
appname: “usercenter2pro” AND path: “/home/admin/logs/tracelog/rpc-server-digest.log” AND tag: “sofa-log,tracelog,rpc-server-digest” AND main_data_parsed.state_code:”00”
select message from usercenter2pro where at_timestamp between toUnixTimestamp(‘$time$’) 1000 and toUnixTimestamp(‘$time$’) 1000 and tag = ‘sofa-log,tracelog,rpc-server-digest’ and
visitParamExtractString(main_data_parsed,’state_code’) = ‘00’



  1. select cast(diskIndex as integer) as diskIndex,sfDiskSize from snmp
  2. where tag='ad'
  3. and sfDiskSize > '0'
  4. and local_ip = ''
  5. group by diskIndex,sfDiskSize
  6. order by diskIndex

TIPS:由于group by使用限制,select中的列如果不在GROUP BY中,则需要使用aggregate function,否则无法返回结果


  1. select cast(diskIndex as integer) as diskIndex,sfFilesystemName as mt_point from snmp
  2. where tag='ad'
  3. and sfFilesystemName != ''
  4. group by diskIndex,sfFilesystemName


  1. select cast(diskIndex as integer) as diskIndex,max(sfFilesystemName) as mt_point from snmp
  2. where tag='ad'
  3. and sfFilesystemName != ''
  4. group by diskIndex


  1. select time ,sfFilesystemName sfDiskUsedPercent from
  2. (select toDateTime((at_timestamp - at_timestamp%60000)/1000) as time,sfDiskUsedPercent,diskIndex from snmp
  3. where tag = 'ad'
  4. and sfDiskUsedPercent > '0'
  5. order by time desc limit 11)
  6. any left join
  7. (select toDateTime((at_timestamp - at_timestamp%60000)/1000) as time,sfFilesystemName,diskIndex from snmp
  8. where tag='ad'
  9. and sfFilesystemName != ''
  10. order by time desc limit 11)
  11. using diskIndex
  12. order by diskIndex


ifIndex字段搜索对应的值为数字,想要转换为对应运营商标识,可以使用case when函数做转换

case ifIndex when ‘47’ then ‘联通’ else ‘其他’ end

  1. select toDateTime((at_timestamp - at_timestamp%120000)/1000) as time,case ifIndex when '46' then '电信'
  2. when '47' then '联通'
  3. else '移动' end ,ifInOctets/1024/1024 from snmp
  4. where local_ip = ''
  5. and ifIndex != ''
  6. and ifIndex in ('46','47','48')
  7. and ifInOctets != 0
  8. and at_timestamp between $utc_time$ and $utc_time$
  9. group by time,ifInOctets,ifIndex


  1. select visitParamExtractString(SrcIPAddr_parsed,'value') srcIp,
  2. //选取 SrcIPAddr解析后的value字段 作 srcIP,SrcIPAddr(1003)=解析后结果为SrcIPAddr_parsed.key=SrcIPAddr(1003),SrcIPAddr_parsed.value=
  3. //函数visitParamExtractString(target, key) 表示从目标json格式的target里选取 KEY值为key的字段
  4. concat(substring(visitParamExtractString(BeginTime_e_parsed, 'value'),5,4),'-',substring(visitParamExtractString(BeginTime_e_parsed, 'value'),1,2),'-',substring(visitParamExtractString(BeginTime_e_parsed, 'value'),3,2),' ',substring(visitParamExtractString(BeginTime_e_parsed, 'value'),9,2),':',substring(visitParamExtractString(BeginTime_e_parsed, 'value'),11,2),':',substring(visitParamExtractString(BeginTime_e_parsed, 'value'),13,2)) beginTime,
  5. //把BeginTime_e_parsed,即03112019155853调整成时分秒格式,调整后字段名beginTime,目标格式2019-03-11 15:58:53
  6. //函数substring(target,5,4) 表示从目标字符串target里截取子串,从第5个字符开始截取,截取4个字符
  7. //函数concat(a,b,...)字符串拼接函数,参数个数不定
  8. (toUnixTimestamp(concat(substring(visitParamExtractString(BeginTime_e_parsed, 'value'),5,4),'-',substring(visitParamExtractString(BeginTime_e_parsed, 'value'),1,2),'-',substring(visitParamExtractString(BeginTime_e_parsed, 'value'),3,2),' ',substring(visitParamExtractString(BeginTime_e_parsed, 'value'),9,2),':',substring(visitParamExtractString(BeginTime_e_parsed, 'value'),11,2),':',substring(visitParamExtractString(BeginTime_e_parsed, 'value'),13,2)))+28800) beginTimeStamp,
  9. //把03112019155721转换成目标格式2019-03-11 15:58:53后,再转换成时间戳(s)
  10. //函数toUnixTimestamp(dateString) 表示把时间格式字符串转换成时间戳
  11. //+28800 表示把UTC时间的时间戳转换成北京时间时间戳,北京时间比UTC时间快8小时,8*60*60=28800
  12. EndTime_e_parsed as EndTime, message
  13. from nat_nano where at_timestamp between toUnixTimestamp('$time$') * 1000 and toUnixTimestamp('$time$') * 1000 and BeginTime_e != ''
  14. //from tablename,tablename即数据接入时指定的服务名,nat_nano为NAT日志表名
  15. //格式语法,最近$time$时间,若time=3天,表示最近3天,at_timestamp between toUnixTimestamp('$time$') * 1000 and toUnixTimestamp('$time$') * 1000
  16. and EndTime_e_parsed != ''
  17. //sql 筛选条件
  18. and beginTime != ''
  19. and srcIp like '$ip$'
  20. //srcIp like '$ip$'表示用筛选器里的变量ip做结果过滤。ip为全部时选取全部
  21. and srcIp in (
  22. // 子查询,表示在WLAN登录日志里有过上线日志的IP集合
  23. select ip from wlan_nano_json
  24. where at_timestamp between toUnixTimestamp('$time$') * 1000 and toUnixTimestamp('$time$') * 1000
  25. and user_name != ''
  26. and user_name like '%$usefield$%'
  27. //'%$usefield$%' 用户名搜索框筛选
  28. and user_name like '$username$'
  29. //'$username$'用户名下拉框筛选
  30. group by user_name, ip
  31. order by user_name
  32. )


  1. select `备份实例`,`备份成功次数`,`最后一次备份时间`,`备份集大小(G)`,`备份耗时(ms)` from
  2. (select
  3. replaceAll(visitParamExtractRaw(message,'backupEndTime'),'\"','') as `最后一次备份时间`,
  4. (toUnixTimestamp(replaceAll(replaceAll(replaceAll(visitParamExtractRaw(message,'backupEndTime'),'\"',''),'Z',''),'T','\n')) -
  5. toUnixTimestamp(replaceAll(replaceAll(replaceAll(visitParamExtractRaw(message,'backupStartTime'),'\"',''),'Z',''),'T','\n'))) as `备份耗时(ms)`,
  6. cast(replaceAll(visitParamExtractRaw(message,'backupSize'),'\"','') as integer)/1024/1024/1024 as `备份集大小(G)`,
  7. replaceAll(visitParamExtractRaw(message,'dBInstanceId'),'\"','') as `备份实例`
  8. from rds
  9. where tag = 'DBBackups'
  10. and hostname like '$hostname$'
  11. order by `最后一次备份时间` desc limit 1)
  12. any left join
  13. (select
  14. replaceAll(visitParamExtractRaw(message,'dBInstanceId'),'\"','') as `备份实例`,
  15. replaceAll(visitParamExtractRaw(message,'backupStatus'),'\"','') as `stat`,
  16. count(stat) as `备份成功次数`
  17. from rds
  18. where tag = 'DBBackups'
  19. and hostname like '$hostname$'
  20. and `stat` = 'Success'
  21. and at_timestamp between $time$ and $time$
  22. group by stat,`备份实例`)
  23. using `备份实例`


  1. select toDateTime((at_timestamp - at_timestamp%$interval$)/1000) as ttime,'上行带宽' as `类型`,
  2. max(runningDifference(x)/(runningDifference(at_timestamp/1000)))/1024/1024*8
  3. from(
  4. select at_timestamp,visitParamExtractInt(message,'ifHCOutOctets') as `x` from snmp
  5. where local_ip='$address$'
  6. and replaceAll(visitParamExtractRaw(message,'ifDescr'),'\"','') = 'TenGigabitEthernet 1/2/13'
  7. and at_timestamp between $utc_time$ and $utc_time$
  8. and runningDifference(visitParamExtractInt(message,'ifHCOutOctets')) != 0
  9. order by at_timestamp asc)
  10. group by ttime,`类型`
  11. union all
  12. select toDateTime((at_timestamp - at_timestamp%$interval$)/1000) as ttime,'下行带宽' as `类型`,
  13. max(runningDifference(x)/(runningDifference(at_timestamp/1000)))/1024/1024*8
  14. from(
  15. select at_timestamp,visitParamExtractInt(message,'ifHCInOctets') as `x` from snmp
  16. where local_ip='$address$'
  17. and replaceAll(visitParamExtractRaw(message,'ifDescr'),'\"','') = 'TenGigabitEthernet 1/2/13'
  18. and at_timestamp between $utc_time$ and $utc_time$
  19. and runningDifference(visitParamExtractInt(message,'ifHCInOctets')) != 0
  20. order by at_timestamp asc)
  21. group by ttime,`类型`


  1. at_timestamp between (toUnixTimestamp(now())-180)*1000 and toUnixTimestamp(now())*1000
  2. at_timestamp > toUnixTimestamp(subtractMinutes(now(), 300))*1000
  1. select multiIf((100-sum("链路分"))>=85,1,(100-sum("链路分"))>=70,2,3)
  2. from (
  3. select sum("链路状态")*100/5 as "链路分" from (
  4. select LinkIndex,at_timestamp,if ((BitIn+BitOut)/1024/1024/40000 > 80,2,if ((BitIn+BitOut) == 0,0,1)) as "链路状态"
  5. from
  6. (select at_timestamp,LinkIndex,adLinkBitIn as "BitIn" from snmp where at_date = toDate(now()) and at_timestamp between (toUnixTimestamp(now())-600)*1000 and toUnixTimestamp(now())*1000 and tag='ad' and LinkIndex <> '4' and adLinkBitIn > 0)
  7. any left join
  8. (select at_timestamp,LinkIndex,adLinkBitOut as "BitOut" from snmp where at_date = toDate(now()) and at_timestamp between (toUnixTimestamp(now())-600)*1000 and toUnixTimestamp(now())*1000 and tag='ad' and LinkIndex <> '4' and adLinkBitOut > 0 ) USING LinkIndex
  9. order by at_timestamp desc
  10. limit 5)
  11. where "链路状态"=0
  12. union all
  13. select sum("链路状态")*100/5/2 as "链路分" from (
  14. select LinkIndex,at_timestamp,if ((BitIn+BitOut)/1024/1024/20000 > 80,2,if ((BitIn+BitOut) == 0,0,1)) as "链路状态"
  15. from
  16. (select at_timestamp,LinkIndex,adLinkBitIn as "BitIn" from snmp where at_date = toDate(now()) and at_timestamp between (toUnixTimestamp(now())-600)*1000 and toUnixTimestamp(now())*1000 and tag='ad' and LinkIndex <> '4' and adLinkBitIn > 0)
  17. any left join
  18. (select at_timestamp,LinkIndex,adLinkBitOut as "BitOut" from snmp where at_date = toDate(now()) and at_timestamp between (toUnixTimestamp(now())-600)*1000 and toUnixTimestamp(now())*1000 and tag='ad' and LinkIndex <> '4' and adLinkBitOut > 0 ) USING LinkIndex
  19. order by at_timestamp desc
  20. limit 5)
  21. where "链路状态"=2
  22. )


HAVING 的作用和 WHERE 一样,都是起到过滤的作用,只不过 WHERE 是用于数据行,而 HAVING 则作用于分组。

  2. toDateTime((at_timestamp - (at_timestamp % 5)) / 1000) AS ttime,
  3. max(toFloat64OrZero(visitParamExtractRaw(message, 'myCPUUtilization1Min'))) AS `cpu使用率`
  4. FROM snmp
  5. WHERE (local_ip = '') AND (tag = 'switch') AND ((at_timestamp >= 1586745998833) AND (at_timestamp <= 1586745998833))
  6. GROUP BY ttime
  7. HAVING `cpu使用率` != 0
  8. ORDER BY ttime DESC
  9. ┌───────────────ttime─┬─cpu使用率─┐
  10. 2020-04-13 10:46:38 39
  11. └─────────────────────┴───────────┘

如果把上面SQL 中HAVING 后的过滤条件替换成了 WHERE,SQL 则会报错。对于分组的筛选,一定要用 HAVING,而不是 WHERE。HAVING 支持所有 WHERE 的操作,因此所有需要 WHERE 子句实现的功能,可以使用 HAVING 对分组进行筛选。如果要用where,则应该对数据在max聚合分组前进行条件筛选过滤。

  2. toDateTime((at_timestamp - (at_timestamp % 5)) / 1000) AS ttime,
  3. max(toFloat64OrZero(visitParamExtractRaw(message, 'myCPUUtilization1Min'))) AS `cpu使用率`
  4. FROM snmp
  5. WHERE (local_ip = '') AND (tag = 'switch') AND ((at_timestamp >= 1586745998833)
  6. AND (at_timestamp <= 1586745998833))
  7. AND (toFloat64OrZero(visitParamExtractRaw(message, 'myCPUUtilization1Min')) != 0)
  8. GROUP BY ttime
  9. ORDER BY ttime DESC
  10. ┌───────────────ttime─┬─cpu使用率─┐
  11. 2020-04-13 10:46:38 39
  12. └─────────────────────┴───────────┘


  1. select clientip,phone,count(*) from
  2. (select arrayElement(splitByChar('=',arrayElement(splitByChar(' ',msg),13)),2) as clientip,
  3. arrayElement(splitByChar(' ',msg),5) as phone,count(1) as "次数"
  4. from auth where appModelName='cas' and log_level = 'INFO'
  5. and arrayElement(splitByChar(' ',msg),15) like '%failure%'
  6. group by clientip,phone order by "次数" desc)
  7. group by clientip,phone having count(*) > 2 limit 10