杜比全景声母版套件(Dolby Atmos Mastering Suite,DAMS)使用PACE公司的iLok授权系统,用户在iLok管理软件中兑换我们所提供的授权码即可获得授权。授权可以直接设置在主机上或者用户的iLok加密狗上。基于1.7.2版本的RMU授权文件无法用于3.x版本
How do I license the Dolby Atmos Mastering Suite v3.x?
The Dolby Atmos Mastering is licensed by Pace ilok authorization redeemed to your account using the supplied license code with the Ilok Manager application. The license can be installed directly on the workstation or a user supplied ilok. The license file based on the RMU id from version 1.72 is not used with version 3.x.