Introduction | 引言

In this section we are going to walk through the basics of the plugin by making a simple scene and rendering it with Redshift. This guide assumes that the Redshift Cinema 4D plugin has been installed already.
Ok,let’s fire up Cinema 4D and get started.

Verifying the Installation | 验证安装

First of all let’s make sure that the plugin has installed correctly by looking at the Redshift Preferences which are available in the Cinema 4D Preferences window. Select the Redshift menu from the Cinema 4D’s menu bar and then choose the Preferences option.
首先,让我们确保插件安装正确,查看Rs偏好设置就好了。从C4D的菜单栏中选择Rs,然后选择 Preferences 选项。
Getting Started with Cinema 4D | C4D入门 - 图1

Note | 注意了
If the Redshift main menu is missing,then the plugin installation has not been successful

When selected,the Redshift Preferences are displayed

Verifying System GPUs | 验证系统Gpu

Let’s also make sure that Redshift has detected our system’s GPUs. In the previous image we can see that Redshift has detected two GPUs,and both have been activated. So,everything is working correctly and we can start Rendering!

Creating a simple scene | 创建一个简单的场景

From the Create menu select Object and then Sphere to add a sphere to our blank scene
Getting Started with Cinema 4D | C4D入门 - 图3

Selecting Redshift as the renderer | 选择Rs作为渲染器

Next we need to tell Cinema 4D to use Redshift as the current renderer. To do that,we open the Render Settings window by selecting Render from the Cinema 4D’s menu bar and then Edit Render Settings.

Then in the Render Settings window we select Redshift from the renderer selection drop-down box.

After that,we select the new Redshift entry from the tree on the left side of the Renderer Settings Window. This will reveal the Redshift Render settings for our scene.

Our first render | 第一次渲染

Now,we are all set,to render our simple scene. From the Render menu in the main menu select Render View to render our object in the viewport.
You should see something like this:
Not very exciting.

Let’s see if we can make things more interesting by adding materials.

Creating a Redshift Material | 创建Rs材质

From the Redshift menu,select the Materials group,and within it select the Material option.
Getting Started with Cinema 4D | C4D入门 - 图8
This will create a material based on Redshift’s Rs Material physically correct shader.

Assigning a material | 上材质!

Drag and drop the new material onto the sphere in the scene or alternatively on the object in the scene tree on the top-left part of the Cinema 4D UI.

Adjusting the material settings | 调整材质设置

Select the Redshift material from the material editor. When the material is selected,the parameters of each material component (the shader nodes) can be edited directly within the Cinema 4D Attribute Editor.
Getting Started with Cinema 4D | C4D入门 - 图9
Select the Jade preset from the Base Properties tab. Note that the material preview updates to reflect the changes.
从基本属性选项卡中选择 Jade 预置。注意材质预览更新所显示的变化。
Now,render the scene again,to see our new material.

Editing Materials | 编辑材质

First lets add a couple more objects to the scene to make it slightly more interesting. Add a Capsule object and a sufficiently large plane object to act as a floor for our other objects. Create another Redshift material,leaving all the settings in their default state,and assign it to the capsule object.
Now our scene would look something like this
Getting Started with Cinema 4D | C4D入门 - 图10

Select the capsule material and click the Edit Shader Graph Button within the Attribute Editor
Getting Started with Cinema 4D | C4D入门 - 图11
This is the Redshift Shader Graph Editor,which you can use to create and customize your materials. In Redshift materials are constructed by connecting Shader Nodes together. The Redshift Shader Graph Editor is divided into three main areas.

Node Tree | 节点树

The left area contains a tree of all the Shader Nodes that can be added to a Graph. They are organized into groups depending on the node type or usage.

Graph Area | 图形区域

The center area contains the Shader Graph,which is based on Cinema 4D’s Xpresso system. Nodes be added by dragging one from Node Tree and dropping it into this area. Connections can be formed by clicking on the Output Port area (red square) of a source node to select the desired output and the clicking on the Input Port area (blue square) of the target node,and selecting the input port that will be connected.
中心区域包含着色器图形,它是基于 Cinema 4D 的 Xpresso 系统。通过从 Node Tree 拖动一个节点并将其拖放到这个区域,可以添加节点。可以通过单击源节点的输出端口区域(红色方块)来选择所需的输出,然后单击目标节点的输入端口区域(蓝色方块) ,并选择要连接的输入端口来形成连接。

Node Attribute Editor | 节点属性编辑器

The right area holds an attribute editor for editing the parameters of the currently selected node from the center area. The editor supports all the functions of the built-in attribute editor of Cinema 4D including setting key-frames.

Our material has two Shader Nodes. The first is Material which represents the material’s final outputs to the renderer. The second node is Rs Material which is Redshift’s physically accurate Material Shader. There are multiple material shaders in Redshift,all of which are located under the Materials category in the node tree. In the graph you also see that the shader’s Out Color output is connected to the final Surface output of the material.
我们的材质有两个着色节点。第一个是材质,它代表材质的最终输出到渲染器。第二个节点是 Rs 材质,这是Rs的物理精确材质着色器。在 Redshift 有多个材质着色器,所有这些都位于节点树中的材质类别下。在图中,你还可以看到着色器的输出是与材质的最终 Surface 输出相连的。

Editing the Material Shader Graph | 编辑材质球

Let’s try changing the color of the shader. Select the Rs Material node,and then,in the Basic Properties tab of the node’s attributes change the Color parameters of the Diffuse section. Render the scene to see your changes.
让我们尝试改变着色器的颜色。选择 Rs Material 节点,然后在节点属性的 Basic Properties 选项卡中更改漫反射部分的 Color 参数。渲染场景以查看您的变化。
Now let’s make our boring gray material into something more interesting by adding a Texture!

Adding a Texture | 添加纹理

Open the Textures category in the Node Tree and drag a Texture node into the graph. This will create a texture sampling node. Now let’s connect its Out Color port to the Diffuse Color port of the Rs Material shader.
打开节点树中的纹理类别,并将纹理节点拖动到图中。这将创建一个纹理采样节点。现在让我们连接其出色端口的漫反射颜色港口的 Rs 材质着色器。
Getting Started with Cinema 4D | C4D入门 - 图12

Let’s tell the Texture shader node,the file we want to use. Select the Texture node and in the General settings tab,set the texture’s Filename parameter by clicking the three dots button and picking a texture file from your system:
Getting Started with Cinema 4D | C4D入门 - 图13

Tip | 小知识
You can also set the texture by dragging and dropping files onto the preview area textures from the File Explorer / Finder or from other parts of the Cinema 4D UI (for example Bitmap Shaders)
您还可以通过从文件资源管理器 / 查找或者C4D界面的其他部分(比如位图渲染器)中拖放文件到预览区的纹理

Now let’s render again to see the results
Getting Started with Cinema 4D | C4D入门 - 图14

Interactive Preview Rendering - IPR | 交互式预览渲染-IPR

Editing the scene and clicking Render every time is not only counter-productive,but also slow for complex scenes. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could get some quick feedback on our scene,without having to stop our flow? Actually this is one of the many features inside the Redshift Render View (RV). Check the RenderView page,for more info.
Getting Started with Cinema 4D | C4D入门 - 图15

Let’s open the render view window,by navigating the application main menu to the Redshift plugin menu,and selecting Redshift RenderView
Getting Started with Cinema 4D | C4D入门 - 图16
This is the RenderView window,to activate the IPR,press the Play button on the RV window tool-bar. When the IPR is activated any changes detected in the scene are automatically reflected in the RenderView. That includes Camera and Object movements,Material assignments,Material and Object parameter changes,as well Object geometry edits.
这是渲染视图窗口,要激活 IPR,按 RV 窗口工具栏上的播放按钮。当 IPR 被激活时,在场景中检测到的任何变化都会自动反映在渲染视图中。这包括相机和对象的运动,材质分配,材质和对象参数的变化,以及对象的几何编辑。
Now with the IPR active,move the viewport camera around,move an object,or try changing some material parameter. All changes will be reflected in the RV.
现在,随着 IPR 的激活,移动视窗摄像头,移动一个物体,或者尝试改变一些材质参数。所有的变化都会反映在 RV 中。

Creating a Redshift Light | 创建Rs灯光

Our scene so far has only very simple lighting. Let’s make it more dramatic by adding a Redshift Light.
From the Redshift menu,select Infinite Light from the Lights sub-menu.
Getting Started with Cinema 4D | C4D入门 - 图17

Select and move the light to a good spot,and rotate it towards our objects. Let’s take a quick look at the basic parameters of this object.
Getting Started with Cinema 4D | C4D入门 - 图18
Looking in the General tab of this object,we see that this light is actually an Redshift Light where its type has been set as Infinite. You can easily switch between different light types by changing the Light Type parameter.
查看这个物体的一般标签,我们看到这个光实际上是一个Rs光,其类型被设置为无限。通过更改 Light Type 参数,您可以轻松地在不同的灯光类型之间进行切换。
Next tweak our light a bit by clicking on the Shadow tab.
Getting Started with Cinema 4D | C4D入门 - 图19
Here you can find the shadowing settings. Let’s change the intensity of the shadows by adjusting the Transparency setting.
Now our scene will look this in the RV
现在我们的场景将在 RV 中看到这个
Getting Started with Cinema 4D | C4D入门 - 图20

Creating a Physical Sky and Sun | 创造一个物质的天空和太阳

How about we go one step further with the lighting? Let’s add a Physical Sun and Sky to give our scene a more realistic look.
First let’s delete the Redshift Light,because it will not be necessary once we have a Sun object.
Then in the Redshift menu select the Redshift Sun & Sky Rig option from the Object sub-menu like so:
Getting Started with Cinema 4D | C4D入门 - 图21

Now our scene tree will look something like this:
Getting Started with Cinema 4D | C4D入门 - 图22

Let’s rotate our viewport camera towards the horizon and check our RV window to see how it looks
Getting Started with Cinema 4D | C4D入门 - 图23

Tip | 又一个小知识
A Redshift Sun object can be rotated and animated just like an Infinite light. Changes to the Sun’s direction will also affect the behavior of the Physical Sky.

So,let’s bring the sun into view by selecting the Redshift Sun object by rotating it until it faces our viewport.
Getting Started with Cinema 4D | C4D入门 - 图24
You can try changing the parameters of the Redshift Sun and Redshift Sky objects,and see what other results you can get.

Creating a Redshift Camera | 创建Rs相机

Let’s experiment a little with this render,by changing the camera type to one of the Redshift cameras.
First let’s create a Redshift camera object. In the Redshift menu select the Standard Camera from the Cameras sub-menu. The camera should match our current viewport.
Then activate the camera in the viewport by selecting from the viewport’s Cameras menu the Use Camera sub-menu and then selecting our new camera. Now our viewport is looking through our new camera.
Getting Started with Cinema 4D | C4D入门 - 图25
The object holds a Redshift Camera Tag,which contains the Redshift-specific attributes of our camera.

Let’s check out some of the parameters.
Getting Started with Cinema 4D | C4D入门 - 图26
With Camera Type you can override the camera type from the standard Cinema 4D one to one of the Redshift ones.
使用 Camera Type,你可以从标准的 Cinema 4 d 转换到Rs相机。

Let’s change it to Fisheye.
Now our render camera uses a Fisheye-type lens,and looks like this.
Getting Started with Cinema 4D | C4D入门 - 图27
Try the different camera types and experiment with their parameters.

Adding Lens Effects to a Camera | 为相机添加些镜头效果

We can also add lens effects to our Redshift camera,via the Exposure Bokeh and Distortion tabs.

Let’s adjust some of the parameters
Getting Started with Cinema 4D | C4D入门 - 图28
Here we adjusted the Shutter Time Ratio,added Vignetting and dropped a little bit the saturation amount.
Finally we added a touch of Depth-Of-Field/Bokeh by slightly increasing the CoC Radius.
最后我们通过稍微增加 CoC 半径来增加一点 Depth-Of-Field/Bokeh 的感觉。

And here is the final image from our RV.
Getting Started with Cinema 4D | C4D入门 - 图29