杜比全景声母版套件 Dolby Atmos Mastering Suite 是什么
杜比全景声母版套件(Dolby Atmos Mastering Suite,简称DAMS)是为后期制作和音乐制作工艺设计的套装工具,旨在为蓝光和流媒体内容创建、编辑、混音和提供高质量的杜比全景声内容。
DAMS为制作机构提供所有必要的软件,可以在认证的硬件设备上运行家庭影院版的渲染和母版工作站( Rendering and Mastering Workstation ),(自带的3个DAPS授权)同时也可以让声音编辑室和预混房间也能向终混棚提供杜比全景声内容。
- 用户从合格的经销商处购买后,可以在认证的硬件上运行渲染和母版工作站 Rendering and Mastering Workstation ),从而实现最高级的杜比全景声母版制作工作流程。
- 为蓝光和流媒体交付文件制作高端内容,同时不必忍受和DAW使用同一台电脑的限制
- 极具灵活性,支持多个放机/录机同时工作,并且兼容所有Dolby Atmos Panning客户端
- 支持扬声器阵列模式,内置均衡器,延时器和增益调整
- 附带3个DAPS授权,方便从编辑室和预混棚向终混棚提供全景声内容
What is the Dolby Atmos Mastering Suite
The Dolby Atmos Mastering Suite is a set of tools designed to allow post-production or music production facilities to create, edit, mix and master high quality Dolby Atmos content for Blu-ray and Streaming Delivery.
It provides all the necessary software for a facility to run a home theater rendering and mastering workstation on approved hardware, as well as enable edit and pre-mix rooms to work with Dolby Atmos content that feeds into the main mix room
Key Features:
- Allows a user to run a Renderering and Mastering Workstation on approved hardware available for purchase from qualified resellers, for the ultimate in Dolby Atmos mastering workflow
- Master high-value content for Blu-ray and streaming delivery, without any restrictions caused by rendering on the same computer as you DAW
- Work with multiple source/recorder machines for ultimate flexibility, and with any existing Dolby Atmos panning client
- Includes support for Speaker arrays and onboard EQ, Delay, Gain adjustments
- Includes 3 copies of the Dolby Atmos Production Suite, to enable edit and pre-mix rooms that feed into a main mix room