使用Focusrite Dante接口时我可以用满128轨道吗?
不能。LTC通常是通过Dante第128通道来传输,因此这一通道无法用来传输音频内容。Focusrite使用4个声道为一组的“Flows 流”系统,使用LTC over audio会占用一个流,因此默认会是有4个通道不可用。为了使125、126、127通道可用,源设备中的最后8个传输通道应当配置为“Multicast Flow 组播流”,这样的话PCIeR卡可以订阅到8个通道的“组播流”,第128个通道可以订阅LTC设备(模拟-Dante转换器),同时使125、126、127可以传输音频内容。
补充:关于Flow和Multicast Flow详情请查询Audinate.com
Can I use the full track count of 128 when using Focusrite DANTE interfaces?
No. LTC is usually transported via Dante receive channel 128 so isn’t available for audio content. Focusrite uses a system of “Flows” which are groups of 4 audio channels. Using LTC over audio will use an entire flow, therefore by default 4 channels instead of 1 channel. To work around this and make receive channels 125,126 and 127 available the last eight transmit channel of the source devices should be configured as a muliticast flow. Once this is done and the PCIeR card subscribed to the 8 channels of multicast flow, 128 can be subscribed to the LTC (Analog to Dante Converter) device leaving 125,6,7 available for audio content.