Despite efforts to discover the foundations of design thinking in the fine arts, the natural sciences, or most recently, the social sciences, design eludes reduction and remains a surprisingly flexible activity.


    :::info 翻译困扰:foundations of …前面用了虽然,说明呈现的是一个好的事情,但是实际现状却不好。
    design eludes reduction 设计避免减少了什么?是设计活动减少?还是设计的灵活性减少?还是设计的什么东西减少? :::

    No single definition of design, or branches of professionalized practice such as industrial or graphic design, adequately covers the diversity of ideas and methods gathered together under the label.


    :::info 工业设计也好,视觉设计也好,在设计学的语境下看,有的问题可能适合用工业设计方法,有的问题可能适用视觉传达的方法,有的问题可能都适用而且都需要。而单一的学科领域的方法并没法解决所有的设计问题。 :::

    Indeed, the variety of research reported in conference papers, journal articles, and books suggests that design continues to expand in its meanings and connections, revealing unexpected dimensions in practice as well as understanding.


    1. revealing 是一个动名词,表示一个伴随状态。

    This follows the trend of design thinking in the twentieth century, for we have seen design grow from a trade activity to a segmented profession to a field for technical research and to what now should be recognized as a new liberal art of technological culture.


    It may seem unusual to talk about design as a liberal art, particularly when many people are accustomed to identifying the liberal arts with the traditional “arts and sciences” that are institutionalized in colleges and universities.


    But the liberal arts are undergoing a revolutionary transformation in twentieth-century culture, and design is one of the areas in which this transformation is strikingly evident.

    博雅学科正在经历二十世纪文化(科技文化)的革命性转变,而设计正是这种转变特别明显的领域之一。 :::info 科技文化在另一个程度上也影响了博雅学科? :::

    To understand the change that is now underway, it is important to recognize that what are commonly regarded as the liberal arts today are not outside of history.


    They originated in the Renaissance and underwent prolonged development that culminated in the nineteenth century as a vision of an encyclopedic education of beaux arts, belles lettres, history, various natural sciences and mathematics, philosophy, and the fledgling social sciences.


    This circle of learning was divided into particular subject matters, each with a proper method or set of methods suitable to its exploration.


    At their peak as liberal arts, these subject matters provided an integrated understanding of human experience and the array of available knowledge.


    1. 为什么这边把知识与经验分开提?原因是知识是已经被抽象总结了的,是一类显性的信息,而经验则是一种隐藏着的还没有办法被提炼的,算是隐性信息。这句话的意思则是这些主题能够整合显性与隐性的信息来获得一个完整而全面的理解认知。

    By the end of the nineteenth century, however, existing subjects were explored with progressively more refined methods, and new subjects were added to accord with advances in knowledge.


    As a result, the circle of learning was further divided and subdivided,until all that remained was a patchwork quilt of specializations.


    :::info a patchwork quilt 的意思是「用小块布缝缀的被罩」。

    这里将细分后的专业领域知识比作是“小块布”,整个知识领域比作“床单”。能够直观感受到,这种床单并不讨人喜欢,因为有着太多的缝合线。完全不如用几块大的布整体制成的床单。这和博雅学科面临的情况十分像。博雅学科在19世纪达到巅峰,应该是指那个时期的学科知识「刚刚好」,分化也还没有那么严重,所以每个人都能够对这些学科有个非常全面而整体的认知理解,不至于陷到细节里面。而随着知识领域的划分,对于整体的把握就变得十分困难了。 :::

    Today, these subject matters retain an echo of their old status as liberal arts, but they flourish as specialized studies, leading to the perception of an ever more rich and detailed array of facts and values.


    :::info an echo of their old status as liberal arts echo 有“回声、回想、重复”这样的意思,这个词组的直译是“旧时博雅学科身份的回声/重复”,从理解上就是说旧时身份的复现,在这里意译为 「保留了旧时博雅学科的身份」。这句话阐述了如今学科的发展模式的差异,虽然还披着旧时博雅学科的“皮”,但是本质上却是在用细分领域研究方法进行研究。结果上就使得这些学科在探索中获得了非常丰富而细节的知识。

    “ 但是,真的有必要再使用白首穷经这类低效的写作学习方式吗?西方通过创意写作、分析性写作、有效商务写作、写作QA站点等课程走上了另一条不同的道路。”

    用这个例子来解释,对于写作这个主题来说,传统的博雅学科就是研究「道」的问题,而现在变了本质之后则是开始研究「术」的问题,虽然获得了大量丰富而细节的知识,但是道就变得不那么重要了。最后的结果就是变得太碎,失去了全局观。 :::

    Although these subjects contribute to the advance of knowledge, they also contribute to its fragmentation, as they have become progressively narrow in scope, more numerous, and have lost “connection with each other and with the common problems and matters of daily life from which they select aspects for precise methodological analysis”.


    :::info 前面一句话相对好理解,但是后面一句话可能会让人觉得有点难。将专业领域细分之后带来的问题是除了主题本身的脱节,也与与一般问题脱节了。这个应该是对博雅学科的理解上存在偏差。我们可能认为博雅学科不过是一堆细分学科的合集,但是根据作者的意思来看并不是这样。实际上应该是下图左边的模式。 :::

    简介:设计与博雅学科 Introduction - 图1 :::info 可以注意到博雅学科的中心,或者说聚焦的关键是一般问题,而各个主题从一般问题出发衍生自己主题的知识,并在主题之间互相交叉。但是如果将主题细分了,除了主题本身之间没了联系,主题与一般问题之间的联系也被斩断了。变成了上图右边那样。
    但是我觉得最困难的一句理解是from which they select aspects for precise methodological analysis。这个 From which 的对象是什么?
    可以感受到的意思是他们从()的一个方面进行精细化分析。那这个 From Which 的对象是一般问题吗?
    不对,应该就是一般问题,句子逻辑是这样的:他们本该从一般问题去分析,但是现在这个关联被打断了。 :::

    The search for new integrative disciplines to complement the arts and sciences has become one of the central themes of intellectual and practical life in the twentieth century.


    :::info discipline 作为学科的翻译可能更为合适。intellectual and practical life 我翻译为理论和实践。intellectual 意思是”智力的“,practical 意思是”实践的“,这是两个相对的词汇,同时拿来形容 life 的话可以感受到应该是同一个 life 的两个方面,因此理论和实践的意译会比较合理。 :::

    Without integrative disciplines of understanding, communication, and action, there is little hope of sensibly extending knowledge beyond the library or laboratory in order to serve the purpose of enriching human life.


    The emergence of design thinking in the twentieth century is important in this context.


    The significance of seeking a scientific basis for design does not lie in the likelihood of reducing design to one or another of the sciences-an extension of the neo-positivist project and still presented in these terms by some design theorists.


    1. 逻辑实证主义和逻辑经验主义,共同形成了新实证主义,也被称为科学经验主义。新实证主义者的研究兴趣在于对科学的整合和统一,以及对科学方法的正确描绘。

    Rather, it lies in a concern to connect and integrate useful knowledge from the arts and sciences alike, but in ways that are suited to the problems and purposes of the present.


    Designers, are exploring concrete integrations of knowledge that will combine theory with practice for new productive purposes, and this is the reason why we turn to design thinking for insight into the new liberal arts of technological culture.


    1. turn to ”转向, 变成, 求助于, 起劲地开始行动“的意思。这里是指研究者把目光转向了设计思维,希望能够通过研究清楚设计的思想来洞察设计这门新博雅学科。