EDM ID: email_alias_209895257

    Subject: Get Ready for Your Business Trip on Alibaba.com

    Dear ${context.company_name},

    Congratulations on becoming a Global Gold Member on Alibaba.com! Learning about how business works on Alibaba.com is the first step to starting your business on this platform. On Alibaba.com, the order process can be explained by a B2B eCommerce sales funnel with four parts: impressions, clicks, inquiries, and orders.
    Now that you’ve known how business works on Alibaba.com, here are some tips for you to get ready for your global business:
    ✔ Prepare your product pictures, videos, and descriptions!
    Product pictures, videos, descriptions, packaging details…It’s never too much to get prepared for your product listing.

    ✔ Download AliSupplier and be active on Alibaba.com!
    Download the Alibaba Supplier app for mobile to manage your business anytime and anywhere.
    1.1 B2B E-Commerce Mindset and preparation - 图21.1 B2B E-Commerce Mindset and preparation - 图3

    Now it’s time to take action! Bon voyage on Alibaba.com.

    Best Regards,