为什么ADM BWF文件导出后时长有些变化?
ADM BWF文件在在导出时,并没有自动校正修整至帧边界的机制。若您创建母版文件时,使用自由录制出入点的方式(而非指定录制出入点),则它的入点或出点可能处于两帧之间。而渲染器中显示的起始时间则是取整至最近帧位的,导出时则取原始文件长度,这就造成了所见之些微时长差。若您意图导出起始点落在帧边界的文件,则您需在导出时指定出入点。请注意IAB.mxf文件在导出时有自动校正修整至帧边界的机制
Why does the duration of my ADM BWF file change slightly on export?
ADM BWF files are not automatically trimmed and padded to frame boundaries on export. If your master file was created with a free record start and end (rather than using the in/out points) it may start or end in-between exact frame boundaries. The start and end times shown in the renderer are shown rounded to the nearest frame however, the export will be the exact length of the file – resulting in a slight difference in duration being shown. If you want your export to start and end on a frame boundary you will need to specify the in/out points when exporting. Please note that IAB.mxf files are automatically padded and trimmed to frame boundaries on export.