Why is the Renderer dropping out of record?
通常是由系统时钟或驱动问题导致,或这两者共同影响的。 可以检查以下几点:
- 检查RME驱动设置 Hammerfall DSP应用中,TCO选项卡,这里面的帧速率(framerate)是否与渲染器和Pro Tools设置相同?
- 系统的字时钟是Distributed 分布式的还是 Daisy Chained 菊花链式的? 菊花链式字时钟分配可能会出现问题。
- 在RME驱动设置Hammerfall DSP应用中,TCO选项卡,输入的字时钟频率是否出现过大的抖动。
- Sync HD锁在同一个字时钟或者Video Ref上吗?
- Dante Controller的“时钟”页面中是否只有一个外部主机(external master),而其他所有设备都是从机(slave)?
- SyncHD和MTRX是否都已分配字时钟?
- Dante Controller的“时钟”页面中的所有设备是否均显示为绿色且稳定?
- MTRX是唯一的那个外部主机(external master)吗?
以下对于MADI和Dante系统同样适用,也适用于Dolby Atmos Production Suite:
- 硬盘满了吗?是否已对其进行强制优化/碎片整理?
- 禁用再渲染(re-renders)和耳机渲染,以减少母带制作期间的CPU使用率。
- 检查Windows控制面板的“性能”选项卡-“高级”,确认已设置,优化为“程序programs”而不是“后台服务background services”。
- 确认渲染器是唯一运行着的应用程序,检查任务管理器以确保没有不必要的后台进程在运行,并检测PC和渲染器CPU峰值。
- 确认录制母版的目标为用于录制媒体文件的SSD。
- 时间码的来源是什么? Sync HD还是LTC音轨? LTC发生器?
- 帧率是多少? 已发现Sync HD输出帧率为23.98出现问题,可以通过使用LTC音轨的方式解决。
- 禁用任何会影响自动延迟补偿的插件自动化。 这里会包含改变过采样率的自动化。
Why is the Renderer dropping out of record?
This is usually caused by clocking issues, drive issues or a combination of the two. A few things to check:
On a MADI system:
• Is the framerate set in the Hammerfall DSP app TCO page set to the same framerate as the Renderer and DAW?
• Is wordclock being distributed or daisy chained? Daisy chained WC can be problematic.
• In the Hammerfall DSP app TCO page is the incoming WC frequency showing any excessive jitter.
• Is the Sync HD clocked to the same WC or to Vid Ref?
• Is the drive full? Has it been forced optimized/defragmented?
On PC Systems:
• Check the Windows Control Panel Performance tab - Advanced – to verify it is set optimize “programs” and not “background services”
• Verify that the renderer is the only application running and check task manager to make sure no unnecessary background processes are running and detect PC vs Renderer CPU spikes
• Verify that only the supplied media SSD is being used as the record destination
On a Dante System:
• Is there only one external master set in the Clock page of the Dante Controller with all other devices slave?
• Are the SyncHD and MTRX both getting distributed wordclock?
• Are all the devices in the Clock page of the Dante Controller showing green and stable?
• Is the one external master the MTRX?
On both (and also applicable to running the Dolby Atmos Production Suite):
• Disable re-renders and headphone processing to reduce CPU usage during mastering.
On the Dolby Atmos Production Suite using the Dolby Audio Bridge please reference this article .
On the DAW:
• What is the source of the timecode? Sync HD or LTC in an audio track? LTC Generator?
• What framerate? We have seen anecdotal issues with 23.98 from Sync HD that have been alleviated by using LTC in an audio track.
• Disable any plug-in automation that can affect automatic delay compensation. This can include automation that varies over-sampling rates.