This tutorial shows you how to implement a FIDL protocol (fuchsia.examples.Echo) and run it on Fuchsia. This protocol has one method of each kind: a fire and forget method, a two-way method, and an event:

    1. {%includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/fuchsia" gerrit_path="examples/fidl/fuchsia.examples/echo.test.fidl" region_tag="echo" %}

    For more on FIDL methods and messaging models, refer to the [FIDL concepts][concepts] page.

    This document covers how to complete the following tasks:

    • Implement a FIDL protocol.
    • Build and run a package on Fuchsia.
    • Serve a FIDL protocol.

    The tutorial starts by creating a component that is served to a Fuchsia device and run. Then, it gradually adds functionality to get the server up and running.