
  1. ccmake [<options>] <path-to-source | path-to-existing-build>


The ccmake executable is the CMake curses interface. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively through this GUI. Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the terminal when the program is running.
CMake is a cross-platform build system generator. Projects specify their build process with platform-independent CMake listfiles included in each directory of a source tree with the name CMakeLists.txt. Users build a project by using CMake to generate a build system for a native tool on their platform.


Path to root directory of the CMake project to build.
Path to directory which CMake will use as the root of build directory.
If the directory doesn’t already exist CMake will make it.
Pre-load a script to populate the cache.
When CMake is first run in an empty build tree, it creates a CMakeCache.txt file and populates it with customizable settings for the project. This option may be used to specify a file from which to load cache entries before the first pass through the project’s CMake listfiles. The loaded entries take priority over the project’s default values. The given file should be a CMake script containing set() commands that use the CACHE option, not a cache-format file.
References to CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR and CMAKE_BINARY_DIR within the script evaluate to the top-level source and build tree.
-D :=, -D =
Create or update a CMake CACHE entry.
When CMake is first run in an empty build tree, it creates a CMakeCache.txt file and populates it with customizable settings for the project. This option may be used to specify a setting that takes priority over the project’s default value. The option may be repeated for as many CACHE entries as desired.
If the : portion is given it must be one of the types specified by the set() command documentation for its CACHE signature. If the : portion is omitted the entry will be created with no type if it does not exist with a type already. If a command in the project sets the type to PATH or FILEPATH then the will be converted to an absolute path.
This option may also be given as a single argument: -D:= or -D=.
It’s important to note that the order of -C and -D arguments is significant. They will be carried out in the order they are listed, with the last argument taking precedence over the previous ones. For example, if you specify -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug, followed by a -C argument with a file that calls:
then the -C argument will take precedence, and CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE will be set to Release. However, if the -D argument comes after the -C argument, it will be set to Debug.
If a set(… CACHE …) call in the -C file does not use FORCE, and a -D argument sets the same variable, the -D argument will take precedence regardless of order because of the nature of non-FORCE set(… CACHE …) calls.
Remove matching entries from CMake CACHE.
This option may be used to remove one or more variables from the CMakeCache.txt file, globbing expressions using and ? are supported. The option may be repeated for as many CACHE entries as desired.
Use with care, you can make your CMakeCache.txt non-working.

Specify a build system generator.
CMake may support multiple native build systems on certain platforms. A generator is responsible for generating a particular build system. Possible generator names are specified in the cmake-generators(7)) manual.
If not specified, CMake checks the CMAKE_GENERATOR environment variable and otherwise falls back to a builtin default selection.

Toolset specification for the generator, if supported.
Some CMake generators support a toolset specification to tell the native build system how to choose a compiler. See the CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET variable for details.

Toolset Selection

The v143 toolset that comes with VS 17 2022 is selected by default. The CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET option may be set, perhaps via the cmake-T option, to specify another toolset.
For each toolset that comes with this version of Visual Studio, there are variants that are themselves compiled for 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) hosts (independent of the architecture they target). By default this generator uses the 64-bit variant on x64 hosts and the 32-bit variant otherwise. One may explicitly request use of either the 32-bit or 64-bit host tools by adding either host=x86 or host=x64 to the toolset specification. See the CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET variable for details.

Specify platform name if supported by generator.
Some CMake generators support a platform name to be given to the native build system to choose a compiler or SDK. See the CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM variable for details.
Specify the cross compiling toolchain file, equivalent to setting CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE variable.
Specify the installation directory, used by the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable. Must be an absolute path.
Suppress developer warnings.
Suppress warnings that are meant for the author of the CMakeLists.txt files. By default this will also turn off deprecation warnings.
Enable developer warnings.
Enable warnings that are meant for the author of the CMakeLists.txt files. By default this will also turn on deprecation warnings.
Enable deprecated functionality warnings.
Enable warnings for usage of deprecated functionality, that are meant for the author of the CMakeLists.txt files.
Suppress deprecated functionality warnings.
Suppress warnings for usage of deprecated functionality, that are meant for the author of the CMakeLists.txt files.
Treat CMake warnings as errors. must be one of the following:
Make developer warnings errors.
Make warnings that are meant for the author of the CMakeLists.txt files errors. By default this will also turn on deprecated warnings as errors.
Make deprecated macro and function warnings errors.
Make warnings for usage of deprecated macros and functions, that are meant for the author of the CMakeLists.txt files, errors.
Do not treat CMake warnings as errors. must be one of the following:
Make warnings that are meant for the author of the CMakeLists.txt files not errors. By default this will also turn off deprecated warnings as errors.
Make warnings for usage of deprecated macros and functions, that are meant for the author of the CMakeLists.txt files, not errors.
-version [], —version [], /V []
Show program name/version banner and exit. The output is printed to a named if given.
-h, -H, —help, -help, -usage, /?
Print usage information and exit.
Usage describes the basic command line interface and its options.
—help-full []
Print all help manuals and exit.
All manuals are printed in a human-readable text format. The output is printed to a named if given.
—help-manual []
Print one help manual and exit.
The specified manual is printed in a human-readable text format. The output is printed to a named if given.
—help-manual-list []
List help manuals available and exit.
The list contains all manuals for which help may be obtained by using the —help-manual option followed by a manual name. The output is printed to a named if given.
—help-command []
Print help for one command and exit.
The cmake-commands(7)) manual entry for is printed in a human-readable text format. The output is printed to a named if given.
—help-command-list []
List commands with help available and exit.
The list contains all commands for which help may be obtained by using the —help-command option followed by a command name. The output is printed to a named if given.
—help-commands []
Print cmake-commands manual and exit.
The cmake-commands(7)) manual is printed in a human-readable text format. The output is printed to a named if given.
—help-module []
Print help for one module and exit.
The cmake-modules(7)) manual entry for is printed in a human-readable text format. The output is printed to a named if given.
—help-module-list []
List modules with help available and exit.
The list contains all modules for which help may be obtained by using the —help-module option followed by a module name. The output is printed to a named if given.
—help-modules []
Print cmake-modules manual and exit.
The cmake-modules(7)) manual is printed in a human-readable text format. The output is printed to a named if given.
—help-policy []
Print help for one policy and exit.
The cmake-policies(7)) manual entry for is printed in a human-readable text format. The output is printed to a named if given.
—help-policy-list []
List policies with help available and exit.
The list contains all policies for which help may be obtained by using the —help-policy option followed by a policy name. The output is printed to a named if given.
—help-policies []
Print cmake-policies manual and exit.
The cmake-policies(7)) manual is printed in a human-readable text format. The output is printed to a named if given.
—help-property []
Print help for one property and exit.
The cmake-properties(7)) manual entries for are printed in a human-readable text format. The output is printed to a named if given.
—help-property-list []
List properties with help available and exit.
The list contains all properties for which help may be obtained by using the —help-property option followed by a property name. The output is printed to a named if given.
—help-properties []
Print cmake-properties manual and exit.
The cmake-properties(7)) manual is printed in a human-readable text format. The output is printed to a named if given.
—help-variable []
Print help for one variable and exit.
The cmake-variables(7)) manual entry for is printed in a human-readable text format. The output is printed to a named if given.
—help-variable-list []
List variables with help available and exit.
The list contains all variables for which help may be obtained by using the —help-variable option followed by a variable name. The output is printed to a named if given.
—help-variables []
Print cmake-variables manual and exit.
The cmake-variables(7)) manual is printed in a human-readable text format. The output is printed to a named if given.