EDM ID: email_alias_209881874
    Subject: Congratulations on starting your business on Alibaba.com

    Dear ${context.company_name},

    Congratulations on your membership! As a Global Gold Seller on Alibaba.com, we have a local account manager to provide 1-to-1 consultations bi-monthly and deep business diagnoses at least 3 times a year. Your account manager also provides daily account support whenever you need any help.

    Getting more traffic to your mini-site is the first step to getting more inquiries and orders. Here are some tips for how you can quickly attract more traffic:

    In the first 15 days after activating your account, please:
    ✔ Post at least 15 premium products as the most efficient way to gain inquiries
    Act now: https://post.alibaba.com/product/category.htm?spm=a2747.manage.0.0.faba2c3cHpvM27

    ✔ Complete company profile
    Act now: https://mycompany.alibaba.com/sp/form/selectBizType.htm?spm=a2700.7756200.0.0.1d321afaS2sbiJ

    In the first 30 days after activating your account, please:
    ✔ Have at least 10 Potential Products
    Act now: https://us-productposting.alibaba.com/product/product_grow_up_manage.htm?spm=a2700.7756200.0.0.4ae91afam0UmGn
    ✔ Put your potential products into showcases to obtain higher search ranking & more exposure.
    To manually put products into showcases: https://showcase.alibaba.com/showcase/index.htm
    To turn on Smart Showcases: https://data.alibaba.com/ai/feeds?spm=a2700.7756200.0.0.73931afa23Yr2L&activeKey=autowin

    ✔ Quote in the RFQ market at least once to proactively reach your potential buyers.
    Act now: https://sourcing.alibaba.com/

    ✔ Turn on Buyer Message Reminder Call to seize more business opportunities.
    Act now: https://message.alibaba.com/message/default.htm?spm=a2700.7756200.0.0.1fd61afaZNK1lR&menu_code=messageCenter#feedback/callSet?needData=false

    The New Seller Onboard Process is here to help new suppliers like you onboard more efficiently, and achieve success on Alibaba.com.

    Best Regards,