EDM ID: email_alias_209888918
    Subject: Start Using Analytics to Operate Your Store

    Dear ${context.company_name},

    Since you have joined Alibaba for a few months, today I will recommend you Analytics to help you better operate your shop.
    why-f.pngWhy do you need Analytics?
    It’s always a good idea to know where and how people found your store so that you can better strengthen these channels and branch out to others that may be lacking.
    Through analytics you can see if customers arrived at your store by search, platform recommendation, marketing pavilions, or direct access in-shop, use this Information to then shape your future working plan..

    服务内容.pngWhat is the content in Analytics?
    When you click Analytics, you will see there are up to 10 different subcategories as below. You must focus on some sub categories marked as red, all of this data can be exported into a spreadsheet format, so you can perform a deeper analysis and present your findings to the rest of your team.
    1. Star ratings
    2. Smart Showcase
    3. Overview—-Data overview
    4. Visitors—-Demographics/Analysis/Distributions/Top searches
    5. Shop—-Performances
    6. Products—-Performances/Non-performing products
    7. Staff accounts—-Performances
    8. Market insights—-Keywords analysis
    9. Resources—-Terms library
    10. Alibaba Intelligence—-Alibaba Intelligence
    数据.pngFor example, The “Data Overview“ is located under the “Overview” page, through this page, we can check the store’s Search Impressions, Page Views, Unique Visitors and Business Opportunities, and compare it with your peer and the top ten sellers which in the same industry as yours. According to different situations, adjust your store’s operation in time.
    标星-fill.pngSecondly, there is a very important subcategory —- Star Rating. Here you can clearly understand the completion of different indicators of your star rating, and what is the corresponding optimization solution, so that you can quickly improve your star rating.
    班级表现.pngMoreover, you can check your products’performance under the “product” page, which provides states from the first day it was posted. Also, you would check the “non performing products” page to see which of your products are not performing as well. There is also the most commonly used “Keywords analysis关键词.png“under the “Market insights”,it can help you set up massive keywords to cover different buyers’ queries.

    Analytics contains a variety of useful data. What are you waiting for?
    Let’s get started, let it helps you to operate your store better and better!

    Best Regards,