The launch experience has a significant impact on the way people feel about your app.
    Regardless(adj.不理会的) of the device people are using or how long it’s been since they last opened your app, the launch experience should be fast and seamless.

    The guidelines below can help you design a delightful launch experience. For developer guidance, see Responding to the Launch of Your App.
    下面的引导内容可以帮助你设计一个愉悦的启动体验。对于开发人员的引导可以查阅Responding to the Launch of Your App.

    Provide a launch screen. The system displays your launch screen the moment your app starts and quickly replaces it with your app’s first screen. The function of a launch screen is to give people the impression that your app is fast and responsive, while allowing initial content to load. To ensure a seamless transition from your launch screen, design a plain(adj 普通简单的) screen that resembles your first app screen and doesn’t draw attention to itself. For guidance, see Launch Screen.
    提供启动屏。系统在你应用启动的时候快速替换至你的启动屏。启动屏的作用是给予用户一个印象:你的应用是快速且可响应的,于此同时主要内容可以在此期间被加载完成。设计一个简单的启动屏/页,可以让你的应用拥有丝滑的过渡。设计一个简单的并和首屏相似的启动页-不容易引起用户的注意 最为引导可查看 Launch Screen.

    • Launch in the appropriate orientation. If your app supports both portrait and landscape modes, it should launch using the device’s current orientation. If your app only runs in one orientation, it should always launch in that orientation and let people rotate the device if necessary. Unless there’s a compelling reason not to, an app in landscape mode should orient itself correctly, regardless of whether the device was rotated left or right. For guidance, see Adaptivity and Layout.

    在适当的方向(orientation)中启动。如果你的应用同时支持portrait和landscape两种模式,那么应该使用设备当前的orientation。如果你的应用只运行在一个orientation中,那么它(指应用)应该一直启动在那个orientation里,并可以让用户在必要时旋转设备。当然不排除有必要的原因不旋转,不管设备是向左旋转或是向右旋转,应用的启动模式都应该有正确的方向(朝向)。作为引导可查看Adaptivity and Layout
    截屏2022-05-24 上午10.39.13.png

    Avoid asking for setup information up front. People expect apps to just work. Design your app for the majority of users and let the few that want a different configuration adjust settings to meet their needs. As much as possible, get setup information from device settings and defaults, or through a synchronization service, such as iCloud. If you must ask for setup information, prompt people to supply it the first time they open the app, and let them modify it later in your app’s settings.


    Avoid showing in-app licensing agreements and disclaimers. Let the App Store display agreements and disclaimers so people can read them before downloading your app. If you must include these items within the app, integrate them in a balanced way that doesn’t disrupt the user experience.

    避免出现应用内许可协议和免责条款。让App Store 展示协议和免责条款,让用户在下载你的应用前就可以阅读他们呢。如果你必须在应用中包含这些条款,用一种平衡的方式处理并且不能打扰用户的操作体验

    Restore the previous state when your app restarts. Don’t make people retrace steps to reach their previous location in your app. Preserve and restore your app’s state so they can continue where they left off.

    Don’t encourage rebooting. Restarting takes time and makes your app seem unreliable and hard to use. If your app has memory or other issues that make it difficult to run unless the system has just booted, you need to address those issues.

    Avoid asking people to rate your app too quickly or too often. Asking for a rating soon after first launch — or too frequently while people are using your app — is annoying and likely to decrease the amount of useful feedback you receive. To encourage well-considered feedback, give people time to form an opinion about your app before asking for a rating. Always provide a way to opt out of rating prompts and never force people to rate your app.


    启动过程 Launching