EDM ID: email_alias_209893788

    Subject: Business Opportunities Come From the Quality and Quantity of Your Products

    Dear ${context.company_name},

    Congratulations on finishing account settings, we strongly suggest you post more Premium Products to get more inquiries.

    What is a Premium Product?
    A “Premium Product” means products with a Product Information Score (PIS) over 4 points. We use a Product Information Score (PIS) to indicate the quality of the product. This score ranges from zero to five and is mainly based on the product details provided. The more information you provide, including descriptions, photos, video, and certifications, the higher your score will be.

    On Alibaba.com, premium products receive 1) more exposure in the search results and 2) more information upfront which will accelerate your sales cycle.

    Why Product Posting Matters
    The higher the quantity of the products that you list, the more business opportunities you will have the chance to receive.
    Graph showing the inquiry trend a gold supplier receives over 30 days with the product number on their site.
    *✔ Click here to post more products:

    Products with higher scores will have a higher ranking and subsequently gain more exposure.
    Graph showing the average exposure a gold supplier receives in 30 days based on their product information scores.
    ✔ Click here to follow optimization suggestions and increase your product scores:

    Watch the following short video to get a step-by-step guide.

    Best Regards,