1. Version Number: 20200119

Tips Before Work

Delivery Quality Requirement:

  1. LQI should be no less than 98, which means that there shall be no more than 6 major issues or 30 minor issues or 3 critical issues among 1000 words. Those issues in the status of “dispute” will also be taken into calculation. If the dispute rate is exceeding 30%, we will have a third party to review the issues. Please make sure to provide sufficient evidence in the rebuttal process. If the final LQI result is lower than 95, you will need to rework this project.
  2. The rate of source error should be lower than 20%. Please calculate the source error rate before submission and rework if the rate exceeds 20%.
  3. Rework is allowed for project below 95. But the service fees will be deducted by 50% if you fail to meet the requirement after rework for two times.

About Payment:

  1. For segments with correct MT: It’s half the price of the translation price, since there is no need to make correction;
  2. For segments with incorrect MT and those with label of “source error”: It’s 100% translation price.

I. General Requirement for MTPE(Term Translation)

This task contains source, target, reference (title, category and url).
1) Translator should read source text and understand its meaning within the context of the reference title, i.e. determine what the source text means in the title.
2) Identify correct translation for the source text based on its meaning in the title.
3) Compare the translation with the provided MT version and make sure to choose the correct one.
Note: It is necessary to click and open the Reference url to find the actual meaning.
IMPORTANT: Make sure the translation **show as many search results as possible.**

Step 1: Judge the source
If the source is translatable, move to step 2.
If the source is untranslatable, it should be marked as source error.(For more detail, please see Instruction for Source Error_KB_20191206.pdf)

P**S**: If you mark the segment as source error, please retain the original MT result.

Step 2: Judge MT result
(1) If MT result is accurate within the context of the reference title, you should judge whether MT can be applied to the title by changing the form or adding the function word before and after the translation.
a. If MT can be applied to the title by changing the form or adding the function word before and after the translation, please retain the MT result.
b. If MT can not be applied to the title by changing the form or adding the function word before and after the translation, please retain the MT result and mark it as source error.
(2) If MT is not accurate within the context of the reference title, please provide the correct translation. (Addition and Omission are not allowed.)

Overall, that is to say, the target must be the correct translation of the source and can be directly used in the reference title by changing word form and no extra words need to be added in between.

II. Requirement for Special Cases

  1. Source Error

Instruction for Source Error_KB_20191206.pdf

  1. Capitalization: Issues related to capitalization can be ignored.
  2. Unnecessary space: Space, which doesn’t influence meaning, can be ignored.
  3. Punctuation:
    • Target with incomplete quotation marks, parentheses, guillemets and other punctuations in pairs should be wrong.
    • Target with incorrect punctuation dispite if source has punctuation or not should be wrong.
    • Target where punctuation is inconsistent with the source, are correct if presents or absence of punctuation comply with target language rules.
  4. Word form:

Word form can be ignored. If target is (the correct translation of the source) and only need to change grammatical number, gender or case when used in the title, it can be considered as correct translation.
e.g. in ES:
Title: beautiful phone case = funda de teléfono hermosa
Source: beautiful phone = teléfono hermoso

  1. Preposition:

(Preposition, which is added to adapt to the title, can be omitted. For example, the complete term in the title is “slim collar shirt” and the source term is “slim collar”. slim collar shirt = рубашка с тонким воротником. In the past, “с тонким воротником” was the correct translation of “slim collar”. Now, the correct translation of “slim collar” is “тонкий воротник”. “c” can be omitted and you don’t need to change the word form referring to the title.)

  1. Printed/Carved Words (Not brand or proper name):
  • If the source term only contains printed/carved words, it shall be marked as source error.

e.g. source term: You are my person
title: V.YA Fashion New Design Stainless Steel Pendant Carved Letters YOU ARE MY PERSON Necklace/Chain For Women Romantic Jewelry Gift
Instruction for Bilingual Term (Title KB ZH-EN/VI/TH/ID) - 图2

  • If the source term contains printed/carved words and other term, if the whole source is intelligible, then it should be translated in target language, but if the printed/carved words are untelligiable or incomplete, you can leave it in Pinyin, and other words translated into target language.

e.g. source term: I Love HK Heckler Koch T-shirt
title: I Love HK Heckler Koch T-shirt Black Tee
Instruction for Bilingual Term (Title KB ZH-EN/VI/TH/ID) - 图3

  1. If the source term has different meaning in Title text and URL reference, the Title text should prevail. (**Please only refer to the title in this case**)

Source: swiss diamond
In title text, the source term is referring to a brand name of non-stick pan; while it is only an adj. (modifier) in url reference. In this case, translator should consider it as brand name.

  1. If the source has grammar issue **but is understandable**, please translate it as correct source.

source: africa print
This source has grammar issue, the correct one is “african print”, please translate “african print” instead of “africa print”

III. Requirement of QA

Quality assurance workflow map 质检流程 20191205.xmind

  1. DO NOT QA the tasks with label of “source error”!
  2. Please provide revision and specify the reason in Remark.
  3. DO NOT modify target either in the working page or in the issue window.
  4. If a string should be source error but was processed as usual in translation task, please log “Style” - “Incompliance” and choose “minor” as severity.
  5. QAer should log every existing error on the translations. Only one error can be reported in one time and the QAer should add several issues for different errors.
  6. DO NOT report repeated errors for the same word or phrase.
  7. Instruction for Issue Type and Severity

a. Issue Type (for this project)
NOTE: We can see there is a full list of issue types on CAT, but not all of them we need pay attention to. For this Knowledge Base project, we should only focus on the issue types listed below:


b. Issue Severity
Instruction for Bilingual Term (Title KB ZH-EN/VI/TH/ID) - 图7NOTE:

  • In most cases Style and Fluency should be assigned with Minor severity, unless the issue leads to the changing in meaning or translation is offensive/inappropriate.

“red apple” vs. “apple red” - different word order leads to different meaning of the text and should be logged as Major.
“t-shirt for fat women” - if translate “fat” to the target language directly as it is, the translation would be offensive for the customer, and in this case a Major severity should be assigned to the Style issue.

  • In most cases Accuracy should be assigned with Major severity, unless the issue does not lead to the changing in the meaning.

ex: “baby clothes for children” was translated as “baby clothes” - omission of “for children” haven’t lead to the changing in the meanng of the text, thus should be assigned as Minor.

  • Accuracy issues regarding product nouns and brand names should be assigned with Critical severity, as such issue always cause sellers complaints.

ex: “yixing tea” - omission of brand name “yixing” should be assigned with Critical severity.

IV. Requirement of Rebuttal

  1. Please give your detailed explanation during rebuttal. The reason, like “original translation is correct”, is unacceptable and we’ll not give the chance of final decision in this case.
  2. If the issue type is “incompliance”, it means that the QA think the segment should be “source error”. Please confirm or dispute according to the situation.

V. Instruction for Working Page

1. Working Page of MTPE

Label selection: Please tick the box if it is “Source Error”.
Target modification: Blank 2 will be with target generated by machine translation. Modify the target if it’s incorrect.

If the source is Source Error, please tick the box and do not modify the target

2. Working Page of QA

Only need to check targets and add issues for targets! No need to check labels!
1) Click the icon framed in the first picture below.
2) Click the reference and check the title. Choose subtype and severity in the window showed in the second picture based on quality requirement.
3) If the target is completely correct, do not make any changes to either target or label.
DO NOT QA the tasks with label of “source error”!DO NOT modify target either in the working page or in the issue window.
Instruction for Bilingual Term (Title KB ZH-EN/VI/TH/ID) - 图9
Instruction for Bilingual Term (Title KB ZH-EN/VI/TH/ID) - 图10

VII. Common errors

Common translation errors:

  1. Untranslated – technical abbreviations such as USB, CMOS, IR, HD, DVR etc., can be left in English. Other words should be translated into target language unless the English word has been included into National Dictionary of the target language. Ex: jacket - Although it appears in many Vietnam websites, it is should be translated because “jacket” is not included in national dictionary.

  1. Omission and addition are not allowed. Delivered target terms should match source texts. Translators should not add words that are not present in the source term into the target, or omit the words that are present.

    source: abdomen underwear
    Target 1: 복부 속옷
    Target 2: 복부 보정속옷
    Although target 2 is used more widely than target 1 in Korean, target 2 means the abdomen underwear for body shaping, which is just one kind of abdomen underwear. so, target 1 is the correct translation while target 2 has addition issue.

  2. Omission of repeated words. If source repeats words that are close in meaning, each of the word should be translated. Ex: fanny waist bag – fanny and waist bag is the same thing. Translator should not omit either of them, but also use synonyms to translate (or the same words twice if there is only one way of translation in the target language).

  3. Translators ignore reference titles. Terms should be translated according to its meaning in the reference title.

  4. Translation errors due to broken link/unavailable product. When reference link can’t open, translator should search for the term on Internet (it is recommended to includeproduct name in the search query), as similar products may be present on other platforms/sellers.

Common QA errors:

  1. Errors in issue types and severities. Issues should be logged according to issue type and severity definitions.

  2. Unprofessional not specific QA comments. Comments like “Wrong translation”, “The “waist” is mistranslated”, etc. are not acceptable. QA should provide specific comment or revision to clear what is the error and what is the correct variant of translation.

  3. QAer ignores reference title. Target quality should be evaluated according to term’s meaning in the reference title.

  4. Source errors were evaluated. QAer should skip Source Error string.

  5. QAer is not accurate, logs preferential issues, in some projects the number of invalid issues is up to 50%. PM should insure QA resources are qualified enough for the task.

Common rebuttal errors:

  1. When agreed with QAer that a string should be Source Error, the translator should change the label to SOURCE ERROR.

  2. Unprofessional not specific rebuttal comments. Comments like “Disagree”, “The translation is correct”, “The revision is wrong”, etc. are not acceptable. Translator should provide specific comment to make the rebuttal point clear.

  3. Translator dispute the issue when in fact agree the translation is wrong but disagree issue type/severity/revision. When translator agrees the translation has issue, but disagrees issue type/severity/revision, he should confirm the issue, correct the target according to his/her opinion and explain in specifically in comments.

Common arbitration errors:

  1. New issues are added during arbitration. During arbitration QAer should not add new issues.

  2. Unprofessional not specific arbitration comments. Comments like “Disagree”, “Our suggestion is better”, etc. are not acceptable. QAer should provide specific comment to make the arbitration point clear.

  3. In the case that original issue type/severity was logged incorrectly and rebuttaled by translator, QAer should correct issue type/revision accordingly.