EDM ID: email_alias_209874967
    Subject: Maximize Your Chances of Getting Buyer’s Response

    Dear ${context.company_name},

    How can we maximize your chances of buyer’s response after we respond to the buyer’s inquiry?

    方法1.pngHow many ways to communicate with buyers on Alibaba.com?
    • Message Center
    Voice and video call—-You can talk with the buyer in real-time and meet them face to face.You can keep an eye on your messages and try to call the buyer shortly. After you see it, they read your message.
    • “Messenger” on the Ali-supplier App
    • Buyer’s email address
    • SNS account—-If a buyer has left their social media account information, you can have them and get in touch with them
    • Livestream —- Set up a live stream and send invitations to your targeted buyers

    不高兴.pngWhy buyers don’t respond?
    • Speed—-Make sure you respond within 24 hours of receiving their message
    • Professionalism—-If you didn’t understand the real needs of the buyer or respond to the specific questions they may not respond.
    • Suitability—-Your product specifications or price don’t need the requirements of the buyer

    推荐.pngSamples of what not to do:
    • Pushed the buyer to respond—-Only make them feel rushed and make them less likely to do it.
    • Bombard them with lots of unrelated Information—-Disturb them

    24gf-playlistHeart.pngWhat you should do to improve your success rate?
    • Demonstrate your value
    Showcase your business capabilities and respond to the specific questions that the buyer sent. By offering a one-stop solution to the buyer you will stand out from competitors.
    • Share your success stories to earn buyer trust
    Send a follow-up message sharing any trading experience you have with well-known brands, especially brands based in the buyers’ country. This will help to increase the buyer’s confidence in your products and company. Sharing videos or images to illustrate your cooperation is even better.
    • Send promotion Information
    If you have any promotions, such as discounts, going on at that time, make sure to inform the buyer, and that the banners on your mini-site are updated.

    总结.pngIn general, share value-adding Information with buyers, and always remember the following key points.

    1. Respond to messages within 24 hours.
    2. Thoroughly research the buyer and their project needs before responding.
    3. Have a realistic timeline and expect 1 to 2 weeks of back and forth communication with the buyer before an order is made.

    Wish you success!

    Best Regards,