0.24937038]])), array([[-1.58511248, -1.08570881]]))]

  1. 就是加了层循环嘛,有几层网络就循环几次。
  2. <a name="7162a4e0"></a>
  3. ## 3. 损失函数
  4. 使用以下公式计算交叉熵损失![](https://g.yuque.com/gr/latex?J#card=math&code=J&id=oRuzv):
  5. ![](https://g.yuque.com/gr/latex?-%5Cfrac%7B1%7D%7Bm%7D%20%5Csum%5Climits_%7Bi%20%3D%201%7D%5E%7Bm%7D%20(y%5E%7B(i)%7D%5Clog%5Cleft(a%5E%7B%5BL%5D%20(i)%7D%5Cright)%20%2B%20(1-y%5E%7B(i)%7D)%5Clog%5Cleft(1-%20a%5E%7B%5BL%5D(i)%7D%5Cright))%C2%A0%5Ctag%7B7%7D%0A#card=math&code=-%5Cfrac%7B1%7D%7Bm%7D%20%5Csum%5Climits_%7Bi%20%3D%201%7D%5E%7Bm%7D%20%28y%5E%7B%28i%29%7D%5Clog%5Cleft%28a%5E%7B%5BL%5D%20%28i%29%7D%5Cright%29%20%2B%20%281-y%5E%7B%28i%29%7D%29%5Clog%5Cleft%281-%20a%5E%7B%5BL%5D%28i%29%7D%5Cright%29%29%C2%A0%5Ctag%7B7%7D%0A&id=JlHvV)
  6. ```python
  7. # GRADED FUNCTION: compute_cost
  8. def compute_cost(AL, Y):
  9. m = Y.shape[1]
  10. # Compute loss from aL and y.
  11. cost = - 1/m * np.sum(Y * np.log(AL) + (1 - Y) * np.log(1 - AL), axis=1, keepdims=True)
  12. cost = np.squeeze(cost) # To make sure your cost's shape is what we expect (e.g. this turns [[17]] into 17).
  13. assert(cost.shape == ())
  14. return cost

4. 反向传播

4.1 线性反向

对于层【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图12,线性部分为:【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图13(之后是激活)。
图:LINEAR->RELU->LINEAR->SIGMOID 的正向和反向传播,紫色块代表正向传播,红色块代表反向传播。

LINEAR backward
LINEAR -> ACTIVATION backward,其中激活函数使用ReLU或sigmoid 的导数计算
[LINEAR -> RELU] × (L-1) -> LINEAR -> SIGMOID backward(整个模型)

假设你已经计算出导数【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图15。 你想获得【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图16#card=math&code=%28dW%5E%7B%5Bl%5D%7D%2C%20db%5E%7B%5Bl%5D%7D%20dA%5E%7B%5Bl-1%5D%7D%29&id=cb4qM)。
使用输入【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图17计算三个输出【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图18#card=math&code=%28dW%5E%7B%5Bl%5D%7D%2C%20db%5E%7B%5Bl%5D%7D%2C%20dA%5E%7B%5Bl%5D%7D%29&id=e3yMc)。以下是所需的公式:

【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图19

【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图20%7D%5Ctag%7B9%7D%0A#card=math&code=db%5E%7B%5Bl%5D%7D%20%3D%20%5Cfrac%7B%5Cpartial%20%5Cmathcal%7BL%7D%20%7D%7B%5Cpartial%20b%5E%7B%5Bl%5D%7D%7D%20%3D%20%5Cfrac%7B1%7D%7Bm%7D%20%5Csum_%7Bi%20%3D%201%7D%5E%7Bm%7D%20dZ%5E%7B%5Bl%5D%28i%29%7D%5Ctag%7B9%7D%0A&id=UJBm6)

【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图21

  1. # GRADED FUNCTION: linear_backward
  2. def linear_backward(dZ, cache):
  3. A_prev, W, b = cache
  4. m = A_prev.shape[1]
  5. dW = 1/m * np.dot(dZ, A_prev.T)
  6. db = 1/m * np.sum(dZ, axis=1, keepdims=True)
  7. dA_prev = np.dot(W.T, dZ)
  8. assert (dA_prev.shape == A_prev.shape)
  9. assert (dW.shape == W.shape)
  10. assert (db.shape == b.shape)
  11. return dA_prev, dW, db

4.2 反向线性激活

接下来,创建一个合并两个辅助函数的函数:**linear_backward** 和反向步骤的激活 **linear_activation_backward**


  • **sigmoid_backward**:实现SIGMOID单元的反向传播。
  • **relu_backward**:实现RELU单元的反向传播。 ```python

def relu_backward(dA, cache): Z = cache dZ = np.array(dA, copy=True) # just converting dz to a correct object.

  1. # When z <= 0, you should set dz to 0 as well.
  2. dZ[Z <= 0] = 0
  3. assert (dZ.shape == Z.shape)
  4. return dZ

def sigmoid_backward(dA, cache): Z = cache

  1. s = 1/(1+np.exp(-Z))
  2. dZ = dA * s * (1-s)
  3. assert (dZ.shape == Z.shape)
  4. return dZ
  1. 如果![](https://g.yuque.com/gr/latex?g(.)#card=math&code=g%28.%29&id=qTPhr)是激活函数,<br />`sigmoid_backward`和`relu_backward`计算![](https://cdn.nlark.com/yuque/__latex/5ee1c1ba9a145fb3da92397b63b6d212.svg#card=math&code=dZ%5E%7B%5Bl%5D%7D%20%3D%20dA%5E%7B%5Bl%5D%7D%20%2A%20g%27%28Z%5E%7B%5Bl%5D%7D%29%20%5Ctag%7B11%7D&id=Tktyw)
  2. **练习**:实现_LINEAR->ACTIVATION_ 层的反向传播。
  3. ```python
  4. # GRADED FUNCTION: linear_activation_backward
  5. def linear_activation_backward(dA, cache, activation):
  6. linear_cache, activation_cache = cache
  7. if activation == "relu":
  8. dZ = relu_backward(dA, activation_cache)
  9. dA_prev, dW, db = linear_backward(dZ, linear_cache)
  10. elif activation == "sigmoid":
  11. dZ = sigmoid_backward(dA, activation_cache)
  12. dA_prev, dW, db = linear_backward(dZ, linear_cache)
  13. return dA_prev, dW, db

4.3 反向L层模型

现在,你将为整个网络实现反向传播函数。 回想一下,当你实现L_model_forward函数时,在每次迭代中,你都存储了一个包含(X,W,b和z)的缓存。 在反向传播模块中,你将使用这些变量来计算梯度。 因此,在L_model_backward函数中,你将从【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图22层开始向后遍历所有隐藏层。在每个步骤中,你都将使用【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图23层的缓存值反向传播到层【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图24。 图5展示了反向传播过程。

【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图25#card=math&code=A%5E%7B%5BL%5D%7D%20%3D%20%5Csigma%28Z%5E%7B%5BL%5D%7D%29&id=DUZ7d)。因此,你的代码需要计算dAL 【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图26

  1. dAL = - (np.divide(Y, AL) - np.divide(1 - Y, 1 - AL)) # derivative of cost with respect to AL

然后,你可以使用此激活后的梯度dAL继续反向传播。如图5所示,你现在可以将dAL输入到你实现的LINEAR-> SIGMOID反向函数中(它将使用L_model_forward函数存储的缓存值)。之后,你得通过for循环,使用LINEAR-> RELU反向函数迭代所有其他层。同时将每个dA,dW和db存储在grads词典中。为此,请使用以下公式:

【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图27%5D%20%3D%20dW%5E%7B%5Bl%5D%7D%5Ctag%7B15%7D%20%0A#card=math&code=grads%5B%22dW%22%20%2B%20str%28l%29%5D%20%3D%20dW%5E%7B%5Bl%5D%7D%5Ctag%7B15%7D%20%0A&id=Fxzja)

例如,当【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图28时,它将在grads["dW3"]中存储 【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图29

练习:实现 [LINEAR->RELU] 【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图30 (L-1) -> LINEAR -> SIGMOID 模型的反向传播。

  1. # GRADED FUNCTION: L_model_backward
  2. def L_model_backward(AL, Y, caches):
  3. grads = {}
  4. L = len(caches) # the number of layers
  5. m = AL.shape[1]
  6. Y = Y.reshape(AL.shape) # after this line, Y is the same shape as AL
  7. # Initializing the backpropagation
  8. dAL = - (np.divide(Y, AL) - np.divide(1 - Y, 1 - AL))
  9. # Lth layer (SIGMOID -> LINEAR) gradients. Inputs: "AL, Y, caches". Outputs: "grads["dAL"], grads["dWL"], grads["dbL"]
  10. current_cache = caches[L-1]
  11. grads["dA" + str(L)], grads["dW" + str(L)], grads["db" + str(L)] = linear_activation_backward(dAL, current_cache, activation = "sigmoid")
  12. for l in reversed(range(L - 1)):
  13. # lth layer: (RELU -> LINEAR) gradients.
  14. # Inputs: "grads["dA" + str(l + 2)], caches". Outputs: "grads["dA" + str(l + 1)] , grads["dW" + str(l + 1)] , grads["db" + str(l + 1)]
  15. current_cache = caches[l]
  16. dA_prev_temp, dW_temp, db_temp = linear_activation_backward(grads["dA" + str(l+2)], current_cache, activation = "relu")
  17. grads["dA" + str(l + 1)] = dA_prev_temp
  18. grads["dW" + str(l + 1)] = dW_temp
  19. grads["db" + str(l + 1)] = db_temp
  20. return grads
  1. AL, Y_assess, caches = L_model_backward_test_case()
  2. grads = L_model_backward(AL, Y_assess, caches)
  3. print(' AL = ', AL, '\n Y_assess = ',Y_assess, '\n caches = ',caches)
  1. AL = [[1.78862847 0.43650985]]
  2. Y_assess = [[1 0]]
  3. caches = (((array([[ 0.09649747, -1.8634927 ],
  4. [-0.2773882 , -0.35475898],
  5. [-0.08274148, -0.62700068],
  6. [-0.04381817, -0.47721803]]), array([[-1.31386475, 0.88462238, 0.88131804, 1.70957306],
  7. [ 0.05003364, -0.40467741, -0.54535995, -1.54647732],
  8. [ 0.98236743, -1.10106763, -1.18504653, -0.2056499 ]]), array([[ 1.48614836],
  9. [ 0.23671627],
  10. [-1.02378514]])), array([[-0.7129932 , 0.62524497],
  11. [-0.16051336, -0.76883635],
  12. [-0.23003072, 0.74505627]])), ((array([[ 1.97611078, -1.24412333],
  13. [-0.62641691, -0.80376609],
  14. [-2.41908317, -0.92379202]]), array([[-1.02387576, 1.12397796, -0.13191423]]), array([[-1.62328545]])), array([[ 0.64667545, -0.35627076]])))

5. 更新参数


【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图31

【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图32

其中 【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图33 是学习率。 在计算更新的参数后,将它们存储在参数字典中。

  1. # GRADED FUNCTION: update_parameters
  2. def update_parameters(parameters, grads, learning_rate):
  3. L = len(parameters) // 2 # number of layers in the neural network
  4. # Update rule for each parameter. Use a for loop.
  5. ### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 3 lines of code)
  6. for l in range(L):
  7. parameters["W" + str(l+1)] = parameters["W" + str(l+1)] - learning_rate * grads["dW" + str(l + 1)]
  8. parameters["b" + str(l+1)] = parameters["b" + str(l+1)] - learning_rate * grads["db" + str(l + 1)]
  9. ### END CODE HERE ###
  10. return parameters
  11. parameters, grads = update_parameters_test_case()
  12. parameters = update_parameters(parameters, grads, 0.1)
  1. {'W1': array([[-0.59562069, -0.09991781, -2.14584584, 1.82662008],
  2. [-1.76569676, -0.80627147, 0.51115557, -1.18258802],
  3. [-1.0535704 , -0.86128581, 0.68284052, 2.20374577]]),
  4. 'b1': array([[-0.04659241],
  5. [-1.28888275],
  6. [ 0.53405496]]),
  7. 'W2': array([[-0.55569196, 0.0354055 , 1.32964895]]),
  8. 'b2': array([[-0.84610769]])}



  • numpy是Python科学计算的基本包。
  • matplotlib 是在Python中常用的绘制图形的库。
  • h5py是一个常用的包,可以处理存储为H5文件格式的数据集
  • 这里最后通过PILscipy用你自己的图片去测试模型效果。
  • dnn_app_utils提供了上一作业教程“逐步构建你的深度神经网络”中实现的函数。
  • np.random.seed(1)使所有随机函数调用保持一致。 这将有助于我们评估你的作业。
  1. import time
  2. import numpy as np
  3. import h5py
  4. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  5. import scipy
  6. from PIL import Image
  7. from scipy import ndimage
  8. from dnn_app_utils_v2 import *
  9. %matplotlib inline
  10. plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (5.0, 4.0) # set default size of plots
  11. plt.rcParams['image.interpolation'] = 'nearest'
  12. plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'gray'
  13. %load_ext autoreload
  14. %autoreload 2
  15. np.random.seed(1)


你将使用与“用神经网络思想实现Logistic回归”(作业2)中相同的“cats vs non-cats”数据集。 此前你建立的模型在对猫和非猫图像进行分类时只有70%的准确率。 希望你的新模型会更好!

- 标记为cat(1)和非cat(0)图像的训练集m_train
- 标记为cat或non-cat图像的测试集m_test
- 每个图像的维度都为(num_px,num_px,3),其中3表示3个通道(RGB)。
让我们熟悉一下数据集吧, 首先通过运行以下代码来加载数据。

  1. # 加载数据
  2. train_x_orig, train_y, test_x_orig, test_y, classes = load_data()
  3. # Example of a picture
  4. index = 7
  5. plt.imshow(train_x_orig[index])
  6. print ("y = " + str(train_y[0,index]) + ". It's a " + classes[train_y[0,index]].decode("utf-8") + " picture.")
  1. y = 1. It's a cat picture.

【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图34

  1. # Explore your dataset
  2. m_train = train_x_orig.shape[0]
  3. num_px = train_x_orig.shape[1]
  4. m_test = test_x_orig.shape[0]
  5. print ("Number of training examples: " + str(m_train))
  6. print ("Number of testing examples: " + str(m_test))
  7. print ("Each image is of size: (" + str(num_px) + ", " + str(num_px) + ", 3)")
  8. print ("train_x_orig shape: " + str(train_x_orig.shape))
  9. print ("train_y shape: " + str(train_y.shape))
  10. print ("test_x_orig shape: " + str(test_x_orig.shape))
  11. print ("test_y shape: " + str(test_y.shape))
  1. Number of training examples: 209
  2. Number of testing examples: 50
  3. Each image is of size: (64, 64, 3)
  4. train_x_orig shape: (209, 64, 64, 3)
  5. train_y shape: (1, 209)
  6. test_x_orig shape: (50, 64, 64, 3)
  7. test_y shape: (1, 50)

与往常一样,在将图像输入到网络之前,需要对图像进行重塑和标准化。 下面单元格给出了相关代码。

  1. # Reshape the training and test examples
  2. train_x_flatten = train_x_orig.reshape(train_x_orig.shape[0], -1).T # The "-1" makes reshape flatten the remaining dimensions
  3. test_x_flatten = test_x_orig.reshape(test_x_orig.shape[0], -1).T
  4. # Standardize data to have feature values between 0 and 1.
  5. train_x = train_x_flatten/255.
  6. test_x = test_x_flatten/255.
  7. print ("train_x's shape: " + str(train_x.shape))
  8. print ("test_x's shape: " + str(test_x.shape))
  1. train_x's shape: (12288, 209)
  2. test_x's shape: (12288, 50)





  1. 初始化参数/定义超参数
  2. 循环num_iterations次:
    a. 正向传播
    b. 计算损失函数
    C. 反向传播
    d. 更新参数(使用参数和反向传播的梯度)
  3. 使用训练好的参数来预测标签



  2. n_x = 12288 # num_px * num_px * 3
  3. n_h = 7
  4. n_y = 1
  5. layers_dims = (n_x, n_h, n_y)
  1. # GRADED FUNCTION: two_layer_model
  2. def two_layer_model(X, Y, layers_dims, learning_rate = 0.0075, num_iterations = 3000, print_cost=False):
  3. """
  4. Implements a two-layer neural network: LINEAR->RELU->LINEAR->SIGMOID.
  5. Returns:
  6. parameters -- a dictionary containing W1, W2, b1, and b2
  7. """
  8. np.random.seed(1)
  9. grads = {}
  10. costs = [] # to keep track of the cost
  11. m = X.shape[1] # number of examples
  12. (n_x, n_h, n_y) = layers_dims
  13. # Initialize parameters dictionary, by calling one of the functions you'd previously implemented
  14. ### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 1 line of code)
  15. parameters = initialize_parameters(n_x, n_h, n_y)
  16. ### END CODE HERE ###
  17. # Get W1, b1, W2 and b2 from the dictionary parameters.
  18. W1 = parameters["W1"]
  19. b1 = parameters["b1"]
  20. W2 = parameters["W2"]
  21. b2 = parameters["b2"]
  22. # Loop (gradient descent)
  23. for i in range(0, num_iterations):
  24. # Forward propagation: LINEAR -> RELU -> LINEAR -> SIGMOID.
  25. A1, cache1 =linear_activation_forward(X, W1, b1, activation = "relu")
  26. A2, cache2 = linear_activation_forward(A1, W2, b2, activation = "sigmoid")
  27. # Compute cost
  28. cost = compute_cost(A2, Y)
  29. # Initializing backward propagation
  30. dA2 = - (np.divide(Y, A2) - np.divide(1 - Y, 1 - A2))
  31. # Backward propagation.
  32. dA1, dW2, db2 = linear_activation_backward(dA2, cache2, activation = "sigmoid")
  33. dA0, dW1, db1 = linear_activation_backward(dA1, cache1, activation = "relu")
  34. # Set grads['dWl'] to dW1, grads['db1'] to db1, grads['dW2'] to dW2, grads['db2'] to db2
  35. grads['dW1'] = dW1
  36. grads['db1'] = db1
  37. grads['dW2'] = dW2
  38. grads['db2'] = db2
  39. # Update parameters.
  40. parameters = update_parameters(parameters, grads, learning_rate)
  41. # Retrieve W1, b1, W2, b2 from parameters
  42. W1 = parameters["W1"]
  43. b1 = parameters["b1"]
  44. W2 = parameters["W2"]
  45. b2 = parameters["b2"]
  46. # Print the cost every 100 training example
  47. if print_cost and i % 100 == 0:
  48. print("Cost after iteration {}: {}".format(i, np.squeeze(cost)))
  49. if print_cost and i % 100 == 0:
  50. costs.append(cost)
  51. # plot the cost
  52. plt.plot(np.squeeze(costs))
  53. plt.ylabel('cost')
  54. plt.xlabel('iterations (per tens)')
  55. plt.title("Learning rate =" + str(learning_rate))
  56. plt.show()
  57. return parameters
  1. parameters = two_layer_model(train_x, train_y, layers_dims = (n_x, n_h, n_y), num_iterations = 2500, print_cost=True)
  1. Cost after iteration 0: 0.693049735659989
  2. Cost after iteration 100: 0.6464320953428849
  3. Cost after iteration 200: 0.6325140647912678
  4. Cost after iteration 300: 0.6015024920354665
  5. Cost after iteration 400: 0.5601966311605747
  6. Cost after iteration 500: 0.5158304772764729
  7. Cost after iteration 600: 0.4754901313943325
  8. Cost after iteration 700: 0.43391631512257495
  9. Cost after iteration 800: 0.4007977536203887
  10. Cost after iteration 900: 0.35807050113237976
  11. Cost after iteration 1000: 0.33942815383664127
  12. Cost after iteration 1100: 0.30527536361962654
  13. Cost after iteration 1200: 0.2749137728213016
  14. Cost after iteration 1300: 0.24681768210614846
  15. Cost after iteration 1400: 0.19850735037466097
  16. Cost after iteration 1500: 0.17448318112556657
  17. Cost after iteration 1600: 0.1708076297809689
  18. Cost after iteration 1700: 0.11306524562164715
  19. Cost after iteration 1800: 0.09629426845937145
  20. Cost after iteration 1900: 0.08342617959726863
  21. Cost after iteration 2000: 0.07439078704319078
  22. Cost after iteration 2100: 0.06630748132267933
  23. Cost after iteration 2200: 0.0591932950103817
  24. Cost after iteration 2300: 0.05336140348560554
  25. Cost after iteration 2400: 0.04855478562877016

【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图36


  1. layers_dims = [12288, 20, 7, 5, 1] # 5-layer model
  2. # GRADED FUNCTION: L_layer_model
  3. def L_layer_model(X, Y, layers_dims, learning_rate = 0.0075, num_iterations = 3000, print_cost=False):#lr was 0.009
  4. np.random.seed(1)
  5. costs = [] # keep track of cost
  6. # Parameters initialization.
  7. parameters = initialize_parameters_deep(layers_dims)
  8. # Loop (gradient descent)
  9. for i in range(0, num_iterations):
  10. # Forward propagation: [LINEAR -> RELU]*(L-1) -> LINEAR -> SIGMOID.
  11. AL, caches = L_model_forward(X, parameters)
  12. # Compute cost.
  13. cost = compute_cost(AL, Y)
  14. # Backward propagation.
  15. grads = L_model_backward(AL, Y, caches)
  16. # Update parameters.
  17. parameters = update_parameters(parameters, grads, learning_rate)
  18. # Print the cost every 100 training example
  19. if print_cost and i % 100 == 0:
  20. print ("Cost after iteration %i: %f" %(i, cost))
  21. if print_cost and i % 100 == 0:
  22. costs.append(cost)
  23. # plot the cost
  24. plt.plot(np.squeeze(costs))
  25. plt.ylabel('cost')
  26. plt.xlabel('iterations (per tens)')
  27. plt.title("Learning rate =" + str(learning_rate))
  28. plt.show()
  29. return parameters
  1. parameters = L_layer_model(train_x, train_y, layers_dims, num_iterations = 2500, print_cost = True)
  1. Cost after iteration 0: 0.771749
  2. Cost after iteration 100: 0.672053
  3. Cost after iteration 200: 0.648263
  4. Cost after iteration 300: 0.611507
  5. Cost after iteration 400: 0.567047
  6. Cost after iteration 500: 0.540138
  7. Cost after iteration 600: 0.527930
  8. Cost after iteration 700: 0.465477
  9. Cost after iteration 800: 0.369126
  10. Cost after iteration 900: 0.391747
  11. Cost after iteration 1000: 0.315187
  12. Cost after iteration 1100: 0.272700
  13. Cost after iteration 1200: 0.237419
  14. Cost after iteration 1300: 0.199601
  15. Cost after iteration 1400: 0.189263
  16. Cost after iteration 1500: 0.161189
  17. Cost after iteration 1600: 0.148214
  18. Cost after iteration 1700: 0.137775
  19. Cost after iteration 1800: 0.129740
  20. Cost after iteration 1900: 0.121225
  21. Cost after iteration 2000: 0.113821
  22. Cost after iteration 2100: 0.107839
  23. Cost after iteration 2200: 0.102855
  24. Cost after iteration 2300: 0.100897
  25. Cost after iteration 2400: 0.092878

【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图37


  1. def predict(X, y, parameters):
  2. m = X.shape[1]
  3. n = len(parameters) // 2 # number of layers in the neural network
  4. p = np.zeros((1,m))
  5. # Forward propagation
  6. probas, caches = L_model_forward(X, parameters)
  7. # convert probas to 0/1 predictions
  8. for i in range(0, probas.shape[1]):
  9. if probas[0,i] > 0.5:
  10. p[0,i] = 1
  11. else:
  12. p[0,i] = 0
  13. #print results
  14. #print ("predictions: " + str(p))
  15. #print ("true labels: " + str(y))
  16. print("Accuracy: " + str(np.sum((p == y)/m)))
  17. return p
  1. pred_train = predict(train_x, train_y, parameters)
  1. Accuracy: 0.9856459330143539
  1. pred_test = predict(test_x, test_y, parameters)
  1. Accuracy: 0.8


首先,让我们看一下L层模型标记错误的一些图像。 这将显示一些分类错误的图像。

  1. def print_mislabeled_images(classes, X, y, p):
  2. """
  3. Plots images where predictions and truth were different.
  4. X -- dataset
  5. y -- true labels
  6. p -- predictions
  7. """
  8. a = p + y
  9. mislabeled_indices = np.asarray(np.where(a == 1))
  10. plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (40.0, 40.0) # set default size of plots
  11. num_images = len(mislabeled_indices[0])
  12. for i in range(num_images):
  13. index = mislabeled_indices[1][i]
  14. plt.subplot(2, num_images, i + 1)
  15. plt.imshow(X[:,index].reshape(64,64,3), interpolation='nearest')
  16. plt.axis('off')
  17. plt.title("Prediction: " + classes[int(p[0,index])].decode("utf-8") + " \n Class: " + classes[y[0,index]].decode("utf-8"))
  1. print_mislabeled_images(classes, test_x, test_y, pred_test)

【HW】L1W4-深度神经网络 - 图38


  • 猫身处于异常位置
  • 图片背景与猫颜色类似
  • 猫的种类和颜色稀有
  • 相机角度
  • 图片的亮度
  • 比例变化(猫的图像很大或很小)