EDM ID: email_alias_209868811

    Subject: Learn New Skills to Get Ahead

    Dear ${context.company_name},

    Greetings from Alibaba.com.

    We strongly recommend to you visit our Learning Center while your account in the Business Verification process.
    Access: https://seller.alibaba.com/learningcenter

    What is the Learning Center?
    The Learning Center is an online platform where Alibaba.com provides numerous training materials to our Global Gold Sellers (GGS). The training contents in the Learning Center vary from novice guides to advanced training.

    What is recommended to learn in the Learning Center?
    As a beginner on Alibaba.com, we recommend you to start with 1-Star Courses in Success Roadmap (ASTE Orientation for sellers from APAC region), from which you will get to know about account setting, product posting, and must-knows.

    Hope to see you grow with Alibaba.com!

    Best Regard,