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pandas Papers

  • Data Structures for Statistical Computing in Python; presented at SciPy 2010[pdf][bib]
  • pandas: a Foundational Python Library for Data Analysis and Statistics; presented at PyHPC2011 [pdf][bib]

pandas Talks

PyCon US 2015

  • Pandas From The Ground Up (Speaker Brandon Rhodes) The typical Pandas user learns one dataframe method at a time, slowly scraping features together through trial and error until they can solve the task in front of them. In this tutorial you will re-learn how to think about dataframes from the ground up, and discover how to select intelligently from their abilities to solve your data processing problems through direct and deliberately-chosen steps.

    Material of the Talk can be found here

    Duration: Talk = 2:24:57, with yourself doing also all the Exercises = 1 day (requires a python Distribution + material)

Kiwi PyCon 2013

PyCon US 2013

SciPy 2013

PyCon US 2012

SciPy 2012

PyData 2012

EuroPython 2012

PyGotham 2011

Introduction to pandas at SciPy 2010:

Introduction to pandas at PyHPC 2011:

Inside pandas development at NYC Python Meetup:

More presentations: