EDM ID: email_alias_209876960

    Subject: Seize the Time-limited Opportunity !

    Dear ${context.company_name},

    Hope you doing well!
    We are pleased to inform you that you have been offered a Time-limited opportunity(After receiving this email, the reservation is valid ONLY within three days)to have a 1-on-1 Diagnosis meeting.

    会议.pngThrough 1-on-1 Diagnosis, you can understand the advantages and disadvantages of your store, and then follow the professional suggestions provided by us to rectify them. It will quickly improve the effectiveness of the store and help you to convert orders.

    折扣券.pngMoreover, the sellers who register for the diagnosis will GET ADDITIONAL PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNTS !
    Please consult your AM for more details.

    If you are interested, please don’t hesitate to contact me(Don’t forget the reservation is valid only within three days), FIRST COME FIRST SERVED!

    Sincerely look forward to your reply and wish you all the best!

    Best Regards,