EDM: email_alias_209901270
    Subject: Where does the Alibaba.com traffic source come from?
    Dear ${context.company_name},
    Welcome to Alibaba !
    You must be curious about Alibaba’s traffic sources. Today I will introduce it to you.

    方法1.pngFirst of all, you should understand a buyer’s journey on Alibaba.com which helps your business.
    Actually, Impressions are the first step of the buyer journey, try to think from the buyer’s perspective.
    1. How can buyers find suppliers’ products on Alibaba.com?
    2. How can suppliers get more impressions from search traffic?
    3. How can suppliers get more impressions from buyers browsing the website?

    How can buyers find suppliers’ products on Alibaba.com?
    Buyers usually find products via:
    1. Keyword searches
    How can suppliers get more impressions from buyers browsing the website?
    Improve product ranking by using paid ads

    1. Premium Sponsored Ads
    2. Keyword Ads (KWA)

    How can suppliers get more impressions from buyers browsing the website?
    1.Get featured on pavilions with specific themes, like WEEKLY DEALS, NEW ARRIVALS, TOP-RANKING PRODUCTS, READY TO SHIP and OEM FACTORIES —- Algorithm is based on premium products
    2.Get recommended to buyers —- Algorithm is based on buyer preferences
    3. Join online events to get more exposure—-(Only for Star Suppliers)
    Thanks for reading, hope you have a better understanding of Alibaba’s traffic sources.
    Now it’s time to take action!

    Best Regards,