• Understanding the concept of a data stream
  • Understanding the characteristics of streaming algorithms
  • Sampling representatively and finding majority elements in a stream
    • Algorithms and correctness

What is a data stream?

  • A real-time, continuously growing, data sequence.
  • Elements of the stream arrive one at a time.
  • It is impossible to control the order in which data elements arrive.
  • It is unfeasible to locally store a stream in its entirety.

Example: Twitter data

  • Tweets arrive in real time
  • Can’t control the order in which they arrive
  • Can’t store all tweets: around 500 million tweets are generated daily (Source)

More examples

  • Social media feeds
  • Stock price monitoring
  • Sensor data
  • Bank transactions
  • Road traffic monitoring

Data Streaming Model

Stream: sequence of 𝑚m elements (𝑥1,𝑥2,…,𝑥𝑚) growing over time

  • stream at time-step 1: (𝑥1)
  • stream at time-step 2: (𝑥1,𝑥2)
  • etc.
  • We don’t know 𝑚 in advance, and conceptually think of the sequence length as unbounded.

Goal: Compute some function of stream, e.g., median, number of distinct elements, smallest element.

  1. Limited memory:
    • Cannot store all elements we see
    • Need a data structure that uses limited space (much smaller than 𝑚)
  2. Access data sequentially: get one item at a time
  3. Process each element quickly: fast updates on the data structure

Finding the minimum: Batch vs Data stream

  • Imagine our data is a list of integers.
  • We want to find out the minimum of this list.
  • In a setting with batch data, you solve it like this:


  • But this assumes that data is in memory already.
  • How can we approach this if data is a stream?

Minimum over a data stream

  1. Read first element and declare it the minimum.
  2. Read the second element.
    If it is smaller than the current minimum (first element):
    declare it the minimum.
    do nothing.
  3. Read the third element.
    If it is smaller than the current minimum:
    declare it the minimum.
    Else: do nothing.

And so on.

Does it count as a streaming algorithm?

  • Limited memory? Yes. Only store one element (current minimum) at any single time
  • Access data sequentially? Yes.
  • Process each element quickly? Yes, only two numbers checked at any point in time
  • Will it work if we stop the stream at any given point? Yes, the element declared minimum will have been the smallest element we’ve seen
  1. from math import inf
  2. class StreamingMinimum:
  3. def __init__(self):
  4. self.result = inf # Immediately replaced by the 1st element
  5. def update(self, element):
  6. self.result = min(self.result, element)
  7. import numpy as np
  8. stream = np.random.randint(low=0, high=20, size=10) # Simulate a stream
  9. print("Data:", stream)
  10. s = StreamingMinimum()
  11. for element in stream: # read next element of stream
  12. s.update(element) # update minimum element
  13. print(s.result)


The algorithm works because the minimum can be computed incrementally over the stream:

Sampling a stream

  • Stream sampling is the process of collecting a representative sample of the elements of a data stream.
  • Sample is usually much smaller than the entire stream, but can be designed to retain important characteristics of the stream, and can be used to estimate many important aggregates on the stream.
  • Crucial for many streaming applications

Sampling batch data

  • Imagine that you have a dataset and you want to uniformly sample an object
  • How to do this?
  • If you know the size 𝑛 of the data set, you can uniformly draw a random number 𝑘 between 11 and 𝑛, scan the data set and take the 𝑘-th element. ```python from random import randrange

data = np.random.randint(low=0, high=20, size=10) print(“Data:”, data) k = randrange(10) print(“k:”, k) sample = data[k] print(“Sample”, sample)

  1. ![image.png](https://cdn.nlark.com/yuque/0/2021/png/471483/1639767004988-99903045-aee5-47d4-bd9f-0919bf86246a.png#clientId=u8ea9dfe2-9ff9-4&crop=0&crop=0&crop=1&crop=1&from=paste&height=102&id=u9bd6f1ac&margin=%5Bobject%20Object%5D&name=image.png&originHeight=95&originWidth=423&originalType=binary&ratio=1&rotation=0&showTitle=false&size=6232&status=done&style=none&taskId=u91d0cb38-dac2-45c9-9e4a-af9b49867e7&title=&width=454.5)
  2. <a name="FHz7v"></a>
  3. ## Sampling a data stream
  4. - But now imagine that you have a data stream
  5. - How do you take a sample from a stream of unknown length?
  6. - You don't know which range to draw your random index from.
  7. - This problem has a nice solution, called **Reservoir Sampling**.
  8. <a name="hbwa2"></a>
  9. ## Reservoir Sampling(蓄水池抽样)
  10. - **Problem**: Uniformly sample an element 𝑠 from a stream (𝑎1,𝑎2,...) of unknown length. The 𝑖'th element should be selected as 𝑠 with probability 1/𝑛 at some time 𝑛≥𝑖. 蓄水池抽样算法可以在未知长度的序列中随机抽样
  11. - **Algorithm**:
  12. - 1. Read first element 𝑎1 and set s=𝑎1.
  13. - 2. On seeing the i'th element 𝑎1:
  14. - with probability 1/i, set s=𝑎1 (i.e., replace previously selected element)
  15. ![image.png](https://cdn.nlark.com/yuque/0/2021/png/471483/1639767099017-ad3b738f-ba40-49d3-acf7-982e1f485486.png#clientId=u8ea9dfe2-9ff9-4&crop=0&crop=0&crop=1&crop=1&from=paste&id=u6220eb28&margin=%5Bobject%20Object%5D&name=image.png&originHeight=292&originWidth=902&originalType=url&ratio=1&rotation=0&showTitle=false&size=25920&status=done&style=none&taskId=ucccaaf15-6adf-4251-baad-e30ff037049&title=)<br />![image.png](https://cdn.nlark.com/yuque/0/2021/png/471483/1639922569407-00536288-2895-4273-9376-d37b80baff34.png#clientId=u6e0e5ec3-0281-4&crop=0&crop=0&crop=1&crop=1&from=paste&height=324&id=u010d481a&margin=%5Bobject%20Object%5D&name=image.png&originHeight=484&originWidth=873&originalType=binary&ratio=1&rotation=0&showTitle=false&size=74698&status=done&style=none&taskId=u4fdc6957-9658-4740-82a5-bcefc44bac4&title=&width=584.5)<br />时间复杂度:按行读取,O(n);<br />空间复杂度:内存中只保存了s一行,O(1)<br />**从不知长度的n行里选k行**
  16. ```python
  17. from random import random
  18. class ReservoirSampler:
  19. def __init__(self):
  20. self.sample = None # sampled element
  21. self.n = 0 # number of elements from stream traversed so far (i.e. t)
  22. def update(self, element):
  23. self.n += 1 # we see a new stream element
  24. if random() < 1 / self.n: # satisfied with prob. 1/n.
  25. self.sample = element # update sample to new stream element
  26. stream = np.arange(20) # A simulated stream
  27. r = ReservoirSampler()
  28. for e in stream: # receive stream elements one at a time
  29. r.update(e)
  30. print("Sampled element:", r.sample)


  • Let’s run an experiment
  • 100.000 times, we’ll sample the stream np.arange(20) using the method above.
  • We’ll record the number sampled each time after traversing the entire stream.
  • And the result is…


  • when Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图6: Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图7 selected with probability Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图8. Good.
  • when Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图9:
    • Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图10 selected with probability Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图11
    • Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图12 selected with probability Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图13. Good.
  • when Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图14:
    • Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图15 selected with probability Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图16
    • Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图17 selected with probability Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图18. Good.
    • Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图19 selected with probabilit Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图20. Good.
  • What’s the probability that Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图21 at some time Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图22?

From algorithm we have:

Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图23%20%3D%20%5Cfrac%7B1%7D%7Bi%7D#card=math&code=P%28a_i%20%5Ctext%7B%20selected%20at%20%7D%20i%29%20%3D%20%5Cfrac%7B1%7D%7Bi%7D&id=JFBP4), hence Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图24%20%3D%201%20-%20%5Cfrac%7B1%7D%7Bi%7D%20%3D%20%5Cfrac%7Bi-1%7D%7Bi%7D#card=math&code=P%28a_i%20%5Ctext%7B%20not%20selected%20at%20%7D%20i%29%20%3D%201%20-%20%5Cfrac%7B1%7D%7Bi%7D%20%3D%20%5Cfrac%7Bi-1%7D%7Bi%7D&id=QKY0z).

Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图25
Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图26
Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图27
for all Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图28 seen at time Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图29: The property we were after.

Suppose number of lines on input file is N.
Time complexity: O(N).
Space complexity: O(K) (regardless of the size of per line in file).

Does it count as a streaming algorithm?

  • Limited memory? Yes. Only store two things (current sample, number of stream elements seen) at any single time.
  • Access data sequentially? Yes.
  • Process each element quickly? Yes, only requires a biased coin toss at each time-step.
  • Will it work if we stop the stream at any given point? Yes, at time 𝑛n each element seen has equal probability of being selected as 𝑠s.

Reservoir sampling with a reservoir of size 𝑘k

  • The method described above samples 1 element from the stream. That is, it has a reservoir of size 1.
  • In its general form, reservoir sampling generates a sample of 𝑘 elements from the stream.
    • This algorithm (implemented by you in Project 3) has the property that at time 𝑛≥𝑘, 𝑃(𝑒∈𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑟)=𝑘/𝑛 for all 𝑒 in (𝑎1,𝑎2,…,𝑎𝑛): Each element in the stream input has equal probability of being in the generated sample.

Computing frequent elements

A very useful statistic for many streaming applications is to keep track of elements that occur frequently.

  • This type of problem come in several flavours.
  • Mode : Find the element (or elements) with the highest frequency.
  • Majority: Find the element with strictly more than 50% occurrence in the stream - note that there may not be a majority elements in a stream.
  • Threshold: Find all elements that occur more than 𝑓 fraction of the stream for any 0<𝑓≤1. Finding majority is a special case with 𝑓>1/2.


  • Which IP is accessing the website most often?
  • Who is posting the majority of the tweets?

Boyer–Moore majority vote algorithm(多数投票法)


  • An algorithm for finding the majority element in a stream, if it exists.

Initialize a majority candidate m with m = None
Initialize a counter c with c = 0
For each element x of the input stream:
If c = 0:
assign m = x and c = 1
else if m = x (x is already the majority element):
then assign c = c + 1
else (x is not the majority element and c != 0):
assign c = c − 1
Return m

Stream (8 elements): AABBBAAA

  • Majority element: A (5 votes)


Does it count as a streaming algorithm?

  • Limited memory? Yes. Only store two things (current majority candidate, and counter) at any single time.
  • Access data sequentially? Yes.
  • Process each element quickly? Yes, few equality comparisons and increment/decrement operations.
  • Will it work if we stop the stream at any given point? Yes (see Correctness below)

Properties of Boyer-Moore

  • If the Boyer–Moore majority vote algorithm returns majority_element 𝑒e, it either holds that 𝑒e is the majority element or there isn’t a majority element.
  • Can give false positives: no majority element exists, but m is not None.
  • The algorithm can be modified to avoid false positives.

Correctness of Boyer-Moore

Invariant: After Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图43‘th element Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图44 the values Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图45 and Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图46 are such that we can divide the elements seen into two groups:

  • Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图47: Of size Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图48 all in favor of Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图49
  • Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图50: Of size Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图51 that can be paired to disagree on element value

Proposition: Assuming Invariant, Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图52 has majority if there is a majority.

Proof of Proposition: By contradiction. Suppose some Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图53 has majority i.e. more than Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图54 votes. Then at most Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图55 votes for Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图56 come from group Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图57. Therefore Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图58 must have a vote from group Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图59, contradicting that all votes in Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图60 are for Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图61. (If Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图62 then Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图63 is empty and so there’s still not enough votes for Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图64 to have majority).

Proof of Invariant: By induction on Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图65.

Base case: If Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图66 then we can form Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图67#card=math&code=U%20%3D%20%28a_1%29&id=ClW8B) and Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图68 is empty and Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图69 and Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图70.

Induction step: Suppose the invariant holds at Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图71 (for Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图72, Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图73, Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图74 and Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图75) and we are to consider the Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图76#card=math&code=%28i%2B1%29&id=zT2Du)’st element (how to form Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图77, Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图78, Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图79 and Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图80).

If Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图81 then Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图82 is empty, so Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图83#card=math&code=U%27%20%3D%20%28a%7Bi%2B1%7D%29&id=XUIS6) and Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图84 and Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图85 and ![](https://g.yuque.com/gr/latex?m'%20%3D%20a%7Bi%2B1%7D#card=math&code=m%27%20%3D%20a_%7Bi%2B1%7D&id=VYd1v): We can form Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图86 as a single element group and keep Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图87 as before.

If Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图88 and Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图89, then Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图90 is Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图91 plus Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图92 and Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图93 and Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图94 and Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图95: We can add the new element to Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图96 and keep Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图97 as before.

If Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图98 and Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图99, then there’s Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图100 in Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图101 such that Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图102 and so is different from Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图103 (they disagree). Therefore Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图104 is Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图105 minus Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图106 and Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图107 is Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图108 plus Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图109#card=math&code=%28a_%7Bi%2B1%7D%2C%20a_j%29&id=FGt9h) and Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图110 and Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图111: We can add a disagreeing pair to Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图112 using some element in Data Streams and Streaming Algorithms - 图113 (which is then removed).