# 阅读Cilium的Blog发现最近出 了一篇新的帖子,因为Cilium是一个新的CNI对我们来说,而且其中有许多新的概念是我们平时没能接触到(当然是我们平时很少看内核网络相关的代码所致,这点需要补充了。)要努力呀。
How eBPF Streamlines the Service Mesh - 所以尝试翻译下,或是拜读一下:
- 1.Service Mesh With SideCar ```properties 1.首先来看一下我们平时谈的ServiceMesh,最直接的就是密密麻麻的Mesh混杂在一起,我们可能会想到,这样真的好么?我们会不会把问题复杂化了呢?我们脱离了OpenStack带来的臃肿,难道迎来了Kubernetes的复杂么?实际上,我们经常可能会有这样的疑问,甚至觉得Mesh给我们带来了什么?仅仅是联系么,此为一层。第二我们在mesh中加入一个SideCar,通常为envoy。这样每一个pod又会增加1:1个envoy。这样在Pod数量增加的时候,envoy也在增加,资源明显消耗过高。
目前针对于这个SideCar已经有的方案由三种: 1.对于每一个Pod都有一个infra容器,所以有方案想把这个SideCar做到这个infra中来实现。比如:https://github.com/flomesh-io/pipy
- [x] **2.Cilium With SideCar**
从图上我们可以明显的看出来,envoy代理 由多个减少为1个。这样可大大的减少"重复"的SideCar,对我们的整体负载减少的非常明显。
// 来自该帖子的描述,我们这里借用一下。
The memory used by each proxy increases in relation to the number of services that it needs to be able to communicate with. Pranay Singhal wrote about his experiences configuring Istio to reduce consumption from around 1GB per proxy (!) to a much more reasonable 60-70MB each. But even in our small, imaginary environment with 100 proxies on three nodes, this optimized configuration still needs around 2GB per node.、
The eBPF-based Cilium project (which recently joined the Cloud Computing Foundation at Incubation level) brings this “sidecarless” model to the world of service mesh. As well as the conventional sidecar model, Cilium supports running a service mesh data plane using a single Envoy proxy instance per node. Using our example from earlier, this reduces the number of proxy instances from 100 to just three.
In contrast, in the eBPF-enabled, sidecarless proxy model, the pods do not need any additional YAML in order to be instrumented. Instead, a CRD is used to configure the service mesh on a cluster-wide basis. Even pre-existing pods can become part of the service mesh without needing a restart!
在sidecarless 模式下,pod不需要额外的YAML,取而代之的是cluster-wide形式的CRD.甚至是已经存在的Pod我们也可以直接加入到这个envoy的backend中,而不用重新重启而被webhooks注入进来,这点优于我们目前的sidecar full mesh形式。
One kernel per host
- 3.CIlium eBPF 提升网络效率[sidecarless mode]
Network packets travel through a much shorter path in the eBPF-accelerated, sidecarless proxy model for service mesh
在sidecar 模式下:sidecar 容器和main container之间通信需要经过tcp/ip协议栈来实现数据通信,说白了就是使用lookback口进行通信,这是datapath 1.
而一个简单的数据通信,需要经过两层tcp/ip协议栈,这是我们目前的方式。而envoy代理的流量出去的时候,我们知道是采用veth pair的形式,此为datapath2.
经过container所在的ns以后,通过veth pair进入root ns中,继续走root ns中的协议栈。此为datapath3.
An eBPF-based Kubernetes CNI implementation such as Cilium can use eBPF programs, judiciously hooked into specific points in the kernel, to redirect the packet along a much more direct route. This is possible because Cilium is aware of all the Kubernetes endpoints and service identities. When a packet arrives on the host, Cilium can dispatch it straight to the proxy or pod endpoint to which it is destined.
- 4.Service Mesh Encryption ```properties 对于我们目前看到的service之间的流量我们通常可能需要由加密的需求,所以在istio中我们使用mTLS。TLS不仅仅唯一的手段。我们还可以使用IPSec 或是 Wireguard。 But TLS, managed at the application layer, is not the only way to achieve authenticated and encrypted traffic between components. Another option is to encrypt traffic at the network layer, using IPSec or WireGuard. Because it operates at the network layer, this encryption is entirely transparent not only to the application but also to the proxy — and it can be enabled with or without a service mesh. If your only reason for using a service mesh is to provide encryption, you may want to consider network-level encryption. Not only is it simpler, but it can also be used to authenticate and encrypt any traffic on the node — it is not limited to only those workloads that are sidecar-enabled.
目前我们接受到的环境虽然没有使用service mesh ,但是我们也需要不同的components之间也是需要采用加密的需求,我们目前是基于IPSec的方式实现。原因是实现方式和组网模式不一样。 在我们的环境中,我们通常是基于vpp 的 plugin 来实现:具体参考vpp pulgin:https://ligato-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user-guide/articles/IPSec-plugin/