1. Overview of risk graph

This page mainly displays the risk value of each margin fund in real time, and monitors the fund from multiple aspects such as net value, leverage ratio, and risk rate of liquidation.

2.Risk graph Profile

Real-time risk control metrics include:

  • Net value
  • Fund Leverage
  • Senior Tranche Risk level
  • Delta exposure (% Total)
  • Delta exposure (% Junior Tranche)
  • Face Value Delta Exposure(%Total)
  • Face Value Delta Exposure(%Junior Tranche)
  • Current Drawdown
  • 24H Drawdown
  • Profit Drawdown

    3. Account alert

    The following alert information is displayed:

  • Liquidation Alert -Long

  • Liquidation Alert -Short
  • High leverage account
  • Option Margin Call

    4. Market risk

    It mainly shows the premium performance of USDT and other stable currencies against the US dollar.