
```none {: style=”white-space: break-spaces;” .devsite-disable-click-to-copy}

Usage: fvdl [—sdk] [] entry point for fvdl Commands to start/stop the emulator via fuchsia virtual device launcher (VDL)

  1. __Options:__
  2. ```none {: style="white-space: break-spaces;" .devsite-disable-click-to-copy}
  3. --sdk running in fuchsia sdk (not inside the fuchsia code
  4. repository)
  5. --help display usage information


```none {: style=”white-space: break-spaces;” .devsite-disable-click-to-copy}

start Starting Fuchsia Emulator kill Killing Fuchsia Emulator

  1. ## kill
  2. ```none {: style="white-space: break-spaces;" .devsite-disable-click-to-copy}
  3. Usage: fvdl kill [-d <vdl-path>] [--launched-proto <launched-proto>]
  4. Killing Fuchsia Emulator


```none {: style=”white-space: break-spaces;” .devsite-disable-click-to-copy}

-d, —vdl-path device_launcher binary location. Defaults to looking in prebuilt/vdl/device_launcher —launched-proto required, file containing device_launcher process artifact location. —help display usage information

  1. ## start
  2. ```none {: style="white-space: break-spaces;" .devsite-disable-click-to-copy}
  3. Usage: fvdl start [-H] [-N] [--host-gpu] [--software-gpu] [--hidpi-scaling] [-u <upscript>] [--packages-to-serve <packages-to-serve>] [-p <pointing-device>] [-w <window-width>] [-h <window-height>] [-s <image-size>] [-f <device-proto>] [-e <aemu-path>] [--aemu-version <aemu-version>] [-d <vdl-path>] [--vdl-version <vdl-version>] [-x <grpcwebproxy>] [-X <grpcwebproxy-path>] [--grpcwebproxy-version <grpcwebproxy-version>] [-v <sdk-version>] [--gcs-bucket <gcs-bucket>] [--image-name <image-name>] [-l <emulator-log>] [--port-map <port-map>] [--vdl-output <vdl-output>] [--nointeractive]
  4. Starting Fuchsia Emulator


```none {: style=”white-space: break-spaces;” .devsite-disable-click-to-copy}

-H, —headless bool, run emulator in headless mode. -N, —tuntap bool, run emulator with emulated nic via tun/tap. —host-gpu bool, run emulator with host GPU acceleration, this doesn’t work on remote-desktop with —headless. —software-gpu bool, run emulator without host GPU acceleration, default. —hidpi-scaling bool, enable pixel scaling on HiDPI devices. -u, —upscript path to tun/tap upscript, this script will be executed before booting up FEMU. —packages-to-serve comma separated string of fuchsia package urls, extra packages to serve after starting FEMU. -p, —pointing-device set pointing device used on emulator: mouse or touch screen. Allowed values are “touch”, “mouse”. Default is “touch”. -w, —window-width emulator window width. Default to 1280. -h, —window-height emulator window height. Default to 800. -s, —image-size extends storage size to bytes. Default is “2G”. -f, —device-proto path to fuchsia virtual device configuration, if not specified a generic one will be generated. -e, —aemu-path path to aemu location. When running in fuchsia repo, defaults to looking in prebuilt/third_party/aemu/PLATFORM. When running in fuchsia sdk, defaults to looking in $HOME/.fuchsia/femu. —aemu-version label used to download AEMU from CIPD. Default is “integration”. Download only happens if aemu binary cannot be found from known paths. -d, —vdl-path device_launcher binary location. When running in fuchsia repo, defaults to looking in prebuilt/vdl/device_launcher. When running in fuchsia sdk, defaults to looking in directory containing fvdl. —vdl-version label used to download vdl from CIPD. Default is “latest”. Download only happens if vdl (device_launcher) binary cannot be found from known paths. -x, —grpcwebproxy enable WebRTC HTTP service on port, if set to 0 a random port will be picked -X, —grpcwebproxy-path location of grpcwebproxy, When running in fuchsia repo, defaults to looking in prebuilt/third_party/grpcwebproxy When running in fuchsia sdk, defaults to looking in $HOME/.fuchsia/femu. —grpcwebproxy-version label used to download grpcwebproxy from CIPD. Default is “latest”. Download only happens if —grpcwebproxy is set and grpcwebproxy binary cannot be found from known paths or path specified by —grpcwebproxy_path. -v, —sdk-version fuchsia sdk ID used to fetch from gcs, if specified, the emulator will launch with fuchsia sdk files fetched from gcs. To find the latest version run gsutil cat gs://fuchsia/development/LATEST_LINUX. —gcs-bucket gcs bucket name. Default is “fuchsia”. —image-name image file name used to fetch from gcs. Default is “qemu-x64”. To view availabe image names run gsutil ls -l gs://fuchsia/development/$(gsutil cat gs://fuchsia/development/LATEST_LINUX)/images. -l, —emulator-log file path to store emulator log. Default is a temp file that is deleted after fvdl exits. —port-map host port mapping for user-networking mode. This flag will be ignored if —tuntap is used. If not specified, an ssh port on host will be randomly picked and forwarded. ex: hostfwd=tcp::-:,hostfwd=tcp::-: —vdl-output file destination to write device_launcher output. Required for —nointeractive mode. Default is a temp file that is deleted after fvdl exits. Specify this flag if you plan to use the kill subcommand. —nointeractive bool, turn off interactive mode. if turned off, fvdl will not land user in ssh console. A ssh port will still be forwarded. User needs to specify —vdl-output flag with this mode, and manually call the kill subcommand to perform clean shutdown. —help display usage information ```