1. Overview of liquidation

This page mainly displays the net value risk control of the fund. If the net value falls below the threshold, an alert can be triggered to close the position here.

2. Liquidation Profile

2.1 Ongoing execution

This page shows the funds that have triggered risk control and need to manually click execute to handle risk control. You can click execute to automatically close out the funds.

2.2 Running Status

This page displays and configures all funds that need to be closed after risk control is triggered. On this page, you can enable closing monitoring or modify the threshold. Currently, closing mode is closing out assets at market price. You can also add funds to monitor the net value. The pop-up window is the same as the one below:

2.3 History

By default, the risk control clearance records in the last seven days are displayed. You can click log to view the risk control process details.