log_listener CLI

The log_listener binary is included in all device builds that include pkgfs and is currently the primary tool used by engineers to interactively read a live log stream. In-tree developers usually invoke it with fx log.

Flag Notes
—only <comma-separated-words> Include lines containing at least one of the specified words. If this is not set, it has no effect.
—suppress <comma-separated-words> Exclude lines containing any of the specified words.
—begin <comma-separated-words> Include blocks starting with at least one of the specified words. Pair with the —end flag. Defaults to off.
—end <comma-separated-words> Exclude blocks starting with at least one of the specified words. Pair with the —begin flag. Defaults to off.
—tag <string> Tag(s) to include. Use multiple times for multiple tags. By default no tag filtering is performed, only specified tags are allowed if any are specified.
—ignore-tag <string> Tag(s) to ignore. Use multiple times for multiple tags.
—pid <integer> Only print logs from the given process koid.
—tid <integer> Only print logs from the given thread koid.
—pretty yes Activate colors.
—severity <level> Minimum severity to include. Defaults to INFO.

Does not have any impact on the logs produced by components.


—file <string> Path where logs will be written. By default logs are written to stdout.
—file_capacity <integer> The maximum allowed amount of disk space to consume. Once the file being written to reaches half of the capacity, it is moved to FILE.old and a new log file is created.

Defaults to 64000. If —file is not specified, it has no effect.

Setting to 0 disables this functionality.

—startup_sleep <integer> Sleep for this number of milliseconds on program startup.
—clock <Monotonic|UTC|Local> Clock to use when printing timestamps.

Monotonic (default): Monotonic time reported by the kernel.

UTC: UTC time as reported by the runtime.

Local: Localized wall time.

—time_format <format> If —clock is not MONOTONIC, specify timestamp format.

See the chrono crate’s docs for format specifiers.

Defaults to “%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”.

—since_now yes Ignore all logs from before this command is invoked.
—dump_logs yes Exit after printing already-available logs.
—help | -h Prints usage.