Linux strace



  • 可以对特定的系统调用或者几组系统调用进行过滤
  • 可以通过统计特定系统调用的调用次数、耗费的时间、成功和失败的次数来配置(profile)系统调用的使用 I
  • 跟踪发送给进程的信号量
  • 可以通过pid附着(attach)到任何运行的进程



1) 找出程序在startup的时候读取的哪个config文件


  1. $ strace php 2>&1 | grep php.ini
  2. open("/usr/local/bin/php.ini", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  3. open("/usr/local/lib/php.ini", O_RDONLY) = 4
  4. lstat64("/usr/local/lib/php.ini", {st_mode=S_IFLNK|0777, st_size=27, ...}) = 0
  5. readlink("/usr/local/lib/php.ini", "/usr/local/Zend/etc/php.ini", 4096) = 27
  6. lstat64("/usr/local/Zend/etc/php.ini", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0664, st_size=40971, ...}) = 0


  1. $ strace -e open php 2>&1 | grep php.ini
  2. open("/usr/local/bin/php.ini", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  3. open("/usr/local/lib/php.ini", O_RDONLY) = 4

-e expr -- a qualifying expression: option=[!]all or option=[!]val1[,val2]...
options: trace, abbrev, verbose, raw, signal, read, write

2) 为什么这个程序没有打开相应的文件?


  1. $ strace -e open,access 2>&1 | grep your-filename

3) 某个进程现在在做什么

某个进程突然占用了很多CPU? 或者某个进程看起来像hanging了?

  1. root@dev:~# strace -p 15427
  2. Process 15427 attached - interrupt to quit
  3. futex(0x402f4900, FUTEX_WAIT, 2, NULL
  4. Process 15427 detached

“strace -p”非常有用,它减少了很多猜测工作,也不需要重新启动应用。
-p pid -- trace process with process id PID, may be repeated

4) 查看程序执行的时间


  1. root@dev:~# strace -c -p 11084
  2. Process 11084 attached - interrupt to quit
  3. Process 11084 detached
  4. % time seconds usecs/call calls errors syscall
  5. ------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
  6. 94.59 0.001014 48 21 select
  7. 2.89 0.000031 1 21 getppid
  8. 2.52 0.000027 1 21 time
  9. ------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
  10. 100.00 0.001072 63 total
  11. root@dev:~#

-c -- count time, calls, and errors for each syscall and report summary
-C -- like -c but also print regular output
在执行strace -c -p命令以后,等到关注的时间到了后,按ctrl-c退出,strace会列出如上的profiling数据。
也可以运行”start to finish”,这里是”ls”

  1. root@dev:~# strace -c >/dev/null ls
  2. % time seconds usecs/call calls errors syscall
  3. ------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
  4. 23.62 0.000205 103 2 getdents64
  5. 18.78 0.000163 15 11 1 open
  6. 15.09 0.000131 19 7 read
  7. 12.79 0.000111 7 16 old_mmap
  8. 7.03 0.000061 6 11 close
  9. 4.84 0.000042 11 4 munmap
  10. 4.84 0.000042 11 4 mmap2
  11. 4.03 0.000035 6 6 6 access
  12. 3.80 0.000033 3 11 fstat64
  13. 1.38 0.000012 3 4 brk
  14. 0.92 0.000008 3 3 3 ioctl
  15. 0.69 0.000006 6 1 uname
  16. 0.58 0.000005 5 1 set_thread_area
  17. 0.35 0.000003 3 1 write
  18. 0.35 0.000003 3 1 rt_sigaction
  19. 0.35 0.000003 3 1 fcntl64
  20. 0.23 0.000002 2 1 getrlimit
  21. 0.23 0.000002 2 1 set_tid_address
  22. 0.12 0.000001 1 1 rt_sigprocmask
  23. ------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
  24. 100.00 0.000868 87 10 total


5) 无法连接到服务器的问题追踪

下面是跟踪”nc”连接到 80端口的例子

  1. $ strace -e poll,select,connect,recvfrom,sendto nc 80
  2. sendto(3, "\\24\\0\\0\\0\\26\\0\\1\\3\\255\\373NH\\0\\0\\0\\0\\0\\0\\0\\0", 20, 0, {sa_family=AF_NETLINK, pid=0, groups=00000000}, 12) = 20
  3. connect(3, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path="/var/run/nscd/socket"}, 110) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  4. connect(3, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path="/var/run/nscd/socket"}, 110) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  5. connect(3, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(53), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 28) = 0
  6. poll([{fd=3, events=POLLOUT, revents=POLLOUT}], 1, 0) = 1
  7. sendto(3, "\\213\\321\\1\\0\\0\\1\\0\\0\\0\\0\\0\\0\\3www\\4news\\3com\\0\\0\\34\\0\\1", 30, MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL, 0) = 30
  8. poll([{fd=3, events=POLLIN, revents=POLLIN}], 1, 5000) = 1
  9. recvfrom(3, "\\213\\321\\201\\200\\0\\1\\0\\1\\0\\1\\0\\0\\3www\\4news\\3com\\0\\0\\34\\0\\1\\300\\f"..., 1024, 0, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(53), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16]) = 153
  10. connect(3, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(53), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 28) = 0
  11. poll([{fd=3, events=POLLOUT, revents=POLLOUT}], 1, 0) = 1
  12. sendto(3, "k\\374\\1\\0\\0\\1\\0\\0\\0\\0\\0\\0\\3www\\4news\\3com\\0\\0\\1\\0\\1", 30, MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL, 0) = 30
  13. poll([{fd=3, events=POLLIN, revents=POLLIN}], 1, 5000) = 1
  14. recvfrom(3, "k\\374\\201\\200\\0\\1\\0\\2\\0\\0\\0\\0\\3www\\4news\\3com\\0\\0\\1\\0\\1\\300\\f"..., 1024, 0, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(53), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16]) = 106
  15. connect(3, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(53), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 28) = 0
  16. poll([{fd=3, events=POLLOUT, revents=POLLOUT}], 1, 0) = 1
  17. sendto(3, "\\\\\\2\\1\\0\\0\\1\\0\\0\\0\\0\\0\\0\\3www\\4news\\3com\\0\\0\\1\\0\\1", 30, MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL, 0) = 30
  18. poll([{fd=3, events=POLLIN, revents=POLLIN}], 1, 5000) = 1
  19. recvfrom(3, "\\\\\\2\\201\\200\\0\\1\\0\\2\\0\\0\\0\\0\\3www\\4news\\3com\\0\\0\\1\\0\\1\\300\\f"..., 1024, 0, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(53), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16]) = 106
  20. connect(3, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(80), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 EINPROGRESS (Operation now in progress)
  21. select(4, NULL, [3], NULL, NULL) = 1 (out [3])

注意到尝试连接/var/run/nscd/socket?这意味着nc首先尝试连接NSCD—the Name Service Cache Daemon—它通常用来基于NIS,YP,LDAP或者类似的目录协议提供域名查询。在这里它失败了。
然后它连接DNS(DNS是port 53,所以”sin_port=htons(53)”)。然后它调用了”sendto()”,发送包含的DNS 包。

Notice the connection attempts to /var/run/nscd/socket? They mean nc first tries to connect to NSCD - the Name Service Cache Daemon - which is usually used in setups that rely on NIS, YP, LDAP or similar directory protocols for name lookups. In this case the connects fails.

It then moves on to DNS (DNS is port 53, hence the “sin_port=htons(53)” in the following connect. You can see it then does a “sendto()” call, sending a DNS packet that contains It then reads back a packet. For whatever reason it tries three times, the last with a slightly different request. My best guess why in this case is that is a CNAME (an “alias”), and the multiple requests may just be an artifact of how nc deals with that.

Then in the end, it finally issues a connect() to the IP it found. Notice it returns EINPROGRESS. That means the connect was non-blocking - nc wants to go on processing. It then calls select(), which succeeds when the connection was successful.

Try adding “read” and “write” to the list of syscalls given to strace and enter a string when connected, and you’ll get something like this:

  1. read(0, "test\\n", 1024) = 5
  2. write(3, "test\\n", 5) = 5
  3. poll([{fd=3, events=POLLIN, revents=POLLIN}, {fd=0, events=POLLIN}], 2, -1) = 1
  4. read(3, "



看一台高负载服务器的 top 结果:
Linux故障查询工具—strace - 图1
技巧:运行 top 时,按「1」打开 CPU 列表,按「shift+p」以 CPU 排序。
在本例中大家很容易发现 CPU 主要是被若干个 PHP 进程占用了,同时 PHP 进程占用的比较多的内存,不过系统内存尚有结余,SWAP 也不严重,这并不是问题主因。
不过在 CPU 列表中能看到 CPU 主要消耗在内核态「sy」,而不是用户态「us」,和经验不符。Linux 操作系统有很多用来跟踪程序行为的工具,内核态的函数调用跟踪用「strace」,用户态的函数调用跟踪用「ltrace」,所以这里应该用「strace」:

shell> strace -p <PID>

不过如果直接用 strace 跟踪某个进程的话,那么往往是满屏翻滚的字符,想从这里看出问题的症结并不是一件容易的事情,好在 strace 可以按操作汇总时间:

shell> strace -cp <PID>

Linux故障查询工具—strace - 图2
很明显,能看到 CPU 主要被 clone 操作消耗了,还可以单独跟踪一下 clone:

shell> strace -T -e clone -p <PID>

Linux故障查询工具—strace - 图3
很明显,一个 clone 操作需要几百毫秒,至于 clone 的含义,参考 man 文档:

clone() creates a new process, in a manner similar to fork(2). It is actually a library function layered on top of the underlying clone() system call, hereinafter referred to as sys_clone. A description of sys_clone is given towards the end of this page.

Unlike fork(2), these calls allow the child process to share parts of its execution context with the calling process, such as the memory space, the table of file descriptors, and the table of signal handlers. (Note that on this manual page, “calling process” normally corresponds to “parent process”. But see the description of CLONE_PARENT below.)

简单来说,就是创建一个新进程。那么在 PHP 里什么时候会出现此类系统调用呢?查询业务代码看到了 exec 函数,通过如下命令验证它确实会导致 clone 系统调用:

shell> strace -eclone php -r 'exec("ls");

最后再思考一个问题:如果用 strace 跟踪一个进程,输出结果很少,是不是说明进程很空闲?其实试试 ltrace,可能会发现别有洞天。记住有内核态和用户态之分。

strace -f -e trace=read,write -p 17151 -o log 跟踪进程17151及子进程中read和write系统调用,输出到log文件.

-e expr
qualifier 只能是 trace,abbrev,verbose,raw,signal,read,write其中之一.
默认的 qualifier是 trace.
-e open等价于 -e trace=open,表示只跟踪open调用.
有两个特殊的符号 all 和 none.
-e trace=
只跟踪指定的系统 调用.例如:-e trace=open,close,rean,write表示只跟踪这四个系统调用.默认的为set=all.
-e trace=file
-e trace=process 只跟踪有关进程控制的系统调用.
-e trace=network 跟踪与网络有关的所有系统调用.
-e strace=signal 跟踪所有与系统信号有关的 系统调用
跟踪所有与系统信号有关的 系统调用
-e trace=ipc 跟踪所有与进程通讯有关的系统调用
-e abbrev= 设定 strace输出的系统调用的结果集.-v 等与 abbrev=none.默认为abbrev=all.
设定 strace输出的系统调用的结果集.-v 等与 abbrev=none.默认为abbrev=all.
-e raw= 将指 定的系统调用的参数以十六进制显示.
将指 定的系统调用的参数以十六进制显示.
-e signal= 指定跟踪的系统信号.默认为all.如 signal=!SIGIO(或者signal=!io),表示不跟踪SIGIO信号.
指定跟踪的系统信号.默认为all.如 signal=!SIGIO(或者signal=!io),表示不跟踪SIGIO信号.
-e read= 输出从指定文件中读出 的数据.例如:
输出从指定文件中读出 的数据.例如:
-e read=,
-e write=

strace -o output.txt -T -tt -e trace=all -p 28979

上面的含义是 跟踪28979进程的所有系统调用(-e trace=all),并统计系统调用的花费时间,以及开始时间(并以可视化的时分秒格式显示),最后将记录结果存在output.txt文件里面。
strace [ -dffhiqrtttTvxx ] [ -acolumn ] [ -eexpr ] ... [ -ofile ] [-ppid ] ... [ -sstrsize ] [ -uusername ] [ -Evar=val ] ... [ -Evar ]... [ command [ arg ... ] ]
strace -c [ -eexpr ] ... [ -Ooverhead ] [ -Ssortby ] [ command [ arg... ] ]