Is OpenStack fighting a lost battle?
大概 5 年前,我在 GCP 和一个候选人吃午饭,对方当时在 IBM 做 OpenStack。对方抱怨一个提交往往要花 2, 3 天,不停地重试才能把所有的集成测试跑过。因为 OpenStack 分成了许多的组件,整个生态也有好几家重量级商业公司参与,大家都带着各自的商业利益在项目里博弈,导致牵扯到跨不同组件的集成测试一直不稳定。一听他讲到这里,我就意识到,OpenStack 是没有前途的。

The Evolution of The Data Engineer: A Look at The Past, Present & Future
HN 下一个 Spotify 数据工程师的回答也很务实。大数据领域当下的挑战是如何提高整个 Data Pipeline 的 feedback loop 来验证数据链路的正确性。从最上游的数据(无论是存在 1st Party 业务 OLTP 数据库上的数据,还是存在 3rd Party 如 Salesforce, HubSpot 里面的数据)直到最后得出数据洞察结论的整条数据链路。

Krispy Kreme, Crocs, and Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing
阅读笔记 002 - 洞洞鞋的重生 - 图1
另外有关 Costco 的:

Many retailers look at an item and say, I’m selling this for $10. How can I sell it for $11? We look at it and say, How can we get it to $9? And then, How can we get it to $8? It is contrary to the thinking of a retailer.

Do you have to love what you do?
来自 37signals 的 CEO。作者开头引用了 Jobs 的一句话

The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.


I don’t buy it.

作者拿的反例是 靠 hate 也可以做,但就像我们常说「爱之深,恨之切」,所以我感觉作者的观点和 Jobs 的话并不矛盾 (可能是故意要树立一个对立),讲的都是对事情是否在意,有激情。

Inside Prometheus: An Open Source System That Changed Technology
Honeypot 最新出品的纪录片。Prometheus 是软件领域最流行的监控系统。片子里一位受访者讲到

People talk about standards, standards are used in two different ways. Sometimes people mean standards like TCP where everybody uses the same way to connect up a network. Another kind of standard is what we call a standard tool or a de facto standard it means commonly used popular tools that everyone should understand.