Suppose two functions contact - 图1 have continuous derivatives of order high enough. We say that contact - 图2 and contact - 图3 have a contact of order contact - 图4 (contact - 图5) at a point contact - 图6, if for all contact - 图7, we have contact - 图8. In geometric terms, let contact - 图9 be the graphs of contact - 图10 and contact - 图11 respectively. Then, at the point contact - 图12,

    (1) contact - 图13 and contact - 图14 have zeroth order contact iff contact - 图15 but contact - 图16 and contact - 图17 are not tangent at contact - 图18;

    (2) contact - 图19 and contact - 图20 have first order contact iff contact - 图21 and contact - 图22 are tangent to each other at contact - 图23;

    (3) contact - 图24 and contact - 图25 have second order contact iff their osculating curvatures at contact - 图26 are equal;

    (4) contact - 图27 and contact - 图28 have contact - 图29#card=math&code=%28n%2B2%29&id=GzpzI)-th order contact iff the contact - 图30-th derivatives of their curvatures at contact - 图31 are equal.

    Note that at any inflection point contact - 图32, the curvature is zero. This means the osculating circle at contact - 图33 is just a straight line. We define the evolute of a curve to be the locus of the centres of all the osculating circles.