EDM ID: email_alias_209869852

    Subject: Tips on Increasing Products’ Exposure and Ranking

    Dear ${context.company_name},

    Greetings from Alibaba.com. As a new seller, you are already practiced in terms of posting high-quality products. Alibaba.com would provide two tips to increase your product ranking and gain more exposure when potential buyers search for your products.

    The title of a product is key in online selling.
    A good title improves your product’s exposure to buyers and improves your product’s ranking.
    • Principles for title drafting
    The title is the “soul” that governs all the attributes of a product. A good title should be able to clearly define a product’s functions, features, and advantages. Structured titles are logical, enabling buyers to quickly read and obtain key information.
    • The structure for drafting a high-quality title
    Marketing words - Attribute words - Core words - Usage scenarios
    • Suggested length of a title
    A title should be more than 50 characters in length to avoid risking some of the text getting cut off on certain displays.

    Use rich keywords to increase the probability of search hits
    Keywords can help you to optimize your listing and improve your revenue potential.
    • A good title is half the battle
    Keyword fill in path:
    【When you want to post a New Product】My Alibaba – Products- Post Products
    【When you want to optimize an Existing Product】My Alibaba – Products-Manage Products
    • Sources of keywords
    Suppliers can find high-quality keywords through My Alibaba’s analytics and buyer inquiry information.
    Recommended internal sources
    My Alibaba-Analytics-Keywords analysis
    My Alibaba-Analytics-Top searches
    Recommended external sources

    1. Google Ad Word
    2. Keyword tracker
    3. Google Search Suggest
    4. MSN AdCenter Keyword Tools.


    Watch the following short videos to learn more about these steps in detail.
    Creating a search-optimized product name
    Selecting appropriate keywords

    Best Regards,