Recent conferences on design are evidence of a coherent, if not always systematic, effort to reach a clearer understanding of design as an integrative discipline.


    However, the participants, who increasingly come from diverse professions and academic disciplines, are not drawn together because they share a common definition of design, a common methodology, a common philosophy, or even a common set of objects to which everyone agrees that the term “design”should be applied.


    They are drawn together because they share a mutual interest in a common theme: the conception and planning of the artificial.


    Different definitions of design and different specifications of the methodology of design are variations of this broad theme, each a concrete exploration of what is possible in the development of its meanings and implications.


    Communication is possible at such meetings because the results of research and discussion, despite wide differences in intellectual and practcal perspectives, are always connected by this theme and, therefore, supplemental.


    This is only possible, of course, if individuals have the wit to discover what is useful in each other’s work and can cast the material in terms of their own vision of design thinking.


    1. 所以说多看看别的人实践也能够去补充自己的实践案例,用来增加设计思维的案例。

    Members of the scientific community, however, must be puzzled by the types of problems addressed by professional designers and by the patterns of reasoning they employ.


    While scientists share in the new liberal art of design thinking, they are also masters of specialized subject matters and their related methods, as found in physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, the social sciences, or one of the many subfields into which these sciences have been divided.


    This creates one of the central problems of communication between scientists and designers, because the problems addressed by designers seldom fall solely within the boundaries of any one of these subject matters.


    The problem of communication between scientists and designers was evident in a special conference on design theory held in New York in 1974.


    This conference was interesting for several reasons, the most significant directly related to the content of the meeting itself.


    Reviewed in one of the initial papers, the“wicked problems” approach to design proved to be one of the central themes to which the participants often returned when seeking a connection between their remarkably diverse and seemingly in commensurate applications of design.


    Also significant was the dfficulty that most of the participants had in understanding each other.


    Although an observation of an outsider on the dynamics of the meeting, it is an excellent example of a“wicked problem”of design thinking.


    The wicked problems approach was formulated by Horst Rittel in the 1960s, when design methodology was a subject of intense interest.

    抗解问题的观点是在20世纪60年代由 Horst Rittel 提出的,当时设计方法的研究是一个非常热门的课题。

    A mathematician, designer, and former teacher at the Hochschule fuir Gestaltung (HfG) Ulm, Rittel sought an alternative to the linear, step-by-step model of the design process being explored by many designers and design theorists.

    作为一名数学家,设计师,乌尔姆造型学院的前教师,与诸多设计师和设计理论家探索传统线性过程的理论模型思路不同,Rittel 寻求另外一类解决方案。

    1. 乌尔姆造型学院是重建的包豪斯学院。

    The Wicked Problems Theory of Design /设计的「抗解问题」理论 - 图1

    1. 线性过程如下:
    2. 发现问题
    3. 通过调查与研究来深入理解问题
    4. 创造性地提出构想
    5. 精炼构想并付诸实践
    6. 进一步迭代
    7. 很显然,用这五个步骤也无法准确描述设计的非线性过程。比如,在第三步提出构想的过程中可能会发现新的问题,这时就需要回到第二步进行调研并重新理解问题。

    The Wicked Problems Theory of Design /设计的「抗解问题」理论 - 图2

    Although there are many variations of the linear model, its proponents hold that thedesign process is divided into two distinct phases: problem definition and problem solution.


    Problem definition is an analytic sequence in which the designer determines all of the elements of the problem and specifies all of the requirements that a successful design solution must have.


    Problem solution is a synthetic sequence in which the various requirements are combined and balanced against each other, yielding a final plan to be carried into production.


    In the abstract, such a model may appear attractive because it suggests a methodological precision that is, in its key features, independent from the perspective of the individual designer.


    1. 一旦与设计师的个人认知无关之后,就意味着这个方法可以被快速学习。
    2. 如果一个方法必须带有设计师的主观经验,那么就意味着这种方法无法被其他人再现。那么就失去这个方法的对应价值了。
    3. 就像美院的老师会要求他们忘掉技法,因为艺术创作中需要的不是普世的方法,而是自我经验的表达,个性的表达,所以每种创作方法必然带着艺术家的主观经验。即方法的有效性与设计师的个人认知是完全耦合的。
    4. 但是设计与艺术不同,目的是为了解决现实生活中的一般问题。那么对于任何一个人来说都需要使用到。那么所有人需要的其实是一套通用的方法。那么方法有效性与方法发明者的认知是解耦的。那就意味着这个工具谁来用都是一样的。只要能学会使用这个工具。
    5. 我们在发明方法,本质其实是在发明工具。就像剪刀、钻床、3D 打印机一样,工具不应该掺杂个人的经验与认知。

    In fact,many scientists and business professionals, as well as some designers, continue to find the idea of a linear model attractive, believing that it represents the only hope for a“logical”understanding of the design process.


    1. 其实这就是 IDEO 的设计思维过程。

    However, some critics were quick to point out two obvious points of weakness: one, the actual sequence of design thinking and decision making is not a simple linear process; and two, the problems addressed by designers do not, in actual practice, yield to any linear analysis and synthesis yet proposed.


    Rittel argued that most of the problems addressed by designers are wicked problems.

    所以 Rittel 提出一个观点:大多数的设计师解决的问题是「抗解问题」。

    As described in the first published report of Rittel’s idea, wicked problems are a “class of social system problems which are ill-formulated, where the information is confusing, where there are many clients and decision makers with conflicting values, and where the ramifications in the whole system are thoroughly confusing. “

    在最开始的一些报告中, Rittel 认为「抗解问题」是一类“很难被架构的「社会系统问题」,其中的信息是混乱的,许多客户和决策者的价值观冲突,整个系统的结果难以预料,并让人十分困扰。”

    This is an amusing description of what confronts designers in every new situation.


    1. 因为可能在一般的观点中,这样的问题概念对于「解决实际问题」没有帮助。
    2. 尤其是我和别人去交流的时候,他们会说我说的都对。但是然后呢?
    3. 提出了这么个概念,但是没有对应的解决方法,对于绝大部分实用的人来说并没有意义。
    4. 因此在这里作者用了 amusing 这个词 ,意思是可笑的

    But most important, it points toward a fundamental issue that lies behind practice: the relationship between determinacy and indeterminacy in design thinking.


    1. determinacy n. 确定性,坚持性
    2. indeterminacy n. 不确定,不明确

    The linear model of design thinking is based on determinate problems which have definite conditions.

    设计思维的线性模型是建立在 “问题可以被定义” 这个条件的基础上的。

    The designer’s task is to identify those conditions precisely and then calculate a solution.


    In contrast, the wicked-problems approach suggests that there is a fundamental indeterminacy in all but the most trivial design problems一 problems where, as Rittel suggests, the“wickedness”has already been taken out to yield determinate or analytic problems.

    相反,「抗解问题」这种观点表明,几乎所有的设计问题都存在一个根本的不确定性。但是当我们去分析这些问题时,Rittel 认为「抗解」这个特性会被我们忽略以便于分析问题或进行决策。

    1. 比如下面这个最常见的发现问题和解决问题:
    2. 发现问题:提高自己的工业设计能力
    3. 解决问题:提高自己手绘、建模、造型、设计思维的能力
    4. 像这个例子,我们目前的想法就是「手绘、建模、造型、设计思维」,但是直忽略掉了「提高自己的产品设计能力」这个问题中的抗解特性,将这个问题直接降维降到了「手绘、建模、造型、设计思维」上。因为这样做非常容易去分析问题并进行决策。
    5. 但是这是从传统包豪斯的角度去考虑的提升「产品设计能力」,实际效果好吗?大家大学期间连一个产品都做不出来,最后还不是纷纷转行 UI
    6. 所以我们我们需要重新把把这个问题拉回到原来的概念空间中,即思考最初的问题是什么?
    7. 我们发现了要「提高自己的的工业设计能力」,但是这个问题的本质是为了干什么?几种可能性,一种是想赚钱,一种可能是想装逼,当然最多的一种可能性是希望能创造一些东西出来,就是说「造物」。
    8. 如果根本目的是想赚钱,那么提高自己工业设计能力合不合适就要打个问号了。
    9. 如果根本目的是想装逼,那么不要动手,多看点资料了解一些概念就能「提高」了。
    10. 那如果想「造物」,那再正式来讨论。
    11. 确定目标不是确定问题,因为目标是具有确定性的,只有确定了目标是什么,才能找到达成目标过程中需要的东西,从而发现问题。所以只有确定问题的根本目的,才能发现出问题来。
    12. 那再说关于「造物」的话,应该怎么去提升?
    13. 在此之前还是拿包豪斯来说,为什么包豪斯的那一套会没有很好的效果?
    14. 一句话回答就是——环境变了。
    15. 包豪斯诞生之初的目的也是为了培养学生去「造物」。
    16. 所以他们有各种工坊,什么金工、木工都有,包豪斯的学生在学校里也能做各种各样的产品。
    17. 但是那个时候没有「电」。结构也是非常简单的一些家具的结构。
    18. 所以课程设计上三大构成、手绘、工艺课都是在那个场景下应运而生的。
    19. 而那个时代那些课甚至是开创性的东西。
    20. 那现在的环境还一样吗?
    21. 我们的产品设计结构单独出来,又诞生了电子电路。环境完全不同了。
    22. 所以再用包豪斯那一套的方法,就只能做「造型」上的事情。因为在那个时代,「造型」即是产品。
    23. 所以包豪斯在那个时代是非常伟大的,因为他们做到了他们自己开学校的目的。
    24. 那再看现在,如果目的是为了「造物」,那么最基本的做东西,做能用的产品的能力不可或缺。所以我在很长一段时间内都在找一套能够适用于设计系学生的「造物课」。
    25. 之前看到MIT那门课的时候我就很欣喜若狂。
    26. 那有了「造物」的基础能力之后,才是说怎么把物去造好,这之后才是说「设计」,才是关于具体的专业知识。
    27. 所以我们应该继承哪些东西?其实包豪斯那一套所有内容都应该继承,但是光继承还不够,如果要培养出一个人「造物」的能力,那么在第三次工业革命之后的所有新东西——电、信息,都必须补充到教学体系中。
    28. 那大家可以看到,最后得出的教学体系就是和包豪斯完全不一样的一套体系。我们的目的完全一样,但是因为场景不同,最后的结果也不一样。这种根据「目标」和限制因素来思考的思想,完善成完整的理论体系的,就是美国的「实用主义」。
    29. 但是,再回过头来看看这个目的,「造物」是根本目的吗?
    30. 如果「物」的更进一层的目标是人的行为,行为更深一层可能是系统。
    31. 那目标不一样,方式和逻辑就会完全不同。

    To understand what this means, it is important to recognize that indeterminacy is quite different from undetermined.


    1. 举一个例子,比如要进行职业选择,在工业设计和交互设计之间,做出一个选择。
    2. 待确定性是「在工业设计和交互设计之间,做出一个选择。」这个问题我要选择哪个的问题,我直接选一个就决定
    3. 不确定性是说,「在工业设计和交互设计之间,做出一个选择。」这个问题本身是否正确?「做一个选择」的前提是给你限定了「工业设计」与「交互设计」,但是这种限定本身是否正确,这是个问题。
    4. 因为可能根本问题是,我之后要做什么职业。那么直接选择是否正确?这是一个问题。那么这个就是「不确定性」。

    Indeterminacy implies that there are no definitive conditions or limits to design problems.


    This is evident, for example, in the ten properties of wicked problems that Rittel initially identified in 1972.

    这一点很明显,比如在1972年 Rittel 就初步确定了「抗解问题」的十个特性。

    (1) Wicked problems have no definitive formulation, but every formulation of a wicked problem corresponds to the formulation of a solution.


    1. 简单来说问题与问题之间是没有通用的框架的。每个问题的解法都是不一样的。

    (2) Wicked problems have no stopping rules.


    1. 说明问题的规则在不断发展,比如低价买盗版教程。目的不变,但是渠道一直在变,比如今天淘宝店关门了,明天用知识星球了,后天加微信才能买了等等。
    2. 行动优于教条,经验优于僵化的原则

    (3) Solutions to wicked problems cannot be true or false,only good or bad.


    1. 没有说在这买或者在那买一定有对错,只有说是有没有好或者不好的方案,比如在这里买比较便宜比较方便,那就比较适合,比较好。甚至于好的与坏的方案的标准都需要被界定过。而我个人认为评价好坏的指标是跟目标息息相关的。比如「低价买教程」的目标就是「低价」、「方便」、「无加密」,那么好的解决方案就是「便宜」、「方便买」,没有加密。不好的就是贵、不方便、加密了的。

    (4) In solving wicked problems there is no exhaustive list of admissible operations.


    1. 在获取教程的时候没有说有一个具体的能够一步一步给你参照。因为规则在变,所以清单也不可能出现。只能够根据规则来推导执行操作。
    2. 没法程式化。

    (5) For every wicked problem there is always more than one possible explanation, with explanations depending on the Weltanschauung of the designer.


    1. Weltanschauung identifies the intellectual perspective of the designer as an integral part of the design process.
    2. Weltanschauung n. 世界观, 人生观
    3. 意味着 设计师的主观认知 作为设计过程的主要因素。
    4. 即完全凭借设计师的主观经验和三观。
    5. 这里所谓的解释应该是解法方案的不同。比如翻译文章上,有的人可能就喜欢拿本字典,有的人就上网查。有的就又不一样。

    (6) Every wicked problem is a symptom of another “higher level “ problem.


    1. 比如买低价教程是我要学习某个软件或者某个技能的一个局部问题。
    2. 即一个目标是存在子目标的。
    3. 学造型的问题是提升工业设计能力的一个子问题。而提升工业设计能力又是「造物」这个问题的子问题。
    4. iText 是翻译文章的一个子问题,而翻译文章又是看懂这篇文章的一个子问题。

    (7) No formulation and solution of a wicked problem has a definitive test.


    1. 可能是指只有做了之后才能看出结果,事先的各种预测或者测试可能都没法确定方案是否可行。

    (8) Solving a wicked problem is a “one shot” operation,with no room for trial and error.


    1. 这个我个人其实不是特别好理解。因为在我概念中是有试错和试验的可能性的。
    2. 但是一种解释方式就是做过一次解法之后,场景和限制条件发生了变化,就不能再用原来的方法再去做一次。

    (9) Every wicked problem is unique.


    1. 就说所谓的具体问题具体分析。比如都是说提升「造物」能力,包豪斯面临的问题和我们现在面临的问题就是两个「抗解」问题,因为场景在变,限制因素在变。

    (10) The wicked problem solver has no right to be wrong——they are fully responsible for their actions.


    The Wicked Problems Theory of Design /设计的「抗解问题」理论 - 图3

    1. 这张图可能也有点问题右下角的「过程基于假设和辩驳」感觉不对

    This is a remarkable list, and it is tempting to go no further than elaborate the meaning of each property, providing concrete examples drawn from every area of design thinking.


    But to do so would leave a fundamental question unanswered.


    Why are design problems indeterminate and, therefore, wicked?


    Neither Rittel nor any of those studying wicked problems has attempted to answer this question, so the wicked-problems approach has remained only a description of the social reality of designing rather than the beginnings of a well-grounded theory of design.

    Rittel 或者其他任何研究「抗解问题」的人都没有试图去回答这个问题。所以「抗解问题」的思考方式仍然只是一种对社会现实中设计的描述,而不是一个基础扎实的设计理论的开端。

    However, the answer to the question lies in something rarely considered: the peculiar nature of the subject matter of design.


    Design problems are “indeterminate” and “wicked” because design has no special subject matter of its own apart from what a designer conceives it to be.


    1. 这边专门的研究主题的意思是比如物理研究物理定律,机械研究机械理论等。
    2. 其实这句话也不完全正确。因为无论是工业设计、交互设计、服务设计、视觉传达都是有它们自己的专业知识的。专业知识其实是研究的主题之一。比如我怎么画好一张手绘、建好一个模型,设计出漂亮的交互稿这些,还是有自己研究的主题的。
    3. 但是做这些的直接目的是为了去解决各种各样的具体的问题,而这些具体问题是我们生活中的一般问题,可能又是其他学科的问题。
    4. 而像其他学科,尤其是自然科学里的,每一个实验,每一个研究的目的基本上就只是为了自己这个学科的主题。
    5. 所以从目的性上来说,可以说设计学没有自己专门研究的主题。

    The subject matter of design is potentially universal in scope, because design thinking may be applied to any area of human experience.


    But in the process of application, the designer must discover or invent a particular subject out of the problems and issues of specific circumstances.


    This sharply contrasts with the disciplines of science, which are concerned with understanding the principles, laws, rules, or structures that are necessarily embodied in existing subject matters.


    1. 比如研究物理学的自然规律,规律本身存在,所以才能够去发现出来。

    Such subject matters are undetermined or under-determined, requiring further investigation to make them more fully determinate.


    But they are not radically indeterminate in a way directly comparable to that of design.


    1. 即科学的问题很多都是「待确定性」的问题。

    Designers conceive their subject matter in two ways on two levels: general and particular.


    On a general level, a designer forms an idea or a working hypothesis about the nature of products or the nature of the humanmade in the world.


    This is the designer’s view of what is meant, for example, by the “artificial” in relation to the “natural.”

    形成的观点可能是与“自然物”相对的 「人工」。

    1. 就是说设计师在探索与用什么样的概念来理解他们做的东西,从宏观层面上来说,得到的概念可能就是「人工」这样的。

    In this sense, the designer holds a broad view of the nature of design and the proper scope of its application.


    1. 相当于圈定了整个设计的范围是「人工」。

    Indeed, most designers, to the degree that they have reflected on their discipline, will gladly, if not insistently, explain on a general level what the subject matter of design is.


    1. 很多设计理论本质都是在做这样的一件事。比如柳冠中的《设计事理学》。就完全从一般意义的角度来说设计的方法论。

    When developed and well presented, these explanations are philosophies or proto-philosophies of design that exist within a plurality of alternative views.


    They provide an essential framework for each designer to understand and explore the materials, methods, and principles of design thinking.


    But such philosophies do not and cannot constitute sciences of design in the sense of any natural, social, or humanistic science.


    The reason for this is simple: design is fundamentally concerned with the particular, and there is no science of the particular.


    In actual practice, the designer begins with what should be called a quasi-subject matter, tenuously existing within the problems and issues of specific circumstances.


    Out of the specific possibilities of a concrete situation, the designer must conceive a design that will lead to this or that particular product.


    A quasi-subject matter is not an undetermined subject waiting to be made determinate.


    1. 也就是说「准主题」是一个「不确定」的问题。

    It is an indeterminate subject waiting to be made specific and concrete.


    1. 即将「不确定性」变成「待确定性」

    For example, a client’s brief does not present a definition of the subject matter of a particular design application.


    It presents a problem and a set of issues to be considered in resolving that problem.


    1. 这个情况下所谓的「准主题」就是要确定如何去解决问题,即架构问题,将「不确定性」变成「待确定性」。

    In situations where a brief specifies in great detail the particular features of the product to be planned, it otten does so because an owner, corporate executive, or manager has attempted to perform the critical task of transforming problems and issues into a working hypothesis about the particular features of the product to be designed.


    1. 这边提到的关键任务其实就是架构问题。降维一样的概念。
    2. 这边的过程其实就是我们做的
    3. 用户研究 -> 产品定义 -> 产品规格

    In effect, someone has attempted to take the“wickedness”out.


    Even in this situation, however, the conception of particular features remains only a possibility that may be subject to change through discussion and argument. “


    1. 就像因为用户研究没做充分,砧板就要推倒重来一样。
    2. 因为问题架构有问题,所以最后前面所有做的工作全部白搭。

    This is where placements take on special significance as tools of design thinking.


    1. 那定位形容的就是如何去架构问题的过程。

    They allow the designer to position and reposition the problems and issues at hand.


    Placements are the tools by which a designer intuitively or deliberately shapes a design situation, identifying the views of all participants, the issues which concern them, and the invention that will serve as a working hypothes is for exploration and development.


    1. invention 有“内心捏造的东西”这个意思。
    2. 把一个问题放在人机的角度去考虑,放到行为学角度去考虑,放到符号学角度去考虑。

    In this sense, the placements selected by a designer are the same as what determinate subject matters are for the scientist.


    They are the quasi-subject matter of design thinking, from which the designer fashions a working hypothesis suited to special circumstances.


    1. 这边的基础假设的是指一个产品的具体功能。
    2. 比如根据人机工程学得出这个产品后背要怎么做。
    3. 根据心理学判断这个产品的界面要怎么去做。
    4. 得出的每个结论都是一个「基础假设」,因为产品本身在做出来之前是没有办法真实地验证的。

    This helps to explain how design functions as an integrative discipline.


    By using placements to discover or invent a working hypothesis, the designer establishes a principle of relevance for knowledge from the arts and sciences, determining how such knowledge may be useful to design thinking in a particular circumstance without immediately reducing design to one or another of these disciplines.


    1. 这里说的这句话有点绕口。
    2. 我觉得是说我可以用定位的方法来确定不同学科的知识对于设计这个产品的相关性有多少用。比如在做人机工程学椅子的时候确定人机工程相关性为80%,XXX 学科相关性是20%等等等。这样就不用陷死在一个学科里。

    The Wicked Problems Theory of Design /设计的「抗解问题」理论 - 图4

    The Wicked Problems Theory of Design /设计的「抗解问题」理论 - 图5

    In effect, the working hypothesis that will lead to a particular product is the principle of relevance, guiding the efforts of designers to gather all available knowledge bearing on how a product is finally planned.


    1. 比如说指导我去研究用户心理学,基于用户行为设计咖啡机的按钮。

    But does the designer’s working hypothesis or principle of relevance suggest that the product itself is a determinate subject matter?


    1. 这句话在考虑的问题是,如果我们去研究这些相关性原则,他们是不是具有「确定性」的,可以被量化填充的研究主题。

    The answer involves a critical but often blurred distinction between design thinking and the activity of production or making.


    Once a product is conceived, planned, and produced, it may indeed become an object for study by any of the arts and sciences—history, economics, psychology, sociology, or anthropology.


    It may even become an object for study by a new humanistic science of production that we could call the “science of the artificial”, directed toward undertanding the nature, form, and uses of humanmade products in all of their generic kinds.


    But in all such studies, the activities of design thinking are easily forgotten or are reduced to the kind of product that is finally produced.


    1. 我们往往会把设计思维的活动直接归并到「怎么造物」这样的问题当中。
    2. 但是实际上设计思维在思考的是「造一个什么物」。而这个问题一个不确定性问题。「怎么造物」这个问题是一个确定性问题。
    3. 从设计学角度来说,「造什么物」是属于设计学研究的范畴,而「怎么造物」就是工业设计研究的范畴。

    The problem for designers is to conceive and plan what does not yet exist, and this occurs in the context of the indeterminacy of wicked problems, before the final result is known.


    This is the creative or inventive activity that Herbert Simon has in mind when he speaks of design as a science of the artificial.

    这也是希尔伯特·西蒙 在谈到设计作为一门「人工科学」的本质——创造性或发明性的活动。

    What he means is “devising artifacts to attain goals” or, more broadly,“doctrine about the design process”.


    In this sense, Simon’s science of the artificial is perhaps closer to what Dewey means by technology as a systematic discipline of experimental thinking.


    1. 因为杜威提倡的是「实用主义」,所以按我们之前所说的所有内容,可以把设计作为「实用主义」哲学体系的系统化的应用学科。

    However, Simon has little to say about the difference between designing a product and making it.


    Consequently, the “search” procedures and decision-making protocols that he proposes for design are largely analytic, shaped by his philosophic view of the determinacies that follow from the natural laws that surround artifacts.


    1. 这个分析型的意思是从待确定性到确定性的分析行为。

    For all of the insight Simon has in distinguishing the artificial as a domain of humanmade products different from objects created by natural processes, he does not capture the radical sense in which designers explore the essence of what the artificial may be in human experlence.


    This is a synthetic activity related to indeterminacy, not an activity of making what is undetermined in natural laws more determinate in artifacts.


    In short, Simon appears to have conflated two sciences of the artificial : an inventive science of design thinking which has no subject matter aside from what the designer conceives it to be, and a science of existing humanmade products whose nature Simon happens to believe is a manipulation of material and behavioral laws of nature.


    1. 前者所说的设计师在想「造一个什么物」时候的行为活动。

    Design is a remarkably supple discipline, amenable to radically different interpretations in philosophy as well as in practice.


    But the flexibility of design often leads to popular misunderstanding and clouds efforts to understand its nature.


    The history of design is not merely a history of objects.


    1. 个人觉得王受之在研究的历史就是「物」的历史。

    It is a history of the changing views of subject matter held by designers and the concrete objects conceived, planned, and produced as expressions of those views.


    One could gofurther and say that the history of design history is a record of the design historians’ views regarding what they conceive to be the subject matter of design.


    1. 所以我认为设计史需要被改写过。因为目前完全没有关于「设计思想」变迁的东西。

    We have been slow to recognize the peculiar indeterminacy of subject matter in design and its impact on the nature of design thinking.


    As a consequence, each of the sciences that have come into contact with design has tended to regard design as an ‘applied” version of its own knowledge, methods, and principles.


    They see in design an instance of their own subject matter and treat design as a practical demonstration of the scientific principles of that subject matter.


    Thus, we have the odd, recurring situation in which design is alternately regarded as“applied” natural science,“applied” social science, or“applied”fine art.


    No wonder designers and members of the scientific community often have difficulty communicating.
