SSL VPN 无客户端模式
- 基于浏览器实现,所有内容都承载到浏览器上。
- 访问ASA身后网络,采用与身后网络相连接口地址。
enable inside
username ccie password ccie encrypted privilege 15
tunnel-group DefaultWEBVPNGroup type remote-access
tunnel-group DefaultWEBVPNGroup general-attributes
no address-pool
no ipv6-address-pool
authentication-server-group LOCAL
secondary-authentication-server-group none
no accounting-server-group
default-group-policy DfltGrpPolicy
no dhcp-server
no strip-realm
no nat-assigned-to-public-ip
no scep-enrollment enable
no password-management
no strip-group
no authorization-required
username-from-certificate CN OU
secondary-username-from-certificate CN OU
authentication-attr-from-server primary
authenticated-session-username primary
tunnel-group DefaultWEBVPNGroup webvpn-attributes
customization DfltCustomization
authentication aaa
no override-svc-download
no radius-reject-message
no proxy-auth sdi
no pre-fill-username ssl-client
no pre-fill-username clientless
no secondary-pre-fill-username ssl-client
no secondary-pre-fill-username clientless
dns-group DefaultDNS
no without-csd
ciscoasa/sec/act# show run all group-policy
group-policy DfltGrpPolicy internal
group-policy DfltGrpPolicy attributes
banner none
wins-server none
dns-server none
dhcp-network-scope none
vpn-access-hours none
vpn-simultaneous-logins 3
vpn-idle-timeout 30
vpn-idle-timeout alert-interval 1
vpn-session-timeout none
vpn-session-timeout alert-interval 1
vpn-filter none
ipv6-vpn-filter none
vpn-tunnel-protocol ikev1 ikev2 l2tp-ipsec ssl-clientless
password-storage disable
ip-comp disable
re-xauth disable
group-lock none
pfs disable
ipsec-udp disable
ipsec-udp-port 10000
split-tunnel-policy tunnelall
ipv6-split-tunnel-policy tunnelall
split-tunnel-network-list none
default-domain none
split-dns none
split-tunnel-all-dns disable
intercept-dhcp disable
secure-unit-authentication disable
user-authentication disable
user-authentication-idle-timeout 30
ip-phone-bypass disable
client-bypass-protocol disable
gateway-fqdn none
leap-bypass disable
nem disable
backup-servers keep-client-config
msie-proxy server none
msie-proxy method no-modify
msie-proxy except-list none
msie-proxy local-bypass disable
msie-proxy pac-url none
msie-proxy lockdown enable
vlan none
address-pools none
ipv6-address-pools none
smartcard-removal-disconnect enable
scep-forwarding-url none
security-group-tag none
periodic-authentication certificate none
client-firewall none
client-access-rule none
url-list none
filter none
homepage none
html-content-filter none
port-forward name Application Access
port-forward disable
http-proxy disable
anyconnect ssl dtls enable
anyconnect mtu 1406
anyconnect firewall-rule client-interface private none
anyconnect firewall-rule client-interface public none
anyconnect keep-installer installed
anyconnect ssl keepalive 20
anyconnect ssl rekey time none
anyconnect ssl rekey method none
anyconnect dpd-interval client 30
anyconnect dpd-interval gateway 30
anyconnect ssl compression none
anyconnect dtls compression none
anyconnect modules none
anyconnect profiles none
anyconnect ask none
customization none
keep-alive-ignore 4
http-comp gzip
download-max-size 2147483647
upload-max-size 2147483647
post-max-size 2147483647
user-storage none
storage-objects value cookies,credentials
storage-key none
hidden-shares none
smart-tunnel disable
activex-relay enable
unix-auth-uid 65534
unix-auth-gid 65534
file-entry enable
file-browsing enable
url-entry enable
deny-message value Login was successful, but because certain criteria have not been met or due to some specific group policy, you do not have permission to use any of the VPN features. Contact your IT administrator for more information
smart-tunnel auto-signon disable
anyconnect ssl df-bit-ignore disable
anyconnect routing-filtering-ignore disable
smart-tunnel tunnel-policy tunnelall
always-on-vpn profile-setting
- ASA 没有对应路由,找不到对应设备,检查路由。
- ASA 有对应路由,但是该设备不提供访问,检查对端设备是否开放对应服务。
- 要求提供15等级账号,账号错误或者等级不够。
- 需要配置认证方式,本地、aaa、域等方式。
- SSL 位于传输层之上,应用层之下
- 提供私密性,完整性,身份验证机制
SSL VPN 三种工作模式
Clientless Mode
- 无客户端模式
- 提供安全的web资源和基于WEB内容访问
- 提供CIFS提供远程文件共享
- 受限于Web平台可提供的能力
Thin Client Mode
- 瘦客户端模式,也称为端口转发
- 提供客户端TCP服务的远程访问
- 瘦客户端是在SSLVPN会话建立的通过java程序方式进行下载
- 增强了网页浏览器的加密功能
- PF支持所有单一信道,客户服务器模型的TCP运用
Thick Client Mode
- 厚客户端模式,也叫做Tunnel Mode、Full Tunnel
- 提供更广的应用程序支持,支持所有使用IP协议的应用
- Cisco 提供Cisco anyconnect VPN 软件进行拨号,使用TCP 443端口号