EDM ID: email_alias_209879910

    Subject: KWA —- Helps You Get More Exposure and Reach More Right Buyers

    Dear ${context.company_name},

    Greetings from Alibaba.com!

    Today we will be introduced Keyword Advertising to you. As we all know, having the best display position for your product is key to catching the attention of potential buyers. As an Alibaba.com Global Gold Supplier, you may be wondering:
    1) Why your products do not appear on the first search results page?
    2) Why other seller`s products appear there?
    3) What you can do to make your products appear there as well?
    The simplest explanation to all these questions is our paid advertising tool.
    方法1.pngKeyword Advertising(KWA) is a value-added service to help suppliers to get more buyers’ attention. When buyers search by a certain keyword, if a seller already selects products and keywords to promote, the products with the keyword might be listed in the Keyword Advertising positions, and then charge using a pay-per-click system. Just like Google Advertising.
    Use your data - Get real-time information on how your ads are performing, so you can optimize campaigns.
    Control your budget - Spend as much or as little as you want, and only pay when your ads get clicks.
    Target the right buyers - Advertising helps you get visibility from relevant buyers who are searching for products like yours.

    What benefits you can get?

    Where does KWA shows up?

    What are our most common advertising programs?
    ad.pngSmart Marketing
    Smart Marketing is a new intelligent marketing tool for KWA, by using big data, AI algorithms, and customer behavior analysis. You can start with a minimum manual operational effort to bid for your product smartly selected by Alibaba under a related keyword. Learn More
    • Save Labor Cost: Start with minimum manual operational effort
    • Product Assessment: Get system-recommended products to include in the campaign
    • System-generated keywords: Maximize your reach with keywords provided using AI algorithms
    • Smart bidding: Manage daily budgets easily as the system allocates automatically
    • Efficient traffic: Adaptive & dynamic filtering of buyers with high conversion potential
    Target GGS: We recommend that first-time KWA users and suppliers with less operational resources use Smart Marketing for their advertising needs.

    广告.pngCustom Campaign
    Different from Smart Marketing, Custom campaigns allow you to make higher bids for your target buyers and countries or regions. You can also adjust the bid range to control your spending and attract more buyers on high-conversion keywords.
    Target GGS: For industry experts and those who are very experienced in keyword advertising, we recommend using Custom campaigns.

    One Alibaba account can set up multiple custom campaigns but smart marketing can only create one.
    Each Custom campaign can set up a unique budget, bidding, target audience, and target regions to achieve diversified marketing goals.
    The minimum package starts from $500. I will suggest you top up $1000 and try this for two months. On average, we will see an 80% growth in your traffic and inquiries.
    推荐.pngPlease click Learn more about KWA

    Let’s get started with your own KWA campaign straightaway!

    Best Regards,