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登录 docker login

docker login [OPTIONS] [SERVER] [flags]
docker login [command]

  1. PS C:\Users\DELL> docker login --help
  2. Log in to a Docker registry or cloud backend.
  3. If no registry server is specified, the default is defined by the daemon.
  4. Usage:
  5. docker login [OPTIONS] [SERVER] [flags]
  6. docker login [command]
  7. Available Commands:
  8. azure Log in to azure
  9. Flags:
  10. -h, --help Help for login
  11. -p, --password string password
  12. --password-stdin Take the password from stdin
  13. -u, --username string username
  14. Use "docker login [command] --help" for more information about a command.
  15. PS C:\Users\DELL>
  16. PS C:\Users\DELL> docker login
  17. Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to to create one.
  18. Username: xiaohui92
  19. Password:
  20. Login Succeeded
  21. PS C:\Users\DELL>

退出登录 docker logout

docker logout [SERVER] [flags]
docker logout [command]

  1. PS C:\Users\DELL> docker logout --help
  2. Log out from a Docker registry or cloud backend.
  3. If no server is specified, the default is defined by the daemon.
  4. Usage:
  5. docker logout [SERVER] [flags]
  6. docker logout [command]
  7. Available Commands:
  8. azure Logout from Azure
  9. Flags:
  10. -h, --help Help for logout
  11. Use "docker logout [command] --help" for more information about a command.
  12. PS C:\Users\DELL> docker logout
  13. Removing login credentials for
  14. PS C:\Users\DELL>

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