Use useState if you have:**

    • A) JavaScript primitives as state
    • B) simple state transitions
    • C) business logic within your component
    • D) different properties that don’t change in any correlated way and can be managed by multiple useState hooks
    • E) state co-located to your component
    • F) a small application (but the lines are blurry here)

    Use useReducer if you have:

    • A) JavaScript objects or arrays as state
    • B) complex state transitions
    • C) complicated business logic more suitable for a reducer function
    • D) different properties tied together that should be managed in one state object
    • E) the need to update state deep down in your component tree
    • F) a medium-sized application (NB: the lines are blurry here)
    • G) need for an easier time testing it
    • H) need for a more predictable and maintainable state architecture