The beginning of the study of design as a liberal art can be traced to the cultural upheaval that occurred in the early part of the twentieth century.


    1. upheaval 的英文翻译: (a) great change, especially causing or involving much difficulty, activity or trouble 一场巨大的变化,尤其指有很多困难难的、活跃的、有问题的。
    2. 从下文猜测这里的 upheaval 是不是在说某种哲学运动?
    3. 经过查证应该是可能是实用主义运动。(「实用主义最初发生在英国和美国的哲学家中,在20世纪初,在美国发展成一种运动」——来自 Wikipedia)

    The key feature of this upheaval was described by John Dewey in The Quest for Certainty as the perception of a new center of the universe.

    约翰·杜威 (John Dewey) 在 《寻求确定性:一种知行关系的研究》一书中把客观事物的认知作为这种运动的核心特征。

    1. the universe 的朗文翻译为 "all space, including all the stars and planets" 显然是指宇宙、世界万物的意思。
    2. perception 知觉 感知 观念等意思。
    3. 实用主义到底是什么? - 伍亦勤的回答 - 知乎
    5. 个人感觉实用主义是设计专业的哲学思想
    6. 我们现在这些研究设计的人,没有一个人针对去研究过”知识“这个事情。没有一个体系或者方法论来构建知识的形成,那么设计思维始终是一个没有理论依据的玄学。而实际上这些有效的体系或者方法论,是存在于哲学范畴之内的。
    7. 比如这里提到的约翰杜威就是美国“实用主义”的先驱。
    8. 但是很可惜,似乎没有一个搞设计学研究的真正去梳理过设计学的哲学发展脉络,如何引入哲学体系为自己所用。

    The old center of the universe was the mind knowing by means of an equipment of powers complete within itself, and merely exercised upon an antecedent external material equally complete within itself.


    1. center of the universe 我觉得应该研究哲学的人应该有专门对这个词的专用名词?所以要理解清楚是不是还需要找哲学系的同学交流一下呢?
    2. equipment 在这个语境下是可数名词,作为可数名词的意思只有 the process of equipping someone or something,意思是装备/发展 XXX 的过程。
    3. equipment of XXX 的发展过程的意思。
    4. power 作为可数名词有如下意思
    5. [uncountable and countable] the right or authority to do something XXX 的权力,
    6. [uncountable and countable] a natural or special ability to do something XX 的自然或者特殊的能力
    7. [countable] a country that is strong and important and can influence events, or that has a lot of military strength 大国、强国
    8. 那么个人感觉 [能力] 这个意思是最正确的。
    9. 所以 an equipment of powers 就是能力的发展、完善、装备过程。complete within itself 是形容词,表面了这个过程的状态是自我完成的。
    10. 这里可能想表述的意思是在 自己这个范围里面来进行学习,通过自己以前遇到的东西、案例、经验进行验证。即学科的自我完备性。
    11. 杜威提到旧的对宇宙 万物认知的思想是在一个学科里面就能够完成对这个学科所研究对象的认知。
    12. 维也纳小组(新实证主义)的兴趣重点在于对科学的整合和统一,以及对科学方法的正确描绘。他们的认为这些工作将成为诸多形而上学争论的最终解决方案。这样一来,哲学的建设性作用就在于对科学理论和语言的分析。逻辑实证主义运动可以被看做是经验主义哲学的发展。
    13. 逻辑实证主义者们提出了著名的「证实原则(verification principles)」。根据艾耶尔的描述:一个陈述是有意义的,当且仅当它(1)要么是分析的——即按照定义为真,(2)要么是经验上可证实的。这里「可证实的」并不是说实际上必须证实它,而是只需要有一套能从经验上证实的可能步骤就可以了。这个「证实原则」理科生看了肯定会觉得非常舒服。对于分支(1),一个分析命题(analytical proposition)的意义并不依赖于经验,而只依赖于对有明确定义的语词的前后一致的使用。它们的意义是形式上的意义,因为它们的意义不是来自经验事实,而是来自语词和概念的逻辑蕴含,尤其像在数学和逻辑学中那样。至于分支(2),只要你是经验主义者,肯定都会点赞。遥想经验主义往上一直可以追溯到弗朗西斯培根,至此终于开出花来了。
    14. 作者:黄木泽
    15. 链接:
    16. 来源:知乎
    17. 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。

    The new center is indefinite interactions taking place within a course of nature which is not fixed and complete, but which is capable of direction to new and different results through the mediation of intentional operations.


    1. 但是新的认知中心转移了。
    2. course是什么意思 nature是什么意思
    3. indefinite 意味着是没有被良好定义的。

    What Dewey describes here is the root of the difference between the old and new liberal arts, between specialization in the facts of a subject matter and the use of new disciplines of integrative thinking.


    1. specialization 64%的用法是 专门化 这个意思,
    2. 这个根本区别就是说人们对于认识事物的根本观念发生了变化。因为旧的观念中人们还是倾向运用整合思维,但是而这种变化是新旧「博雅」教育的根本差异。
    3. 但是这里出现了一个问题,旧的博雅学科是用了整合的思维,新的博雅学科没有用整合的思维,转而用专业化细分的认知方式,那么这里提到的 the use of new disciplines 是指什么呢?是指新的这些学科的整合运用吗?那其实说的还是旧博雅学科的思考方式?

    Dewey observes, however, that the meaning and implications of the new direction are still not fully understood.


    Nowadays we have a messy conjunction of notions that are consistent neither with one another nor with the tenor of our actual life.


    1. conjunction 连接 的意思,messy 这个形容词说明连接十分混乱,说明概念混杂在一起。

    Knowledge is still regarded by most thinkers as direct grasp of ultimate reality, although the practice of knowing has been assimilated to the procedure of the useful arts; -involving, that is to say, doing that manipulates and arranges natural energies.

    大多数思想家仍然认为通过知识可以最直接地理解世界的本质,哪怕实用艺术创作的程序已经开始吸收实践认知了——更确切地说,包括了就是 控制和排列自然能量。

    1. grasp 有”抓住,把握“的意思。 ultimate reality 有「至高存在、上帝」的意思。把知识视为上帝的直接把握,可以理解成认为是对世界的本质的认知。
    2. assimilate 意思是 彻底理解,使吸收。
    3. 在朗文词典中,energies 作为可数名词只有一个意思 the effort and interest that use to do things
    4. 这里说的是思想家们还是局限在理解知识中,但是在使用艺术中开始吸收实践知识,其中包括了操控修改自然能量。

    Again while science is said to lay hold of reality, yet “art” instead of being assigned a lower rank is equally esteemed and honored.


    1. 虽说是用来
    2. lay hold of 意思是 了解、抓住、控制。
    3. 逻辑上可能是虽然科学拿来把握现实很重要,但是艺术也很重要不能够被当成低一等的东西。

    Carrying these observations further, Dewey explores the new relationship between science, art, and practice.


    1. 这里是不是可以把实践理解成未成形的技术呢?

    He suggests in Experience and Nature that knowledge is no longer achieved by direct conformity of ideas with the fixed orders of nature; knowledge is achieved by a new kind of art directed toward orders of change.


    1. 这种新艺术意味着「不确定性」,意味着变化。而原有的知识则是一堆固定的思想模式和一些固定的自然规律。

    But if modern tendencies are justified in putting art and creation first, then the implications of this position should be avowed and carried through.


    It would then be seen that science is an art, that art is practice, and that the only distinction worth drawing is not between practice and theory, but between those modes of practice that are not intelligent, not inherently and immediately enjoyable, and those which are full of enjoyed meanings.


    1. an art 这个用法,说明它是可说名词,作为可数名词的 art 意思有「艺术门类」
    2. 和「技术、技艺、诀窍」。这里采取后者更为恰当。
    3. 这句话应该描述了艺术作为一种实践,不易理解,不是天生能懂,并且不能马上让人觉得很愉快。即每个人都需要画大量的时间投入才能够感知到,就像造型设计一样,没有一种固有的方法和套路,不易理解,琢磨不透,学习过程令人沮丧。
    4. 而科学不一样,因为每个人都有逻辑,只要能够按着逻辑行事,就会得到对应的结果,这种模式会让人觉得非常有成就感。
    5. 不过科学作为一种 「技巧」 这样的翻译,有没有可以解释或者参照的呢?

    Although the neo-positivists courted Dewey for a time, it was apparent that his understanding of the development of science in the twentieth century was quite different from their understanding.


    Instead of treating science as primary and art as secondary, Dewey pointed toward science as art.


    The consideration that completes the ground for assimIlating science to art is the fact that assignment of scientific status in any given case rests upon facts which are experimentally produced.


    1. assignment 这里是不可数名词,而作为不可数名词的意思在朗文中是 “分配(任务);指派(人员)”
    2. status 地位; 情形,状态; 身份 分布:地位(71%),身份(24%),情形(5%)

    Science is now the product of operations deliberately undertaken in conformity with a plan or project that has the properties of a working hypothesis.


    What Dewey means by “art” in this context is crucial to understanding the new role of design and technology in contemporary culture.


    After a period in which natural knowledge progressed by borrowing from the industrial crafts, science entered upon a period of steady and ever-accelerated growth by means of deliberate invention of such appliances on its own account.


    1. 相当于是为了做实验而发明了某种工具。从实用主义的角度讲,这是工具论的特征。

    In order to mark this differential feature of the art which is science, I shall now use the word “technology.”…


    1. 前文有提到科学是一种技巧。

    Because of technologies, a circular relationship between the arts of production and science has been established.


    What Dewey defines as technology is not what is commonly understood in today’s philosophy of technology.


    Instead of meaning knowledge of how to make and use artifacts or the artifacts themselves, technology for Dewey is an art of experimental thinking.


    It is, in fact, intentional operations themselves carried out in the sciences, the arts of production, or social and political action.


    We mistakenly identify technology with one particular type of product — hardware — that may result from experimental thinking, but overlook the art that lies behind and provides the basis for creating other types of products.


    From this perspective, it is easy to understand why design and design thinking continue to expand their meanings and connections in contemporary culture.


    There is no area of contemporary life where design——the plan, project, or working hypothesis which constitutes the“intention”in intentional operations——is not a significant factor in shaping human experience.


    Design even extends into the core of traditional scientific activities, where it is employed to cultivate the subject matters that are the focus of scientific curiosity.


    But perceiving the existence of such an art only opens the door to further inquiry, to explain what that art is, how it operates, and why it succeeds or fails in particular situations.


    The challenge is to gain a deeper understanding of design thinking so that more cooperation and mutual benefit is possible between those who apply design thinking to remarkably different problems and subject matters.


    This will help to make the practical exploration of design, particularly in the arts of production, more intelligent and meaningful.


    1. 比如让手绘变得更加易懂和易学?

    However, a persistent problem in this regard is that discussions between designers and members of the scientific community tend to leave little room for reflection on the broader nature of design and its relation to the arts and sciences, industry and manufacturing, marketing and distribution, and the general public that ultimately uses the results of design thinking.


    Instead of yielding productive integrations, the result is often confusion and a breakdown of communication, with a lack of intelligent practice to carry innovative ideas into objective, concrete embodiment.


    In turn, this undermines efforts to reach a clearer understanding of design itself, sometimes driving designers back into a defense of their work in the context of traditional arts and crafts.


    Without appropriate reflection to help clarify the basis of communication among all the participants, there is little hope of understanding the foundations and value of design thinking in an increasingly complex technological culture.
